
Currency day

One week later...

This week we finished building forge and food storeroom and another supplies room for anything else, it was a really good week, we rescue many people and had 26 people join us but this makes room for another problem and that's what should we do for food? lately, there is nothing to loot anymore we finished our area and must think of another way for getting supplies, we can last about 3 months if we share but I don't think it's going to work that way so 1 month is limit but now we need to go to more populated areas we need more Profesional people, food and more tools, this week I finished making groups for people that joined , I know that the week has been more peaceful than I Think ,but i know that it will not be the same anymore, we must move out of our safe heaven to rescue people and recruiting them and for food and order supplies , time will not wait for us ,if we move slowly we will lose in this death race,One of the good think this week happened with the people in the camp become more united and begin helping each other it's really important to know to be human you need other humans we are weak but together we are strong , how many Zombies do you think one powerful person can kill?, in he will dies in hordes of zombies,

As I finished my thinking about future I go to dinner hall for meeting The room was full of people but what I can say I think we need new meeting room

- hello everybody I'm really happy to see you all alive and not hungry as you know many people out there doesn't have the luxury that you have so remember Our goal is to save others if we can and finish this fucking apocalypse many of you may think why we need new people? I tell you it's because the human strength is in order humans we can't do all the things alone more people we have more responsibility we will Have to Shoulder but in exchange we have more power, for now, you are here For new Forge and storeroom, some of you might ask why we need the storeroom anyone store their own supplies and that's it! What do you know if you do it that Way when you want to trade you must exchange goods With good it means you're more circular around of camp to finally find someone that has what you want and then exchange it with another thing but a nightmare start when you see you don't have any good that you can exchange that he wants so you-you must exchange good spirit another person and then exchange it with another person again and do this until you find the goods that you need to exchange with him then another nightmare he already exchange the goods that you want with another person because he has what he want even if you find another person that has what you want do you think you can do this whole thing again and there is no possibility that he exchange it with another person? This show you that currency is needed for us to exchange goods between ourselves so here is another laws :

1- anybody who has any good and food can't store more than what he will be using for one week if you have any food that will go bad in near future you must use it first or if you think you can't use it because you have more than you-you need your must place it in storeroom so that other people use it

2- Foods and other supplies that you loot in operations must be reported to camp you can use anything you want of them and get anything you need for next Week but your must store anything else in the storeroom It has a 20% tax if it's normal operation but if it's a special operation like Riding a warehouse Or a camp or another thing, tax may be different it will be mentioned before operation.

3- We have three type of currency food type and monster type and uneatable type, their name will be The food ticket and monster ticket and UE ticket you can exchange it with anyone you want, for any food you can exchange it for food ticket , Foods have different Worths so you get food tickets base on its condition and type and how much is it

For monster type and uneatable type it's the same story

Then we all inspect storeroom and forge then I go to my room and open my phone

--> currency function

Please into the currencies that you want to make

I enter them and what they represent

--> calculating currencies formula please wait...

--> calculation complete

Fish conserve 100g = 10* condition

Kidney bean conserver 100 g = 8* condition

Normal animals meat with out bone 100 g = 30 * condition




Monster core rank 0 = 10

100 g Iron = 50UE * condition


It was really long list
