3 Chapter 2 The Attack

The group arrives at Forlorn Village they see the everyone was hiding or evacuating, Blizz looked devastated

Blizz:"Salavans did this?"

Xento:"The war truly has started" he sighs looking somber

Leduke:"I can't wait to get revenge"

Glacian Soldiers:"The Attack is mostly towards the Forlorn Church"

They head there to see Soldiers from the salvan fighting glacian Soldiers

Salavan Soldier:"Tell where the hero relic is!"

Glacian Soldier:"The What!?"

Salavan Soldier2:"We now it's here and Command Heat won't rest till he gets it"

Heat:"That's right boys" a fox in red armor walks up with a pistol and axe in hand "Now tell us or you die"

Blizz:"I see the church and Salvans!"

Xento:"Blizz Leduke you head to the church all take care of these ruffians outside, soldiers help civilians!"

They follow orders, as Blizz and Leduke run towards the church they bump into a cloaked fellow

???:"Ow watch it ya Frostards(Frost-tards)"

He rubs his head

Leduke:"Frostards? Hey what smells like fish, Wait a minute you couldn't be a Glacian if you use that slang you're a!" He removes the hood of ??? Revealing a buff shark with a gold tooth "Wavian!"

Fang:"All right ya found me out, now what?"

He removes his cloak he was wearing a vest, ripped shorts, and boots with a shark tooth necklace

"Gonna turn me in?, I don't have anything illegal"

Leduke:"I'd be happy to beat you up, you filthy pirate!"

Fang:"Hey no need to racial"

Leduke:"You called us Frostards!" He argued

They argue while Blizz hears mayhem in the church

Blizz:"Hey! Maybe he can help us!"

They both look at him like "What?"

Blizz:"Us Glacians have a weakness to Salavan's Fire Element, he can help if he's a wavian!" He smiles

Leduke:"I guess, what's your weapon!"

Fang:"Fine I'll help ya, I'm Fang and my weapon is me shark pendent" he had some sort of pendant wrapped around his forearm


They run into the church, on the battle field, Xento jumps off his Frostagons

Xento:"Oh my back"

Heat:"Hm what's an old man doing here, guards kill him" The orb Xento's crane glows as his eyes flares up and he bulks up

Xento:"I'd like to see you try sonny boys! BEAST OF THE NORTH!" He launched a massive polar bear shape blast obliterating the Soldiers

Heat:"Woah, impressive but let's see how you do against me" He grins as the battle begins we cut back to the church with the other three, they run pass a statue

Blizz :"Woah is that like the first king before Zarc? It must be Ancient!"

Leduke:"This is a Church the studies the HERO's story the old king is a part of that kinda"

Fang:"Whatever let's go!"

They get to the main room and see Pendras surrounded by Salvans


{see if you can guess That reference}

The soldiers except one attacks the group

Battle Begin-

Blizz HP;600

Leduke HP;800

Fang HP;1000

Salvanx3 HP 500 each

They stand off glaring ready for combat
