
Time to kidnap a princess..

The calm, relaxing seabreeze enveloped my beautiful body, as I laid down on one of the beach chairs Takagami thankfully packed.

Don't know why he decided to pack beach chairs, but I'm not complaining.

According to the map, and my meager navigation skills, I should be pulling up on an island in a few minutes.

A full day of sailing will be worth it if I can find a crewmate, and my future first mate!

During this time, I haven't been idly waiting.

I have developed my new super move, the move that will overwhelm my enemies, and inspire my allies.

It's complicated, so pay attention.

First, I spin, then I throw Byakuya and Kanshou, to make them hit each other mid air like some Itachi shit, they would hit each other, and Kanshou would be propelled into the enemy.

Boom, I call it the Two-Fold Spiral.

Itachi was truly a genius. Or perhaps Kishimoto was the genius for making all of those strategies and attacks.

And there is an even better version of this attack.

But that's secret for now.

Anyways, it is awesome, the only issue is that it is way too hard to do.

Currently, it's a work in progress.

The island was finally in view, so I carefully pulled up to the docks after scouting with Hawk Eye to make sure that there was no marine base.

After docking my ship, I jumped down the side of the ship and began walking.

Can you imagine how satisfying it feels to jump down from high heights, without even feeling a sting.

Anyways, this place is a kingdom it seems, no clue what it's called. On the outer side of the island, it's just a village, but the further in you go, the more high class it is, with a castle in the middle.

I went to the bar that I spied with my little eye, and sat on the counter seat.

"Hey, bartender, are there any particularly strong or notable people in this kingdom?"

He walked over from where he was wiping a glass like any good bartender should do when idle, and leaned forward with a smirk.

"There might.."

I pushed up 9700 beli, which was the change of the meal I ate in Makino's bar.

The bartender took the money, and put it in his pocket.

"The third princess, Esdeath, is a cold woman, in more ways than one. She is a warrior and a doctor, who won the Grand East Tournament 2 years ago, for the Sword of Frost. She is one of east blue's strongest, without a doubt, but also one of the smartest. That's what your money gets you."

Hmm, Esdeath… Esdeath… ESDEATH?!

Sword of Frost?! So, that God, he added a few characters to this world from other animes I see.

I bet that sword is either a cursed sword, or a sword with a devil fruit.

It's decided, I am going to capture the princess!

I left the bar, and walked straight for the castle. This is where Emiya's stealth abilities come to play, if he has any. If not, I will just trust all of movies and anime of earth, let them guide my steps.

This won't be as easy as I thought.

A huge wall, with guards surrounding every part of it, and probably a bunch of guards between the wall and the castle as well.

I don't think Emiya has any weapon that could make me invisible, and I am fairly sure that he hasn't copied Gilgamesh' airplane.

Now then, how do I do this?

There are three ways, all of them having bad chances of victory.

Asking the guards to bring me Esdeath, the third princess.

Yelling over the wall for Esdeath to come out.

Raiding the castle, then delivering an epic line when lift her up in the princess carry and hope that she wants to come along.

Fuck it, all three it is. That's my motto, if I have three choices, then I choose them all.

I walked up to the gate, the guards tensing up slightly before holding up their spears to me.

"Halt! State your name and purpose!"

"My name is Emiya, and I wanted to ask if I could meet the third princess, right now?"

Auhh, the weird looks they're giving me makes this whole thing so much more embarrassing..

"Denied. Leave now, or you will be taken in for being a public nuisance."


I walked away with slumped shoulders, but my hope wasn't lost yet. I turned left into the first alley, before scaling the house and jumping over to the closest house to the castle.

"Okay, let's fucking do this.."

I drew in a huge breath, ready to release. Okay, 3, 2, 1!


The guards around the were dumbfounded for a second, before they all rushed towards me.

Hawk Eye

I have to make sure not to miss it if I see her peeking out of a window or something.

I began jumping around on the buildings, leaving the guards unable to keep up. As I thought. No way wouldn't a princess be interested.

I smirked, before charging up mana on my legs, and on the roof I was standing on. I am going to launch myself like a canon for Esdeath.

Boom, perfect, I am going in her direction, uh, wait what, oh fuck, no, NO NO!!!


Ahhhh… I missed.

Before I could fall, I regained my composure. It hurt, but not as much as I expected.

I scaled the wall, and pulled myself up to see Esdeath who was leaning on her window, seems I didn't miss by far.

"Hello there."

"Who are you?"

Well, makes sense that's what she would ask.

"My name is Emiya."

"Hmm, and what does this Emiya want?"

Seems she wasn't as cold as the bartender made her out to be. She seems to be more of the curious and adventurous, but calm type.

"I want you."


It seems that my words finally kicked in, and she blushed up a storm while crouching down so that I couldn't see her.

"Let me introduce myself once more. My name is Emiya, the captain of the newly formed Bladework Pirates. And I want you, Esdeath, as my first mate, and doctor."

Out of her momentary stupor, Esdeath stood up with her calm, but still slightly flustered face back.

"W-Why would I join a pirate crew of all things?"

Hahaha, she asked it! She asked it! You know what that question means? She is interested. Now, I need to deal the finishing blow.

"Because I want you. All of you. Your strength, your intellect, your loyalty. My pirate crew is not like the common sea bandits, we are adventurers. Join my crew, and the greatest adventure will be yours to experience. Join me, Esdeath."

Okay, that line was so bad. But give me some credit, I can hear the shouting for "Get the archers!!" and "Kill the intruder!!" right below me. I tried to copy some line I heard somewhere, but I was on a deadline.

But luckily, it's the meaning that counts. Esdeath nodded with a smile and a blush, before rushing to the corner of her room where she had a… large traveler's bag, and a sword.

Was she already planning an escape?

She walked over with the bag in hand, but I couldn't really wait right now..

I took the back out of her hands and swung it over my back, before putting my left arm under Esdeath's knees, and my right arm on her back, before I lifted her up.


I jumped up on the windowsill, charged much more mana than before, and launched myself off towards my ship, with Esdeath's excited squealing accompanying our short flight.

Okay, I am not fucking this up while carrying a hot girl!!

I planted my feet, and leaned back, letting myself slide down the last few meters after landing in the village part.

Phew, successful landing.

Much more satisfying than jumping off the ship.

I put Esdeath down on my side, and turned to her, while holding up my right arm towards Fenrir.

"This is Fenrir, the ship that will carry us through the grand line. And now, I ask of you, Esdeath, will you join me, Emiya, on the world's greatest adventure?"

She smiled excitedly, and had the look one had when they had already made their decision, if that was even a look.

"Yes, captain!"

Okay, idk how to feel about this chapter, I like it, but I dislike it as well. was it too rushed? anyways, I still need 5 more crewmates, haven't decided yet on everyone of them. need a navigator, chef, helmsman maybe, someone who can read poneglypys, musician, and a shipwright. Helmsman isn't that necessary.

Kouucreators' thoughts