1 Prologue

Darkness shrouded the cave, a foreboding abyss that seemed to swallow hope itself.

But destiny had other plans.

A faint flicker of light emerged, cutting through the oppressive gloom. Torches, positioned meticulously along the jagged walls, cast an enchanting orange glow. In the dim illumination, sacred scriptures emerged, etched into the sanded stone, their presence an eerie testament to an ancient power. The only sounds were the occasional drip of water echoing from above, reminding all who ventured deeper of the cave's watery secret.

Guided by the radiant warmth and the mystical allure of the scriptures, a procession of figures emerged from the shadows. They wore regal blue tunics, the fabric flowing as they moved, their faces hidden beneath oversized hoods. In a hypnotic rhythm, their unified voices intoned sacred chants, filling the cavernous space.

Their journey led them to an awe-inspiring chamber, an atrium pulsating with otherworldly energy. A colossal torch blazed at its center, its flames dancing with purpose. Nestled beside the torch, an altar stood as a testament to devotion. The chamber grew crowded as more followers joined the assembly, forming a unified tapestry of humanity.

And then, in an instant, the chanting ceased.

A chime reverberated through the air, heralding the arrival of a masked figure. Draped in pristine white garments and a hood concealing their identity, they ascended the platform. Cradled delicately within their hands was an object swathed in silk, an artifact of profound significance. Placing it upon the altar, the masked figure's hand hovered above, invoking ancient incantations.

Cracks fissured the ceiling, and the walls trembled as if possessed by unseen forces. Yet, the congregation remained steadfast, their unwavering faith unshaken.

The masked figure ceased their chanting, and tranquility was restored. Taking their place beside the altar, their gaze swept across the assembly, brimming with watchful suspicion. The stakes were high, and caution permeated the air.

"With utmost care, only one among us shall be entrusted with this sacred artifact," their voice resonated, commanding attention. "Its boundless power must never serve personal gain but rather fulfill the purpose that aligns with our Saviors' grand design."

All eyes fixated upon the masked figure, anticipation coiling like a tightly wound spring. Some fidgeted restlessly, stealing glances at their fellow brethren, searching for any hint of revelation. Others stood motionless, statuesque in their devotion, radiating anticipation.

The masked figure continued, their words a whispered promise that electrified the chamber, "Who possesses the strength to embark on this extraordinary quest?"

Silence engulfed the space, broken only by the steady rhythm of water droplets, resounding like fate's gentle whisper.

Once again, the masked figure surveyed the assembly, their piercing gaze slicing through uncertainty. And then, with resounding authority, they thundered, "Who among us is The Chosen?"

A murmur of speculation rippled through the room. Eyes darted, curiosity and wonder intertwining as each person weighed the possibilities.

Could it be...?


But who dares to dream so boldly?

Anxious murmurs faded as quickly as they had emerged. The masked figure raised their arm, the billowing sleeve of their robe fluttering like a flag caught in a breeze. The crowd's attention shifted, fixated on the outstretched finger, pointing directly at someone. The Chosen.

Cloaked like the others, yet set apart by destiny, The Chosen navigated through the crowd. A pathway formed, revealing a trail of reverence in their wake. Step by measured step, they ascended the platform, their arrival met with awe and admiration. The unknown had become a vessel of hope, bestowed with a newfound purpose.

Before the masked figure, The Chosen lowered their head, a gesture of reverence and unwavering loyalty. Without a word exchanged, the masked figure retrieved the artifact from its sacred pedestal. With both hands extended, The Chosen received the object, its weight imbued with untold significance, a beacon of destiny accepted.

In that moment, the fate of worlds and the course of history converged. The journey awaited The Chosen, and the echoes of their footsteps would resound through eternity.
