have you ever heard of the eldritch terrors ? no, well they were a group of criminals kind of like suicide squad but they were all given a second chance to redeem themselves, well they totally blew it except one and now it's her turn to get the gang together again , but the question is for what?
Rain drops. water droplets falling from the sky . The grey clouds covered the sky , they were weeping .
Drop. blood was dropping into a puddle of red. It covered the ground. Looking like a sea of blood .
Water . Water was falling .Falling onto the ground . They were salty and mixed with blood. someone was crying . But not tears of sadness. tears of happiness .
petals. red spider lilies danced in the wind . But in the flower bed laid a body.
In the flower laid a body of a woman. white hair that could even put snow to shame spread across the dirt , eye's the colour of burgundy red clouded and seemed lifeless , a pure white dress with a purple lace now covered with red.
Blood stained grass, blood covered the white dress, blood sprayed on her face, a puddle of blood that oozed out of her body .
A hum. Someone was humming, humming the song that represents death and chaos . A hum that filled the sound of the entire forest.
Quietness . the only sound to be heard was those of the blood pouring onto the ground.
There laid the the woman called Irisviel , she was the celestial diety , she was a loving wife , she was a sister , she was a daughter , she was a strong warrior , she was a mother , a mother of six.
there stood a woman named Lilith , the name that meant betrayer , she was a sister , a soldier, an auntie , a betrayer an evil women that stood there smirking but why .Why did she stand there with a sword covered with blood , why did she smirk , why did she look satisfied like she's been waiting for something .
Why did she kill her own sister.
Blood. the blood of innocent people that spread across the floor, the blood of enemies , the blood of lovers , blood of friends and familys , why, why was there a scent of
War. war has broken out , why you ask , because of revenge , because of confusion , because of anger , because of