Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Mythology, Action, Superpowers, Deities, War, Adventure, Harem, Mature (NTR, Milf, rape, exhibitionism, prostitution, brainwash) . A 21st century urban samurai transmigrates into history and finds himself in danger from the multiple demigods, demons, villains and even the avatar Krishna wants to kill him?? Will our MC perish or will he survive and change the history? Find out in Ekluvya Reboot.
Story shut down. Continuing in pateron but also ending there in a few weeks. So do not rush there for just this erotica. I'll be releasing other good stories here for free anyway (no eroticas of course). ER's collapse is basically me hiding away from possible persecution. Karma is catching up.
Anyway, in the end, a poison is still poison even if it tastes divine. Don't consume it. Read good stuff.