
End? Meet. Begin!

Hope you all Enjoy.

Quick Disclaimer before we start all worlds will be AU including the origin world i did this because i dont know the lore down to a T and i would like to change some thing around with the worlds such as Dante and Vergils Mother surviving but is sealed away somewhere.

-----(Germany Eiva Pov)-----

G'day names Eiva i'm you're average mechanics daughter grew up in the shop alongside all the ups and downs of it just reached my 20th last week so i can say that life is going pretty well i have roof over my head and food to fill my stomach. Today was like any other day except we had a really stuckup pretentious bas**rd come in to the shop and demand a free repair on his car. Now my dad was having none of that so he told him to either pay up or get done up if he doesn't leave.

He took exception to that and by nightfall our little workshop was ransacked and they left a note saying it was just the beginning.

Nothing happened for a few weeks after that and we managed to get back on our feet thanks to our savings and help from extended family. Then one night when i was walking back home i was shot. Not once not twice but a whole 17 bullet wounds and blurry vision was all i was left with.

Now i am still alive just not as responsive and well bleeding out everywhere is not so nice but oh well at least i can still hear things like the lady next to me reassuring me that ill be fine or the sound of the ambulance that will take me to the hospital. But those all started to get quieter and quieter so i belive i am dead or dying and in the last seconds of it. I mean i did hear from somewhere that the brain stays active for 7 seconds after death and relives all your memories so thats nice i guess.

i just wish that my parents get over it soon and live a happy life i mean they raised me cared for me and loved me just as much as i did them.


Welcome back its been a while for me at least lets just say that i didn't expect the afterlife to be like a sort of airport esque building and operation but on a much much larger scale. I mean i've been in line for god knows how long and i am just barely reaching the front of it. speaking of which here we are.

"Name and Country of Origin"

"Eiva Dietrich and Country is Germany"

"One minute"

and thus we wait a hot minute so whilst we are waiting here is a fun fact. Humming birds are the only birds that can fly backwards.

"Here we are Eiva Dietrich born 2001 lived as and raised by mechanics of many types and shot dead due to a vengefull prick."


"It shows that your karma values are quite high due to your past lives please head to one of the gates to meet with someone who can assist you further"

"Okay Have a good day"

and now we head to a gate which gate you say well of course the closest gate. Once i entered the gate i didn't really know what to expect but this was not it. I am currently in a room that looks like its on the 20th floor of a skyscraper and is furnished to look like a semi medieval home but it has technological devices everywhere and a pretty lady sitting behind a desk in the middle

"Please take a seat. I will help you with your travels"

"Hello my names Eiva"

"Lovely to meet you Eiva my name is Roxanne"

"Lovely to meet you as well Roxanne. So how do we go about doing this."

"You have no need to worry my dear it is very simple to do. All you need to do is ask for 5 wishes due to your karmic value and then choose how you would like to look and which world to go to and then you are on your merry way."

She gives me a tablet with all the options that i have for everything abilities looks and worlds and can i say there is a lot of everthing funny thing is the boku no pico world is locked and a message that says Purge in Progress BROTHER flashes on the screen when i click on the info.

"alright then please give me a minute to think about this"

"of course take your time"

Intermission Fun fact Starfish Do not have a brain

"Ive made up my mind my 5 wishes are A generic system with a status board, shop, quest system and inventory. Denial of Nothingness on steroids. All Herrscher cores from HI3. Spardas Bloodline same as dante and vergil 50Human/50Demon. and last a semblance from RWBY."

"i can grant all wishes but i will have to nerf some is that alright you can change if not"

"its fine with me as long as i have a guarantee that i can have these even if its later on im fine"

"very well then Denial of nothingness on steroids will be sealed and unlocked via quest. and the herrscher cores will be there but sealed also unlocked via quest."

"that sounds fine with me next is looks right ?"


"okay then i would like to look like a mix between kiana kaslana and raiden shogun so white hair purple eyes and the rest upto imagination. ;)"

"Nice choice now all thats left is the world you would like to go to."

"thats a hard one but i think i will go for Devil may Cry and for my birth options i would like to be the middle child of Sparda younger than Vergil older than Dante"

"that can be done i hope you enjoy your second life :)"

and que the black screen

-----(To Be Continued)-----

Author Notes:

I hope it came out alright any and all criticism is welcome my only request is please dont be to mean with the comments

i will try to keep the world count around 1K-1.2K

Ps Mc looks like Female Merlin from Fate
