
How Men Communicate

Seeing how reluctant Cassidy still is in leaving, Asher decided to convince her more.

This time, he will use another reason. That one about Grisham being capable of assassinating her inside her own home should have been convincing enough. They were fortunate that he was still not making any move since he returned from another country - for some reason they had no idea about, but it did not mean that she was already safe. If anything, he is only probably waiting for the right time to strike.

"Avoiding Grisham Donovan is not the only reason why I am asking you to leave with me tonight..." Asher started once more, turning dead serious.

"You told me that you did not want to remain in dark anymore, right? Well, I say that you will not be any longer - regarding your family, at least. I have found someone who knows about the hidden past of your parents and their connection with Maruschca Donovan."
