
A Purple Line

I can't feel my right arm anymore. The pain feels like waves of heat, with each one my head gets dizzier.

I'm assuming, the reason I lost so much blood is that I used Ignavia. With Ignavia I take my Ectoplasma and manipulate it to go into my hands and legs. I also pump my blood at the same time to make them heavier and faster. Well, I don't get lighter, I pump around 2,5 liters of blood up into my hands and down into my legs really fast making Ignavia a technique based on speed mostly. That's why everything feels light except my legs and hands. But since I am injured, blood is flowing out of my broken and ripped hand.

In the end, Ignavia makes me really fast, but it takes a toll on my muscles since my muscles are not used to blood being thrown around in my body.

Aalish looks at Ovia and then at his sword.

If I use Ignavia again I would be dried out of my blood, but I can't think of a better way to get Ovia back. They use an imitation of the lightning attribute; he gets really fast and has explosive power. I did match the other guy with Ignavia, but this one may be different; he could exceed the other guy.

I have to measure if he's stronger or on the same level as him. I can't attack recklessly. It's like jumping into the unknown. I have to finish this as fast as I can and on top of that, I still don't know what happened to Yota.

The warrior turns his whole body to Aalish.

''I can give you a good trade.''

The warrior says while his expression is hidden by the mask.

Aalish looks at him.

''You want my sword?''

''Yes exactly, I have to take priority in what's more important''

Barely standing Aalish responds.

'' I can't let you have this sword.''

''Meaning that sword is more important than your friend's life?''

Ovia's head moves a little.

While Aalish looks down at the ground.

A shiver, or more like a little stab. That's what those words felt like. I don't know if they sting because he's right or because I don't know the answer. I can't even trust him; he can still take my sword and Ovia away.

What matters? What's more important in this situation? I can't give up the sword or Ovia's life.

''I will have to turn your offer down. I know that I can keep this sword and get Ovia at the same time.''

He says while his head rises up.


Aalish straightens his back, takes a deep breath. And takes a running position.

His hand grips on Arna's handle.

How can I match his lightning speed with my fire? I don't think it's even possible? When I was studying I never came across anything about imitation.

Suddenly a little flash of lightning appears on the warriors' body, and just so with a blink, he disappears leaving a bit of lightning where his shoulders were.


Aalish's eyes widen as he turns his head to look for the missing warrior. Left then right, his eyes focus on what's happening.

A line.

What he saw was a line. A purple line goes left and right with a ''zigzag'' pattern. The purple line was resembling lightning. But even being so close to witnessing the ''purple lightning'', it was just an imitation, a borrowed power.

The words that crossed his mind were.

Borrowed power?

Just as he turns again to look the line is behind him. He's hit with incredible speed.
