
Wait who is that chapter 1

It all started when I died yeah you heard me right I died not sure how but I know I heard a bang then some kind of shockwave passed and that's when I must have died my assumption is it was a nuke maybe or a bomb no clue.

all I know is I was dead but then I was not. Weird how that happens it's like a dream one minute your falling from the sky then you jump awake well that's what happen to me after I died I snapped my eyes open only to realize my eyesight was all blurry.

weird I never needed anything for my eyes why are they blurry also why did my body feel so heavy I lift my arms up and realize they were not mine hell they were tiny it seems I have reincarnated as a baby oh joy now let me sleep my brains not developed enough for all this thinking shit.

2 years later

yay for me I now can stop shitting myself Woo-Hoo and got walking down to a T though I did take my time to not worry my mother who turned out to be Pandora Lovegood yeah I am officially the older brother of Luna Lovegood and my name is Eclipse Lovegood.

yup, they went all in on moon stuff, and let's just say as I grew up with both pandora and Xenophiles it was strange I had also grown to care for them it also made me realize I was in the harry potter universe and that also meant my new mum would die when Luna is 9.

but as I said I have begun to care and shall not let this happen for I have magic and I'm not afraid to play with it I have not just been sitting around for the last 2 years I have been trying to meditate to try and feel something.

I tell you one thing books and movies make it seem so easy 2 years it had taken me to feel anything 2 years of sitting and meditating if being a baby didn't drive me insane then meditating sure did.

it was like trying to breath when you don't know how to breathe its confusing as hell at least finally I felt that little tingly just under where my heart is now the real training can begin queue training montage sadly it doesn't work like that.

so as I was placed in my cot by pandora for bed after my afternoon feeding don't ask and I won't tell I began my training I first sat up in the cot after pandora had left then I began to focus inwards just under where my heartbeat is I can feel another kind of pulse which I found was my magic.

I then began thinking how could I train this tiny piece of magic the size of a grain of rice I am pretty sure squibs have more magic than I do right now then again why can't squibs use magic I know from the books and movies that they have it but can't use it.

maybe they don't have a way to release it then I began thinking about what I want to achieve in this world because I use to be a couch potato whose job was stocking and Barely left the house before I died.

I know I don't want to get involved with harry and the golden trio or Voldemort but I want to be able to curb stomp him if he brings trouble my way as he did attack the Lovegood in the story and I won't let anything happen to my family.

so I need power control and maybe a new magic system as I am not going to rely on a wand too much can go wrong with that time to think I have read all kinds of stories about what could be the most broken and might work.

I don't have any cheats other than my memories but that is all I need and imagination I can do this thing Clip thinks about what had the most power in the stories imagine-based magic treating it like a muscle.

I am pretty sure in most fanfics there was something about a magic core I can use this a magic core and imagination sound like cultivation hang on now that's an idea I began to laugh so loud pandora came to check on me and sore me laughing in my cot man this is the life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

updated and small edit to make easier to read hopefully

overlord9000creators' thoughts