
Echoes of the Ascendant: Whispers of the Heart, Echoes of Duty

Is He the Heir of the Most Powerful Couple in the Universe? Or is he just a very wealthy man? Is he some sort of reincarnation? Or is he just a lucky villain with a system? Let's wait and see... As for the Romance, well, Let's see with the story. ----------------------------------- I first thought to write the first few chapters in a Urban setting and then change it to a more traditional and fantasy setting. But even I am not a fan of this trope. I know many novels which started off good but went downhill due to this. So, I thought of continuing this in a modern setting till the end. As for how I would do it, I still haven't thought about it. If you guys have any suggestions, do tell me. I'll gladly accept. ----------------------------------- ***This is still in the Development Phase. And I will gladly accept any of the advice or suggestions you have.

HegemonDao · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

A New Day

The sunlight streamed through the window, painting golden stripes across the bed. Lyra stirred, her eyes fluttering open. A smile played on her lips as she watched Zayn, still slumbering peacefully beside her. However, a faint furrow etched between his brows hinted at a troubled dream.

Lyra, ever attuned to his moods, felt a pang of concern. She knew that the weight of the previous night, still lingered on him. He had awoken earlier at night, with his eyes filled with a turmoil she couldn't properly decipher, only to seek solace back in sleep.

She longed to reach out, to ask him what burdened him, but remembering it was his birthday, she decided against it. She didn't want to dampen the festive mood with his worries. Instead, she leaned forward and gently brushed a kiss against his forehead.

"Happy birthday, love," she whispered softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Zayn moved slightly, his eyes fluttering open to meet hers. A sleepy smile stretched across his face, chasing away the shadows that had lingered moments before.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep. "Thank you."

Lyra offered him another smile, her heart swelling with love. Despite the concern gnawing at her, she was determined to make it a special day for him. She pushed back the covers, her eyes sparkling with playful energy.

"Come on, sleepyhead," she said, her voice teasing. "We have a day full of celebrating to do!"

Zayn chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. He sat up, stretching his arms above his head. As he caught a glimpse of the worry lingering in Lyra's eyes, a flicker of understanding passed between them.

He reached out and took her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. "Thank you," he said again, his voice sincere. "For understanding, and for making this day special."

With that an intense battle of Love and lust started...


*Knock* *Knock*

The rhythmic rapping on the door echoed through the spacious bedroom, shattering the morning's tranquil bubble of laughter and whispered secrets. Zayn, caught mid-sentence as he leaned into Lyra, flinched at the sound. A wave of panic washed over him as he saw the clock on the bedside table - 11:15!

"Valeria will have my head," he muttered, scrambling out of bed, his face flushed.

Lyra gently nudged him. "Don't worry, it's probably just Selene. Relax babe." She offered him a reassuring smile, but a flicker of nervousness lingered in her eyes.

Before he could respond, the door creaked open. Selene, the embodiment of quiet efficiency, entered the room. Her usual stoic expression remained unchanged, but her eyes held a hint of disapproval as they fell on the disheveled state of the room.

Lyra, mortified, buried herself further beneath the covers, her face burning with embarrassment. Zayn, fidgeting nervously, avoided Selene's gaze.

"Young Master, forgive this intrusion," Selene announced, her voice calm yet firm. "Breakfast awaits. Additionally, Lady Valeria has graced the household with her presence and expresses concern regarding your well-being. The hour grows late."

Zayn jolted. "Valeria?" His tone shifted from playful to slightly panicked. "Right, yes, of course!" He scrambled to gather his clothes; his previous relaxed demeanor replaced by anxious energy. "Please, Selene, give me just a few moments."

Selene nodded curtly. "As you wish, Young Master. Miss Lyra," she added, turning towards the flustered form hidden beneath the covers, "Lady Valeria has also expressly requested your company. Your presence would undoubtedly ease her concerns."

A muffled voice, barely audible from beneath the quilt, replied, "I'll be down shortly, Selene."

Lyra, her cheeks burning with shame, stayed hidden until she heard Selene's footsteps fade away. Only then did she peek out, her eyes filled with shyness.

As for Zayn, the cool water of the shower provided a much-needed jolt, clearing his head and washing away the remnants of sleep. He dressed hastily, his mind racing with thoughts of explaining his tardiness.

Zayn, already dressed, stood awkwardly by the window. He cast Lyra a sympathetic yet playful glance. "I'll handle it," he said softly. "You stay here for a while and come down after some time. Don't worry you are already my Fiancée. The Thing is that we were a bit late for the Breakfast."

'A Bit late? It's already past 11. I don't know whether Aunt Valeria will keep it against me.' Although, Lyra thought this, she still nodded hesitatingly and then she slipped back under the covers.

Watching this all, a playful grin covered his face. After a bit more teasing. He started descending the stairs.

As he descended the grand staircase, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and cinnamon toast wafted from the dining room, mingling with the delicate scent of roses, his aunt's favorite flower.

Lady Valeria stood beside the ornate dining table, her arms crossed, her usual aura of power and control momentarily replaced by a hint of annoyance. However, a flicker of warmth softened her gaze when she saw Zayn.

Despite her position as the powerful head of the Emerald Corporation, the second largest under the Lux Solis Consortium, her youthful appearance defied her years. Though easily passing as someone in her early twenties, her eyes held the wisdom and experience of a far older soul. Her beauty was undeniable, radiating a charm that could captivate anyone with a single glance, easily scoring above ninety on the Charm scale in the System.

"Zayn, dear," she said, her voice a gentle whisper as she pulled him into a tight embrace. Despite his initial apprehensions, Zayn felt a wave of comfort and love wash over him in her arms. She wasn't just the powerful head of the Emerald Corporation, she was the woman who had raised him, filled the void left by his globe-trotting parents. She is his aunt, but she is closer than his own mother.

"Happy birthday, my darling," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. When she pulled away, her gaze held a hint of playfulness. "Well, birthdays are for celebrating, I suppose. Though perhaps next time, a little less 'celebrating' and a little more punctual wouldn't hurt."

Zayn offered her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Aunt Valeria. We… well, we got a little carried away."

A knowing smile played on Valeria's lips as she took her seat at the table. She gestured towards the vacant chair across from her. "Come, sit down and tell me all about it. What kind of trouble have you been getting into with your... fiancée?"

Zayn cleared his throat, his gaze flitting nervously between Valeria and Elara, who stood discreetly by the sideboard, a silent observer. He hesitated for a moment, unsure how much he should reveal. His relationship with Lyra, though innocent and genuine, wasn't exactly something he'd discussed with his aunt openly.

Just then, his phone buzzed on the table. It was a video call from his parents. Zayn exchanged a glance with Valeria, a silent question hanging in the air. With a slight nod of understanding, she gestured for him to answer.

"Excuse me, Aunt Valeria," he said politely, pulling out his phone. As he answered the call, a familiar wave of longing and frustration washed over him. He missed his parents, but their constant globetrotting for business often left him alone with Valeria, creating a distance he yearned to bridge.

"Happy birthday, son!" his father boomed, his face filling the screen. His mother, her eyes filled with genuine warmth, echoed the sentiment.

"Also, sorry we weren't able to wish you at midnight. We heard that Lyra arranged a midnight cake to celebrate. She really is a good girl."

Following the initial greetings came the apologies. They expressed their remorse for missing his birthday and for not spending enough time with him. "We're incredibly proud of you, Zayn," his mother continued. "And so happy you've finally rekindled things with Lyra. We were always fond of her."

Lyra, who had entered the room unnoticed, blushed crimson at the praise. Valeria's grip on her teacup tightened ever so slightly, her features masking a swirl of emotions that ranged from disapproval to a strange flicker of… something else.

"By the way," his father said, his voice dropping a notch, "we haven't mentioned this, but we recently reconnected with the Alaris family. You remember Seraphina, of course? We thought it might be nice for you two to reconnect as well. After all she is your Second Fiancée"

Zayn's heart sank. Seraphina, his Second fiancée, was the polar opposite of Lyra. She was arrogant, cold, and utterly disinterested in anything that wasn't related to social status or wealth. Every encounter with her felt like a chore. He stole a glance at Valeria, catching a flicker of something complex in her eyes – a mix of relief and, perhaps, a hint of… disappointment?

"Of course, Father," he replied, his voice devoid of enthusiasm. He knew arguing was futile.

The call ended, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. The revelation of Seraphina, coupled with Lyra's innocent presence, created a tangled mess of emotions inside Zayn. He looked at Lyra, the gentle curve of her smile a stark contrast to the frustration twisting his insides. Valeria's gaze lingered on her nephew, a mix of emotions still evident in the taut line of her shoulders.

"Well," Valeria broke the tense silence, her voice deceptively smooth, "that was certainly interesting news, Zayn. Now, we have a proper party to prepare for tonight, wouldn't we? But first, breakfast. Selene, please see that our guest is well-looked after."

Her tone offered no room for argument. Lyra, sensing the underlying tension, gave Zayn a reassuring smile and followed Selene out of the room.

Alone, Zayn sighed. His birthday, a day that should have been filled with simple happiness, felt more like navigating a political minefield. It was time to face his parents. He knew they meant well, but their constant efforts to solidify his future through strategic alliances, business alliances, especially concerning Seraphina, left him feeling frustrated. He was a dutiful son, understanding the importance of family and upholding traditions, but he also craved a voice in shaping his own destiny. What's more he still has to prepare to face Darius who will surface in Aethelgarde in approximately 3 years. But Darius's plans would very well start in a few months or may be even in a few days. 

"Valeria," he began, his voice low and hesitant, "about Seraphina…"

His aunt had always disliked Seraphina. She was happy that day when he said that he was fed up with Seraphina and that he will soon cancel the engagement. But now his parents say to reconnect with her again. So, he tried to explain the situation to his aunt. 

Valeria, however, didn't wait for him to finish. With a sharp breath, she turned away, her back stiff and unyielding. "Start getting ready, Zayn," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The guests will begin arriving soon."

With that, she swept out of the room, leaving Zayn alone with his jumbled thoughts and the unsettling realization that the day, meant to be a celebration, had become a battleground of unspoken desires and unacknowledged emotions.

First, He saw the future and awoke in the middle of the night, then he found out about the existence of the System and that there would be many enemies out there.

'Do I really have time to deal with these matters? I know Seraphina is my Second Fiancee. But I feel really tired with her. Yeah, it's time to talk to Dad and Mom...'

Since he knew that he couldn't avoid this issue any longer. Taking a deep breath, he dialed his father's number. As it rang, a million scenarios played out in his head. He had to be firm, yet respectful. If not, they will probably think I am just messing around and again will choose another new girl. So, he had to make them understand that he has a lot in his plate right now. The first ring ended. Then the second. Finally, his father's familiar voice answered.

"Zayn, how's the birthday boy doing? We talked earlier, but we didn't have much time—"

"Dad," Zayn interrupted, his voice resolute, "I need to talk to you about Seraphina…"

And as he spoke, the sun continued to rise, casting long shadows across the opulent room, painting the silence with shades of uncertainty and the promise of a confrontation long overdue.

(What do you think? Is this scene good enough? Do I need to edit more? Please do comment.)

Hello There!

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I will very much appreciate it.

HegemonDaocreators' thoughts