
Yu Xiaogang


As students and teachers returned from their journey to the Star Dou Forest, Fatigue clung to their bodies, prompting many to seek the comfort of their dorms for some well-deserved rest.

While on the other hand Tang San went out to meet his master Yu Xiaogang to share his experiences after coming to the Shrek Academy.

Tang San also harbored subtle resentment against Felix and Maya for their victories over his friends and allies. Tang San, in particular, over Xiao Wu's defeat had sparked a deep-seated frustration.

Tang San found Xiaogang standing alone at the grounds of Shrek academy "Teacher Xiaogang, it's been a while since we last met."

Xiaogang acknowledged him with a nod, "Indeed, Tang San. How have you been?"

Tang San recounted the events starting from getting admission in shrek academy to his recent trip to star dou forest where he had many gains. After a while , Tang San hesitated before pouring out his frustrations. "Teacher, I've faced some challenges here. There's a student, Felix, who defeated me in the Spirit Arena. And there's another, Maya, who defeated Xiao Wu. It's frustrating."

Xiaogang, masking his underlying motives with a calm demeanor, listened intently. "Felix, you say? Tell me more about him."

Tang San recounted the encounters with Felix and Maya, expressing his irritation at their prowess. Xiaogang's mind, however, was already scheming, finding a way to elevate Tang San above the others.

After a moment of contemplation, Xiaogang spoke, "Tang San, you have great potential. Don't worry about others and focus on yourself, work hard to become strong. Leave all the other things to your teacher. I'll make sure you shine at Shrek Academy."

Tang San's eyes gleamed with a mix of gratitude and ambition. "Thank you, Teacher Xiaogang. I appreciate your guidance."

As the conversation continued, Xiaogang contemplated the best course of action to mold Tang San into the shining star of Shrek Academy, while subtly tarnishing the reputations of Felix and Maya. The stage was set for a clandestine manipulation that would unfold in the coming days.

The next morning, Everybody gathered at the grounds of academy where Dean Flender took center stage, welcoming everyone back from the recent journey to the Star Dou Forest.

"Good morning!" Flender's voice resonated "I hope you've all had a refreshing rest. Today, I have a special announcement. We have a new addition to our faculty."

The eyes of the students turned towards Yu Xiaogang who stood with an air of dignified composure. Flender continued, " Please welcome Teacher Yu Xiaogang!"

Polite applause rippled through the crowd as Xiaogang acknowledged them with a nod. Tang San stood with Xiao Wu, his posture radiating a sense of pride. Flender continued to extol Xiaogang's virtues, highlighting his expertise in spirit master theory.

In the midst of the applause, Maya and Felix exchanged subtle glances. Standing beside Zhuqing and Adrian, they shared hushed voices, their skepticism evident. Maya raised an eyebrow and whispered, "This guy seems like trouble."

Felix nodded in agreement, "Yeah, his bias towards Tang San was too obvious even in Nuoding Academy. We need to be careful around him."

Adrian chimed in, "Let's not let his favoritism affect us. We're here to become stronger and build our own path."

As the introduction concluded, Xiaogang stepped forward, acknowledging the applause with a composed smile. "Thank you, Dean Flender, for the warm welcome. I'm honored to be a part of Shrek Academy."

With that, Xiaogang announced, "Starting tomorrow, I will be taking classes, and I look forward to guiding all of you in your journey to becoming exceptional spirit masters." The crowd dispersed.