
Echoes From Another World

Abandoned as a baby on the doorstep of an orphanage, Alex grows up facing relentless bullying and the harsh realities of poverty. The longing for love and belonging slowly turns into a deep-seated hatred, yet a flicker of hope remains within—a burning desire to understand why they were abandoned so ruthlessly. Determined to uncover the truth, Alex embarks on a relentless quest to find his biological parents. This journey takes a startling turn when Alex discovers that his parents are not from this world. Guided by cryptic clues and newfound allies, Alex navigates through hidden portals, ancient secrets, and otherworldly realms. As Alex delves deeper into this mysterious world, they encounter unforeseen challenges and powerful enemies. The quest to find his parents becomes a battle for survival and self-discovery. In a land where magic and danger intertwine, Alex must confront his deepest fears and unearth the reason behind their abandonment. "Echoes from Another World" is a gripping tale of resilience, identity, and the transformative power of uncovering the truth. Will Alex find the answers he seek, or will the mysteries of another world remain unsolved?

Imaginarypen · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


The cold wind howled through the narrow streets of the city as Alex pulled his threadbare coat tighter around his thin frame. He stood at the edge of the orphanage courtyard, his breath visible in the chilly evening air. The old building loomed behind him, its windows dark and lifeless. 

Inside, the other children were warm and huddled together, but Alex preferred the solitude of the outdoors. The orphanage had never felt like home to him. Not really. It was a place of necessity, a shelter from the elements, but it lacked the warmth and love that a true home should provide.

Alex had been left on the orphanage doorstep as a baby, wrapped in a faded blanket with no note or explanation. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to the whispers and sidelong glances of the other children. He was different, marked by his mysterious origins and the absence of any known family.

"Hey, orphan boy!" A familiar, taunting voice cut through the stillness. Alex turned to see Marcus and his gang approaching, their faces twisted with cruel amusement. Marcus was a few years older, a bully who took pleasure in tormenting those weaker than himself.

Alex stood his ground, refusing to let them see his fear. "What do you want, Marcus?"

Marcus sneered, shoving Alex hard enough to send him sprawling onto the cobblestones. "Just reminding you of your place, Alex. Alone, unwanted, and worthless."

Laughter echoed around him as Alex scrambled to his feet, his palms scraped and bleeding. He clenched his fists, a surge of anger rising within him. But he knew better than to fight back. It would only make things worse.

"Leave him alone, Marcus," a voice called from the orphanage door. It was Mrs. Thompson, one of the kinder caretakers. She had a soft spot for Alex, always trying to protect him from the worst of the bullying.

Marcus rolled his eyes but stepped back. "Whatever. He's not worth our time anyway." With a final sneer, he and his gang sauntered away, leaving Alex alone in the gathering dusk.

Mrs. Thompson hurried over, her face lined with concern. "Are you all right, Alex?"

He nodded, brushing off his clothes. "I'm fine, Mrs. Thompson. Really."

She sighed, her eyes filled with sympathy. "I wish they'd leave you alone. It's not fair."

"Life's not fair," Alex muttered, looking down at his scuffed shoes. "But I'll manage."

Mrs. Thompson gave him a sad smile. "You're stronger than you know, Alex. Don't let them get to you." She patted his shoulder gently before heading back inside.

Alex watched her go, then turned his gaze to the horizon. The city stretched out before him, a maze of rooftops and alleys. Somewhere out there, his parents had made the choice to abandon him. The thought gnawed at him, a constant ache that never quite went away.

Why had they left him? What had he done wrong?

He shook his head, trying to dispel the dark thoughts. It was no use dwelling on the past. The only thing he could do was move forward. With a heavy sigh, Alex made his way back to the orphanage, the chill of the night seeping into his bones.

Later, in the dimly lit dormitory, Alex lay on his narrow bed, staring up at the ceiling. The other boys were already asleep, their breaths deep and even. He rolled over, reaching beneath his pillow to pull out his most prized possession—a small, tarnished pendant. 

It was the only clue he had about his past, found with him on that fateful night when he was left at the orphanage. He held it up to the moonlight streaming through the window, studying its intricate design. A strange symbol was etched into the metal, something he had never been able to decipher.

As he stared at the pendant, a faint glow began to emanate from it, growing brighter until the entire dormitory was bathed in an eerie light. Alex sat up, eyes wide with shock. The pendant had never done this before.

"What's happening?" he whispered to himself, heart pounding. 

The glow intensified, and a soft, melodic hum filled the room. Alex's breath caught in his throat as the light coalesced into a shimmering figure—a small, silver-furred fox with glowing blue eyes. 

"Greetings, Alex," the fox said in a gentle voice. "Do not be afraid. My name is Lyra, and I have been sent to guide you."

Alex stared in stunned silence, unable to process what was happening. "H-how do you know my name? What are you?"

Lyra tilted her head, her eyes filled with a wisdom beyond her years. "I am a guardian from another realm, here to help you uncover the truth about your past."

"My past?" Alex echoed, a mix of hope and fear swelling within him. "Do you know who my parents are? Why they abandoned me?"

Lyra nodded. "The answers you seek are not simple, Alex. But they can be found. You must embark on a journey, one that will take you far from this place and into a world beyond your wildest dreams."

Alex swallowed hard, his mind racing. "A journey? To where?"

"To the land of Althar," Lyra replied. "A realm of magic and wonder, where your true heritage lies. But be warned, Alex. The path will be fraught with danger and challenges. You must be brave and strong."

Alex's grip tightened on the pendant. This was the moment he had dreamed of, the chance to find out who he truly was. But the thought of leaving everything he knew behind filled him with apprehension.

"I don't know if I'm ready," he admitted, his voice trembling.

Lyra stepped closer, her gaze steady and reassuring. "You are stronger than you realize, Alex. The pendant chose you for a reason. Trust in yourself, and in the journey ahead."

Taking a deep breath, Alex nodded. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll go to Althar and find the truth."

Lyra's eyes sparkled with approval. "Very well. The portal to Althar will open at midnight. Be prepared, Alex. Your adventure begins now."

As the light from the pendant faded, Alex felt a strange mix of fear and excitement. For the first time in his life, he had a purpose, a mission that could lead him to the answers he had always longed for.

He lay back down, clutching the pendant to his chest, and tried to sleep. But his mind was too full of thoughts and questions. What awaited him in Althar? Would he find the answers he sought, or only more mysteries?

As the hours ticked by, Alex knew one thing for certain—his life was about to change forever.

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