
Echo:End of Era

Allankya, world of magic, swords, and system. Here, the live of only those who have power matters, While some are born to feast, others spend their lives in the dark, begging for scraps. Here, the power hungry does their best to keep those potential dangers in check. Nothing matters more than this power they have. But for how long? And is it right to kill the future generations? ##### This novel will have multiple leads, the one we will primarily follow, the one we will primarily follow, is overpowered, and has a shitty personality. and no herem

Gutbeserker · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Surrounded by what?

# 8:30 p.m #

"Yawn~ that was a good sleep" Lenar just woke up when he heard knocking on his door.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Brother, it's me Lylia. We are leaving" The voice said as they suddenly entered the room.

"Oh... " Was all Lenar said when he heard that and looked at the time.

Lenar's father Raiden Augustus , is the family head of the Augustus family which is in Silverveil city.

Back when he was ten, he was given invitation letter from different academies and as we know, the one he chose was this academy in Dusktale.

So they bought a small mansion for him here in Dusktale.

Back then, there were guards and servants but now?


You know what happened.

"Alright, let me change first." Said Randy with a smile on his face.

"Okay! You better hurry up then" Lylia said before sprinting out.


#9:30 p.m#

"I WHILLL MISH YOOOOO! !!" Lylia said she tightly hugged Lenar.

{ oh we will Lylia, we will miss you 😏}

"Alright Lily,sorry I couldn't play with you but next time for sure" Lenar said with a smile as she comforted her.

"Promise? "

"Lylia, we are getting late" A woman with a very beautiful face and black hair peek out from the back seat. This was Alexa Augustus.

"Now, you better be on your way okay?"

"Hmm! " Saying that, she stepped inside the car.

"Oh, and Len" Alexa as if remembering something called out to Lenar and said.

"### ### ### ## ### #### ######" Then she spoke in a foreign language Lylia doesn't know.

"### ### #### ### ##### ####### ## # ##### ####"

"It's your property now, the paper are on the table"


"Let's go" Alexa said and immediately the car departed with them.

"Get home safely" Lenar spoke as he remembers the word she said.

"You are dead for me and your father. "

"You can keep the mansion, we don't want anything related to you not even the mansion your stuffs are also brought inside, they are in the guest room. "

{The last one might look big but it's because it is in another language}



Lenar, who was currently taking a shower looked into the mirror and sighed, he turned around and saw a large second degree burn mark.

But that's not what made it worse, There was once a scar mark from his right shoulder to the end of his back {from shoulder to waist}.

This scar was made earlier, today another guy decided to open it up because patching up.

Reason? He was feeling bored.


(They have too much time to do something like this)

(Cold water really helps)

(One more month,once this shit is over, I am finally free)

Lenar sighed with his face filled with disappointment.

He had expected a lot from the most prestigious academy in the Dusktale city when he got accepted, but he quickly noticed just how fake and partial the entire academy was.

They didn't really care about students with little to no background.

(They are literally looking for ready made gems!) He groaned thinking about his past 7 years.

Even if some classes were quite interesting, aka spell creativity class, alchemy class etc. Because he was not awakened within his first 3 years , they kicked him out!

Funnily enough, he was always first on all those classes but later got kicked out{reason why Samantha is 2nd and 3rd or else she would have been 3rd and 4th}

Their reason? They say that since his other classmates have awakened they would have easier time in them than him.

"Teaching him will be troublesome since he doesn't and won't understand and it's likely he will not be able to get any good grades" The alchemy teacher said.

And slowly he got kicked from all magic related class.... Though they are just general knowledge!

Their reason? He can't learn himself?

(Why did I went to the academy for again?) Not to mention he could f*****g even perceive mana!

He told them and they just just laughed it off saying it was impossible!!!

He even demonstrated them but the just send him off, even writing a letter about him being rude to the teachers!{???}

{Teachers be like: how dare you prove us wrong}

Most students didn't bother trying to befriend Lenar because they couldn't gain benefits from him since he is unawakened and neglected by his warlord father, but it was not as if Lenar was concerned about that.

He really just doesn't know how to approach people, and again you will hardly find a loyal friend.

Especially in a prestigious elite school where most students were descendants of powerful and influential families.

Everyone was told to give their best and be the top performer in class to bring honor to their family.

This was only given in an era where families competed against each other every day, creating a cutthroat competition.

Unfortunately, the pressure these families put on their children was unhealthy, creating an unhealthy rift between their classmates.

Reason why he was neglected right after 2nd year in academy, he was already 1 year behind everyone.

Groups were formed early on, and what ought to be healthy competition turned into a small-scale warzone.

In his first year, Lenar made a big blunder. He thought that nobody would feel offended even if he were to get good grades. His hope to make friends by studying together and talking about their dreams motivated him to work even harder.

He even made catchphrases!

(Guys, even if one of us doesn't realize their dreams or doesn't grows up to prominence, we will never forget our friendship okey?)

Unfortunately, he ended up taking the first spot in class, in all subjects. Turning him into the number one bullying target. Being an unawakened student was certainly not helpful at that time. It made things worse as his classmates grew jealous of him.


I am surrounded by idiots.

Bro even decided to not awakened to make sure others don't feel intimidated or overwhelmed!


(Don't know why everyone fusses about it so much. It's just about filling your body with pure mana)

(Like, I don't understand why they waiting for the mana inside their body by itself? It's so simple!?) These were the thought had back then.

He later learned that it's not Mana, but exp which he mistook because they are similar since these two give almost the same "touch".

Simply, inside their body is a pseudo exp which turns into exp because of Mana outside, though because of body they don't come in contact and take time to form naturally or sometimes never.

{Take Mana as fire, body as cooking pots and exp as vegetables, without every one of them exp can't be generated}

It didn't take long before Lenar gave up trying to get good grades. He chose to ignore his classmates and stay under the radar while working for his own good.

That is....

Attending the most prestigious academy in the Dusktale city was something he had done to expand his knowledge and prepare for the day he choose to awaken.

And that day is....
