
64 Candles ..Part 2


Location: Salvatore boarding house

Time: 04:45

Date: 15 August

Quad age: 16

Addizen Rozette was sitting next to Stefan Salvatore in the entertainment center .. The previous night after seeing Addizen cry over the lost of her parents ..but to be honest she wasn't just crying over her parents she was crying because she misses her siblings because she was losing control and because after years of planning everything perfectly she felt like she lost it like she was the most broken thing in a otherwise perfect world Stefan her trustee was your basic save the damsel in distress kind of man that's why he suggested 12 hour movie marathon so here they where on their 5th or 6th movie Addizen wasn't really paying attention.. ..

Ow Addizen said placing her hand over her forehead ..

Addizen are you okay Caroline her guardian asked..

Yea I just I think one of my siblings are trying to contact me you know telepathically Addizen said tapping her forehead...and frowning

Uh okay what do you need us to do ..Stefan asked

Your jobs where is Heath Addizen asked

He is outside shall I call him Stefan asked

No I trust you ..Addizen said then sighed and thought where you go I go .. And that's when she heard Lea-Beth's voice for the first time in three days and for the first time in 3 days she didn't feel lost


Location: Brooklyn New York

Time: 06:30

Date: 15 August

Quad age : 16

The clave would never approve Alexander said

Alec my brother my parabatia think ..think of the children Jace started to say with a frown on his face

What are you talking about Jace ..Alexander asked ..

That is going no where we should speak up William thought..

Asher should do it he is better with living then I am Alistair said ..

Asher are you okay with that ..William asked

Yes I am ..Asher said taking control of William's body

The crowded room in Magnus Bane's apartment saw William's eyes turn bright green ...

Enough lets handle this like civilized gentleman shall we Asher said ..

William is right this after all his family and as such it should be his decision .. Magnus said

Yes but as his guardian it is my job to make sure he isn't placed in danger even if he is the cause Stiles said ..

Not unless Magnus started to say ..

Unless what..Asher asked curiously

No it is beneath you you would never even consider such a thing Magnus said smirking

Just say it Alexander said ..

You could I don't know this is just a idea pay me no mind bind them to there oaths .. Love you Alexander okay bye Magnus said escaping through a portal..

Magnus .. Your in so much trouble when you get back Alexander said into the air..

*inside William's mind*

I can't bind them William only you can  Asher thought

I know let me and thank you Asher ..William said.

You never thanked me before .Alistair said

Your never done anything worthy William said taking control back of his body his eyes turning blue again ..

I haven't seen my siblings since the day I lost my parents so I am going to that party with or without you .. I will not bind you but do not give me a reason to do so .. Raphael when does the party start and do not lie to me..

14:00  Raphael said ...


Location- Oklahoma Tulsa House of Night

Time- 12:00

Date- 15 August

Quad age- 16

Draco .. Suit tie get dress we are going to a party ... Aphrodite said..

No thank you Draco said sitting in the corner of his room ..

Oh for  shit sakes D.. Just get dressed your sister is waiting for you .. Aphrodite said ..

My sister Draco asked

Are you deaf .. Aphrodite asked.

Aphrodite what's taking so long we have a car waiting and a plane to catch Harrison said

Lord Dumbass won't listen to me Aphrodite complained

No one would if you speak like that at least I wouldn't Harrison said

You mean there is actually a party Draco asked . paying attention for the first time..

Yes there is so Draco get dressed now we have 1 hour and 55 minutes and we are gonna be so so late .. Aphrodite leave now ... You and Lilith we will meet you at the party tell who ever we are on our way.. Harrison said

But I am his warrior Aphrodite protested ..

Yes and I am his best friend I will never put him in any harm Aphrodite .. You know that .. Harrison said ..

At least let Emmett stay Aphrodite suggested ..

Fine send him in before you leave Harrison said ..


Location - Halfway to party

Time - 12:30

Date - 15 August

Quad age - 16

Do you guys hear that Lea-Beth asked

Probably just the wooberbuggers they come out on sunny days Luna said

I doubt its a woobercatcher Luna Harry said

Wooberbugger Luna corrected

Right Harry said

Shhs There it is against.. Lea-Beth said

And this time the sound was louder a strange cracking sound like necks breaking send cold chills down Lea-Beth's spine

Harry froze for a second just a second then turned his attention to the only person who haven't said a word this entire trip Max

Get her out of here now Harry said

Max gave a slight nod and took Lea-Beth by the arm

Wait I am not leaving .I AM NOT ..we either fight or run but we do it together Lea-Beth said as the creatures approached and Max let go of her hand

They looked half crab half human complete monster ..

Seeing the horrid look on her face Harry said Clenches don't let them get their claws around you they will crush you instantly

And never go for the obvious kill that's what they expect Luna said

So be unexpected got it ..Harry how fast can you make a fire Lea-Beth asked

Instantly why .. Harry asked a green flame coming from his fingertips..

Have it ready when I say now .. Lea-Beth said the creatures where only feet away ..

Lea-Beth sat cross legged closing her eyes she whispered these creatures of evil and pain know nothing of your love and peace ..please open up so they might  meet there fate Lea-Beth asked

The earth opened making a giant whole ..

Now Lea-Beth said

Harry and Luna pointed they're fingertips Harry's burning green and Luna's blue to the earth where the creatures fell in..

To be continued


I own nothing xo xo