

Emery remembered Kilgragah did mention something about looking for the master of Khaos, is this what the test was for? Test for getting this item? But then what is this the dragon talking about the crystal was actually for him.

"Of course, kid… Do you think such puny rock can help restore the power of Khaos? Hahaha! You're out of your mind!" 

The dragon laughed for a few seconds and with each second, Emery grew even more annoyed. However, he knew this was not the time to express his displeasure, as the dragon still had something he needed. He still had to show his respect, no matter how much of it was mere pretense.

"Please, supreme being, guide me and help me understand."

Emery tried as hard as he could to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

Thankfully, the dragon did not notice. It opened its maw, showing off hundreds of rows of sharp teeth.
