
Chapter Six


" Hey " I complain at the loss of heat when Jessie crawls out of my bed . I reach out and grab her waist pulling her back to me . She smacks my chest continuously telling me she had to take a shower . I am not worried if she might run into my mother because mom is already at work . She would kill me if she knew about this . She loves Rose so much and she cares about her . I mean, who wouldn't she's absolutely beautiful .

And here I am thinking about Rose while, having another girl in my arms.

I finally let her go and she leaves smirking . I smile at her brightly looking up to meet her gorgeous hazel eyes . Maybe it's love or she looks beautiful when she wakes up from her sleep. You're probably wondering why I'm in love with someone like Jessie , who has about five more guys she can play with just like me while a perfect girl like Rose is waiting for me patiently until I give her the love and attention she needs.

Well, I am really bad at making the right decisions , that's probably why I am here lying in my bed blaming myself for not being man enough to tell Rose .

I was slipping my pants on when my door opens and Jessie comes back . She was clean and dressed looking sexy as always .

I quickly put my shoes on and take her outside to head for school . My place was close to it so we didn't have to worry about being late.

Unless there's traffic .

I step out the front door locking it and throwing the keys in my back pack as Jessie's hands grab me by the collar and she slams me to the door. I look at her confused, and ask what she was going to do but I'm cut off as she starts kissing me .

I deepen the kiss holding her closer to me .

I lift her from the ground and she wraps her legs around my waist .

We are interrupted by the sound of a car door , a thud and a feminine gasp . I recognised that voice immediately and my heart started hammering in my rib cage.


Fuck .


I place Jessie back to the ground and I try to explain .

" Mom ?" I try to get closer but she holds her hands up silencing me . " Look mo.." She walks past me unlocking the door and slamming it in my face .

I turn to look at Jessie who didn't look fazed at all .

" wait in the car ." I say and follow my mother .

" You've grown into your father haven't you ?" I could hear the judgment clear in her voice . The reason they got divorced was because he cheated on her . " I am sorry mom , I didn't mean for this to happen . " I say my mouth involuntarily speaking the words . " Didn't mean what to happen Marcus Remories ? Me catching you or you cheating on that poor ..poor gir_" She starts crying now .

Man what the fuck am I supposed to do now ? And her calling me by my full name , was not a good sign .

" Mom , don't cry . I will talk to Rose ... Just .." She interrupts me " Just what ? Throw her away just like your father did me ?" She dabs her eyes with a tissue sniffling

" .You're a disappointment ! Just go .. " She looks at me in disgust .

My heart aches at the way she looked at me . I turn on my heels and get out of the house .


"Heyy man !" Nate pats my back trying to wake me up from my daydreaming .

" what's up with ya bruh?"

So I tell him everything . It was time I actually tell someone . Zack didn't show today so I had to tell Nate .

I trust him .

Do I ?

The bell for lunch rings and Students storm out of class .

I walk to the men's room before I get my lunch .

My eyes drop on something un believable .

My worst night mare has come true .

I see Jessie and Rose talking and laughing by the corner .

I get tempted to walk over to them but I let it go imagining the awkwardness .

If I walk up to Rose I would have to hug and kiss her , and with Jessie standing there .... I can't do it .

I ignore them and push the door in .

I get back to the lunch room and grab my food , I was lucky enough not to be greeted by a long line . I sit at the bench me and the boys hang out . Just as I sit down Zack stands to leave .

I hear sniggers and whispers coming from the boys and I have no idea what they're about . " Where are you going man ? " I ask him . " Got stuff to do ." He answers and leaves . Something about him was off , I know he has deep feelings for Rose and he always acts like this when we mention her or Jessie but I don't know about today . I flinch a little when he slams the cafeteria door shut and turn my attention to the guys .

Juan burst out laughing and I eye him chewing the burger in my mouth.

" Got your ass busted didn't you ?" He says and the whole gang laughs loudly .

First thing I did was look at Nate .



"Hey ? Rose?" Someone calls me as I make my way to the cafeteria . I had to drop a few documents at the office for my literature teacher .

I turn around to see Jessie's face and notice that she went a little overboard on her eye liner .

" Hey ? " I show her a fake bright smile . She smiles back " I heard my mom and your dad are dating ?"

I was so shocked all I beard was "Beeeeeep! " it felt like my brain stopped functioning for a while .

" what !" I finally manage to mutter.

" I know ! Isn't it crazy ? Mom even came up with a magnificent idea to call you guys over for barbeque next Saturday. And I just wanted to say congrats cuz I saw your sisters name on the board by the office . She has the best results from all our transfers ." She tells me . I wonder how she got all the info about the results and all ? " Thanks I'll tell my dad about the barbeque ,and send my greetings to your mom ." I say trying to act formal .

" You know, there's no reason to be all formal with me . " I laugh at this"Plus , we might end up being step sisters ." she adds awkwardly. The look on my face must've changed because she started laughing hard . I followed but deep down I prayed it would never ever ever happen .

"Well gotta catch up with my friends , bye !" I tell her

" Sure, see you soon ! " I nod and leave her .