

unknown_20281 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
126 Chs

Chapter 35

It seems to be a little sweaty because of the nervousness.

He also realized this, and Luffy Pendragon's face suddenly showed a slightly embarrassed look, and he withdrew his hand in a hurry.

Obviously it was just a handshake, but there was so much sweat in his hands.

Shouldn't he be despised?

"Speaking of which, how did you meet these fallen angels?"

Seeing the embarrassed look on the girl's face, Su Mu calmly changed the subject.

The girl in front of her is still a middle school student, I am afraid she will not understand that a lot of water is not a disadvantage.

Hearing that Su Mu moved the topic away, Lu Fei was slightly relieved and explained.

"I went to the church with a friend I met on the way, and it turned out that the church had long been occupied by three fallen angels."

"And, both in the church and on the bodies of these fallen angels, there is a very disgusting odor, obviously the type that often harms people."

Saying that, the girl named Luffy Pendragon couldn't help but reveal an unconcealed disgust on her face.

As a girl with a strong sense of justice, what I hate most is this kind of alien race that takes pleasure in mutilating human beings at will.

"Plus they want to hurt my friends, so I'm going to get them all out."

"Your friend?" Su Mu was stunned when he heard the words.

He thought that Luffy came here alone, but now it sounds like he is accompanied by other heroes from the hero faction.

No, if they were members of the Heroes faction, then if the few weak fallen angels dared to attack them, then Su Mu could only praise their courage.

In the hero faction, the strong, such as Cao Cao, can briefly exert the strength close to the surpasser.

Luffy Pendragon is the weaker kind, but he also has the power of a high-level demon.

Several lower-level fallen angels had no resistance in front of her.

"Yeah, I met you on the way here."

Speaking of his friend, Luffy Pendragon's face suddenly showed a happy smile, and then seemed to be a little distressed.

"However, the friend I met seemed a little clumsy—"

Although it is a bit like speaking ill of people behind their backs, it is still obvious (bffa) that I can feel that there is no malicious intent.

"Also, she seems to want to come to the church here. It's too bad. If you leave her alone in the church, her stupid personality will mess up everything, right?"

There was some distress in Luffy Pendragon's words.

"Besides, this church has become like this now, and it probably can't live in it? Alas, I originally wanted to live with Sister Elsa."

Is it Aisha?

Su Mu heard the words a little bit clear.

It's the god-killer who is naturally dumb... uh, he's on stage.

The natural dumb saint from the church, Aisha Alget, also became a demon under Rias in the original book.

But now, Su Mu still feels that since he can be a human, it is better to be a human.

As a nun, she has a strong belief in gods, but eventually reincarnated into a demon, which is actually a kind of cruelty.

Su Mu has always held a neutral attitude towards beliefs, neither praise nor criticism.

But if it is the god of the Bible in this world, who can be called the super-karoshi of a human father, Su Mu thinks that she is still worthy of human belief.

It seems that it was because of the butterfly storm that she set off that she and Luffy Pendragon, a member of the hero faction, got to know each other in advance.

This can be considered fate, and since this is the case, when he succeeds in taking the hero pie as his own in the future, he will put her in the hero pie.

Su Mu thought so in his heart, and then spoke.

"According to your words, your friend doesn't seem to be a very strong type."

"In this case, it doesn't seem good to leave her alone in another place?"

"If these fallen angels have other accomplices, wouldn't it be bad?"


Hearing Su Mu's words, Lu Fei Pendragon was stunned, and then his expression changed slightly.

"That's right, Aisha is still alone in the church. If she encounters bad people at this time, she will be in trouble."

After she finished speaking, she gently waved the staff in her hand, and the water-blue magic circle quickly spread out on the ground.

The next moment, the figure of Su Mu and the little witch who was born in the middle school, together with several fallen angels, appeared in the somewhat dilapidated church.

Then, Lu Fei looked straight ahead, and his face turned cold.

In the center of the church, is a blond girl wearing a gorgeous white nun's uniform, with a faint divine charm on her body.

She wore a thin veil on her head, and her waist-length golden hair shone brightly.

However, at this time, she had a slightly cowardly and flustered look on her face.

All this was because of the ferocious-looking white-haired priest in front of her, whose body was full of blood.

In his hand, he held a long sword dripping with blood.

"Hey, witch!" Father Fried Seran had a distorted smile on his face, "Tell me, where did those guys go?"

It seems that he is afraid of the bloody and pungent smell on his body, or maybe he is afraid of the twisted Yan Yi.

Facing his questioning, Elsa stepped back, shook her head, and said nothing.

On the wall behind her hangs a smudged cross with blood dripping from it.

"Huh? Could something happen?"

Seeing Aisha like this, a little suspicion flashed in Freed's eyes.

Thinking so, he turned his head and looked to the side, just in time to see Luffy raising the wand in his hand with a cold expression.


Freed's expression instantly turned angry.

As a priest who once served the church and performed the mission of annihilation, he has a strong fighting instinct and can feel the surging magic of the guy dressed as a witch on the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, his own site has been invaded!

However, he didn't panic, grabbed Aisha's shoulder almost subconsciously, and placed the long sword still dripping with blood on her shoulder.

"The witch opposite, don't move!"

There was a wicked look on Freed's face.

"I know that if you take action, you can easily kill me. But, you shouldn't want this little girl to die like this, right?"

"The moment you start, I will cut off her head without hesitation!"

"You can try, whether my sword is faster or your spell is faster!"


Luffy Pendragon's face was filled with anger, and his teeth were biting his lip lightly, and he spat out two words angrily.

Lost Father!

When she left Aisha in this church just now and chased a few fallen angels out, there was no one else in the church except Aisha.

Unexpectedly, these fallen angels actually have accomplices, and they just came back at this time.

And, now I have Asia under control!

Her anger was both at the disgusting lost priest and at herself.

He knew that this was the base camp chosen by the enemy, yet he was so negligent.

"Those three idiots, you should have killed them?"

Looking at the fallen angels lying at their feet, Freed Seran asked with a stern smile on his face.

"You can think so." Luffy replied coldly.

Although he was very tired of this lost priest, Elsa's life was still in his hands at this time.

"Hmph, I'll just say, those guys are nothing but arrogant trash." Freed grinned, then said, "Then, the little girl who can use magic, throw your staff to the ground. By the wall there!"

For a pure magician like Luffy, the staff has a great increase in strength, and it is also very easy to develop dependence.

Such a magician, after leaving the staff, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Of course, he didn't dare to let Luffy throw the staff beside him.

As a magician, who knows if she will host something in the staff, it will be bad if she accidentally gets a trick.

"Luffy! Don't promise him!"

Elsa hurriedly shouted.

However, hearing this voice, Luffy Pendragon seemed a little stunned and nodded lightly.

"I see."

Afterwards, he raised his staff, and without hesitation, he was about to throw it towards the wall.

Seeing this, Asia gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and rammed directly at the sword in Freed's hand.


Luffy's face became panic.

In fact, for her, even throwing away the staff will not be unable to solve the lost priest on the opposite side.

More importantly, Freed ignored Su Mu behind her.

But what I didn't expect was that Aisha would be so determined, in order to prevent her from being tied, she directly hit the sword in Freed's hand with her neck!


Freed also panicked and was about to remove the sword from his hand.

The guy on the opposite side is obviously stronger than him. If Aisha, who is the hostage, dies, then his ending can be imagined!

He hasn't lived enough yet, and he wants to send more people to hell, how could he be willing to die like this!

Seeing this, Su Mu looked indifferent, and a card from the card box in his hand jumped out quietly.

Smash Valudo—!

The world is at a standstill. .

Chapter 72 Let's exchange membrane methods! (3/6) Ask for full order

Although in the major arcana card "World", the function of "perspective beyond the world" is extremely eye-catching,

However, Su Mu will not forget this, the real function of this card is to control the world.

The current situation, literally.

The world is at a standstill.

Either because of Aisha's actions panicked Lu ~ Fei Pendragon.

Or Fried Ser-ran, annoyed that he might lose a hostage.

Or rather, closed - eyes full of fear.

However, she still resolutely bumped into the lost priest's blade, Asia Alget.

The movements of several people stopped for a moment.

At this time, Aisha's neck had already touched the sharp edge of the sword, and even a light red mark appeared on it.

As long as 0.01 seconds pass, this poor nun will be wiped out.

However, this picture of fate's teasing stopped abruptly.

Not just a few people in the church, the demons in the distant Kuwang Academy, several demon kings in the underworld, including the heavenly world, the three gods, the Olympus gods...

Even the True Chilong God Emperor, who was cruising in the interdimensional gap, suddenly stopped.

It looked like a TV show, and someone hit the pause button because they saw an unpleasant picture.

It's like a machine in a factory, the emergency brake was held down because of an unexpected situation.