

unknown_20281 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
126 Chs

Chapter 12

Because he was bound, this lost demon didn't even have room to scream.

"The effect seems to be good."

A whirlwind was released at will to disperse the fly ash, Su Mu rubbed the tarot card that reappeared in his hand, and commented sincerely.

Although the strength of the opponent is too weak, neither the power of "Four of Wands" nor "Shang Dafeng" can be well displayed.

However, at least he confirmed that the existence of a mid-level demon was completely insignificant in front of him.

"So, what happens when you face the existence of a superior demon?"

"If you want to compare with the higher-level demons, you need to first confirm the role that the Scepter Four can play and the consumption of spiritual power."

Although the battle just now seemed easy, in fact, the spiritual power in Su Mu's body was almost half consumed.

Of course, if it was in a real battle, he would naturally make his movements as quick as possible, instead of dawdling like he is now.

Su Mu thought about it in her heart, and continued to slowly set foot on the way home.

To be honest, it was quite rare for him to be alone like this, walking on the road at a time like this.

After all, this world can be said to be quite dangerous. If you always go out at night, your life is likely to be in danger.

Although Su Mu is not that kind of timid person, he cherishes his life very much.

I was killed by a fallen angel or a lost demon on a whim because I was wandering outside at night. It was too embarrassing.

Su Mu, who walked directly in the direction of her house, did not know that after she left for a while, a red magic circle suddenly flashed in this alley.

The red magic power of the magic circle represented the destruction magic power inherited from Rias Gremory.

"Have you been preempted?"

Rias was the first to step out of the magic circle with her beautiful eyes looking forward to the brilliance, and then her face was slightly startled.

Behind her are almost all members of the Paranormal Research Department.

"Alala, it seems that luck is a bit bad. Come out for nothing, Minister."

The one who spoke was a girl with black hair combed into a single ponytail, with a figure that was one level stronger than Rias, wearing a witch costume.

It was the "queen" of Rias' family, Himejima Akeno.

She stepped out of the magic circle that gradually dimmed, leaned down, stretched out her fingers and gently rubbed the black ashes on the ground.

"Okay, it's a good thing that the lost demon that originally belonged to our mission goal was solved in advance by others."

Rias closed her eyes gently and sighed with some headache.

"However, an unknown person who uses flame power suddenly appeared in Kuwang Town..." Himejima Akeno stood up and blew off the black ash stained on his fingers, "This should be regarded as letting go Annoying things?"

Akeno Himejima's smile was full of fun.

In the back, seeing Yuto Kiba who was raising the bar again by his own minister and deputy minister, he shook his head with a wry smile.

They are obviously the two people with the best relationship, but they are always tit-for-tat like this.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that the Tacheng kitten next to him had a strange expression.

"Kitten? Is there a problem?"

"No..." Tacheng Kitten's expression returned to normal, and shook his head gently, "It's nothing.".

Chapter 24 Let Orpheus call her husband

It seems that I can feel the familiar atmosphere that remains here... Naturally, such words cannot be said.

The Tacheng kitten's delicate nose twitched, and then frowned because of the stench that belonged to the lost demon.

After the lost demon leaves the master, it may become deformed both physically and mentally.

Indulging in killing and depravity is just the norm, so he often smells bad.

For ordinary people, the smell that has basically dissipated is nothing, but as a cat mandrill with a keen sense of smell, it is not very pleasant.

Especially, because she seemed to feel the familiar aura just now, she even made a distinction.

The Tacheng kitten silently covered her mouth and nose, with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face.

"People have already left, so there's nothing to do." Rias sighed, "Go back, tell Cana about this, and pay more attention in the future."

Afterwards, the group from the Supernatural Research Department who had just arrived here hurriedly left.

Among them, the Tacheng kitten who silently covered his mouth and nose.

As a reward for such hard work, she recognized that Su Mu had indeed passed by here.

However, she did not share her findings with Rias.

After all, just passing by doesn't mean anything. "Even if I explained it to Rias, it's more likely that it's just a waste of energy."

Tacheng Kitten muttered in his heart.

"Rather than just telling Minister Rias directly, I might as well ask him in person tomorrow morning."

However, this reason is obviously far-fetched.

For example, when Su Mu was treating her, she suddenly changed her behavior.

It's as if she didn't realize until now that she is actually a very attractive opposite sex.

For another example, Su Mu seemed to be in a good mood all day today, as if he had untied some knot in his heart.

Originally, the Tacheng Kitten wanted to find a chance to ask the reason, but it forgot.

Of course, even if she asked, Su Mu would most likely just answer "a new pillow just arrived at home" or something like that.

"Su Mu..." Thinking in his heart, Tacheng Kitten spit out the name unconsciously.

Then, she felt the gaze from Rias.

The kitten in Tacheng lowered his head silently, and under the strange eyes of several people around, he couldn't help but blushed.

"Cough cough."

Rias coughed softly and looked away from Tacheng Kitten.

After that, he silently walked to Himejima Akeno and spoke to her earnestly.

"Ashino, in fact, my attitude towards the relationship of my family is laissez-faire. If you have someone you like in the future, whether the other person is a human, a demon, or something else, I will not object to it. Opinion."

"Even if you suddenly miss him intolerably, and go straight to his house to attack him at night, I won't have any opinion, but I will give you encouragement."

Akeno Himejima's expression quickly changed from stunned to stunned, and finally settled on a smiling expression.

Obviously still single, why this guy can so confidently take the opportunity to lecture her, even though the real goal is the kitten.

"Kitten sauce, if you have someone you like, do you need me to test it for you?"

Himejima Akeno took out a folding fan out of nowhere, spread it out to block his smile, and said softly with narrowed eyes.

"No, no need."

The Tacheng kitten faced the ridicule with an indifferent face.

Himejima Akeno had a bright smile on his face, fanning his folding fan gently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Not knowing that he had accidentally become the topic center of the Supernatural Research Department, Su Mu had already returned home.

Seeing him approaching, Orpheus, who was sitting at the desk, looked over, with a hint of joy on his cute face.

Su Mu went to school and left Orpheus at home, worried that this infinitely cute dragon had nothing to do.

Although it was common for Orpheus to spend a few years in one place, Su Mu couldn't bear to let her stay like this.

So, a few comic books were prepared for her to pass the time—ah, that was the original idea.

In fact, Su Mu asked Orpheus to take him to a country across the sea called Huanggang, and brought back some local products.

For example, from elementary school to high school, various textbooks, and the corresponding various workbooks.

Similar to the "1+2 classroom" to "five years of college entrance examination, three years of fishing", everything is available.

Yes, learning makes dragons progress.

As the two dragon gods, if you are talking about IQ, then Orpheus is definitely not lacking at all.

However, her experience is really not enough - or in fact, she has seen a lot of things, but these things will not be cared about by her, and will be put into her mind.

In order to change the appearance of Orpheus, who seemed to be able to be deceived by a lollipop, Su Mu decided to use unconventional means to accelerate her growth.

(Please ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for an evaluation~ If you don't send anything, you won't have the money to buy a workbook for Orpheus~).

Chapter 25 Su Mu was busy late at night

"Companion, you are back."

Seeing Su Mu's figure, Orpheus's cute face showed a touch of joy.

However, I don't know if I am happy because I saw Su Mu, or I am happy that I don't have to fight with these questions anymore.

In terms of general education, the opposite country has a fairly complete system.

After a period of trial and error, he must be able to fill in the loopholes in Orpheus' attempt.

However, seeing the infinite dragon god that makes many gods jealous, frowning because of the question "there are two trees in front of my house, one of which is a jujube tree and the other is also a jujube tree"... ..

Su Mu couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

No matter how strong you are, you can't escape the fate of receiving compulsory education.

Of course, he didn't let Orpheus learn just for his own pleasure.

It would be fine if Orpheus was just outside the world.

But if you enter the world, you will inevitably need to communicate with people, so the necessary common sense is indispensable.

This cute dragon can also feel that the reason why Su Mu is doing this is really for her, so she will accept this painful trial.

Otherwise, even though she regards Su Mu as a companion, she would not let him be at his mercy.

It's just that I feel a vague sense of pleasure from the depths of Su Mu's heart...


Orpheus' cheeks seemed to bulge quietly.

Seeing this, Su Mu raised her hand and gently rubbed her long soft and delicate black hair, patiently comforting her.

After a while, it finally made her feel happy again.

"Companion, I can feel that your strength has increased compared to yesterday."

Under Su Mu's hands, Menglong squinted his eyes like a well-behaved cat, and his voice was lazy.

"If you keep this progress, then maybe you will be able to defeat that hateful red dragon soon?"

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but feel excited in her voice.

Su Mu was stunned when she heard the words, and then she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This "soon" is estimated to be based on Orpheus's concept of time.

For the infinite dragon gods who are accustomed to cruising outside the world, hundreds of years and thousands of years are probably just fleeting.

But now Su Mu...for the time being, he still holds the human view of time.

After staying in this world for a hundred thousand years, and then possessing a power that can match or even surpass the great red, it may be something that others can't ask for.

But in Su Mu's eyes, it was a bit too long after all.

Thinking of this, Su Mu did not entangle with Orpheus about the normal human view of time.

He looked at the ignorant little face of Infinite Menglong, and suddenly had some impulses in his heart.

So, almost subconsciously, he began to correct the name of Orpheus.

"Orpheus, don't call me my companion, let's change it." Su Mu had a faint smile on his face, "Call me husband."

"Husband?" Orpheus's face showed a dazed look, tilted his head slightly, and said in a puzzled tone, "Why change this name?"

"Because in my opinion, the relationship between us is more closely related than that of our peers."

Looking at the dazed little face of Orpheus in his arms, Su Mu suddenly felt a strange feeling of abducting the little girl.

But in fact, the infinite dragon god who looks immature on the surface has actually survived for a long time.

Su Mu put her chin on the hair on top of Orpheus's head, her tone soft.