
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 7: Determination to Move Forward.

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding

(...)- Ddraig's thought.


[Thousands of years ago, there were three factions starting a grand war on a scale that completely overwhelmed the modern ones. The damage they did to this world was incomparable, even if you compared it with those nuclear weapons.]

[Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils.]

[All of them fight for their beliefs. All of them kill each other in the name of their 'justice'. All of them trample each other's comrades for victories.]

[Dozens, hundreds, thousands, hundred thousand, MILLIONS.]

[Considering their past glories, the current populations of each faction are pitifully minuscule. From my few previous hosts' experiences, they were forced into a state of ceasefire. This deadlock situation hasn't changed for a few centuries already.]

[Although, the situation didn't go better even until the present. Instead, they're probably standing on the thinnest ice stand possible that'll collapse with just one tiny pressure.]

[But ceasefire doesn't mean peace. Enmity and long-seated grudge still brewed to this day.]

[Therefore, they need to get an edge over each other.]

[To get a better advantage than the other side. To reclaim their old glories.]

[Their power level is almost the same if you ignore exceptions. Then, the winning factor is obviously numbers.]

[So, they need to repopulate. Quickly. As fast as possible. So fast until overturning their low rate of reproduction compared to humans. And for their easiest target----]

"----is us."

Continuing, Hyoudou Issei, the new and current partner of Ddraig absentmindedly mutters his words. A depressed expression is clearly expressed on his crestfallen face.

"We(humans) are their perfect supply to be used for their goals."

In the mental mindscape, Ddraigs unconsciously nods to his partner with a sad smile. No matter how much the world changes, the powerful always exploit the weak. This one iron-clad rule is enforced in every kind of society, supernatural or not.

The difference is just how will the weak be ruled by the strong.

[...Yes. The reason you were killed, the reason you are reincarnated into the devil. It varies depending on who's faction side, but it happens...]

Ddraig stops his sentence middle-way for Issei to continue it himself. Understanding the dragon's meaning, Hyoudou Issei closed his eyes powerlessly.

"...To people with special powers like me, as they could be threats or allies, depending on which flag humans will join."

Finishing it, the currently turned devil released a long, long breath filled with resignation. A bitter laugh escaped from his mouth hopelessly. With that background info, he could see the wider picture now, ugly as it is.

To put it bluntly,

"...I'm just a new toy for them."

He's an innocent bystander who got involved in this bloody war. At least, Issei saw it like that.

Isn't it natural to think so?

Although he didn't know what kind of duties or sins humanity had done toward them, there's no worth mentioning as it was completely unrelated to hu---..... 'former' modern human like him. It has been thousands of years already. To him, that's just crazy talk forcing their ideologies without thinking about people's opinions.

However, all three of them don't see it like that. The fallen see him as a threat to eliminate. The angels' side didn't show up so he couldn't say much.

But for the devils, it couldn't be clearer than ever. His newly changed species is an irreplaceable fact for it.

"...I'm a militia for the devils."

A powerless chuckle leaves out of his mouth. Leaving aside the ridiculousness of the situation, he, Hyoudou Issei has irrefutably become a devil. The process doesn't matter.

What matters is the result.

He didn't know what his new 'neighbor' thought when reincarnating him. Even if the person did it with goodwill, it won't change much either way.

By gaining this new life, he becomes a special person. However---

"My peaceful life has completely ended, isn't it?"

---He has to pay the price, enormously.

[....I'm sorry, Issei.]

He was thrust to a battlefield with no prior knowledge, no proper weapons, no visible reward, and no clear ending for it.

Instead, all he could see were abhorrent devils who exploited him, while his fronts were filled with angels, black and white respectively, pointing their swords at him with intent to kill.

The dreams he had seen for half a year became his new reality.

"Don't be. It's not your fault, Ddraig-san. Hell, you are also a victim in this case. Both of us were forced into this fucked up situation."

The reincarnated devil spat out a curse as if it could release his heavy emotions, even for a little bit. The crimson dragon chuckled bitterly as if he could understand him. After all, it's not once or twice that his powers were used in a reckless manner by his previous users disregarding his opinion, the true owner of it.

Yes, he could deeply sympathize and empathize with Issei. However, he'll be a hypocrite by speaking any kind of consolation words.

Because he was one of the biggest reasons for this disastrous state of affairs.

(...I guess this is where karma catches up to me.)

Dragons, in basic nature, are not good ones by any means. For him was more terrible. His entire life was filled with blood and corpses, from many, many, MANY species. Some of them were even murdered only because of his whim. His arrogance, which was his hubris, caught up, causing him to be sealed and used by countless mortals eternally.

And now, one human was robbed of almost everything because of his actions. Moreover, His sealed and weakened state makes him stand on the same pedestal. That's why he could understand Issei's wronged emotion as if it was himself.

If Ddraig couldn't feel guilt, then dragons are truly heartless.

"...What are we going to do now?"

Not I, 'we'.

It would be a lie if Ddraig was not gratified for Issei viewing him as a proper individual, spiritual state or not. But at the same time, the dragon is also aggrieved for this kind of person has to be involved in this shitty war.

Issei most probably said that unconsciously without deep meaning. He's apprehensive about the upcoming dangerous times coming to him. That question was asked to him for any possible guidance.

(....Albion, we really deserved to be sealed.)

Remembering his ill-fated rival, Ddraig released a sad sigh. What good is enormous power if it's just used for more chaos and destruction endlessly?

Ddraig lowered his head shamefully. He grinds his teeth for not being able to answer that properly. If Issei was a warrior or someone who was involved in the start, Ddraig wouldn't feel this guilty. But, he was just a civilian forced by that bastard God cramming him and his power into this boy.

However, he won't run or hide from the problem. If he does, the name Sekiryutei is just plain decoration and nothing more.

Resolving his mind, Ddraig raised his head with clear eyes. No matter how much Issei curses or blames him, he won't avoid it.

That is his cross to bear.

[Issei, the reason I'm being sealed like this, was---]

"---Because you make a mess on their war?"


Before Ddraig could complete his sentence, his partner abruptly but accurately reached the core of the problem. If he could see it in the mental scape, the dragon's mouth opened wide in shock.

[Y-you knew!?]

Snickering at his stutter, Issei continued his words, with a slightly brighter tone.

"How long do you think I watched you in dreams, Ddraig-san? Even an idiot could guess the reason if you watched the same thing over and over again. Best guess, you were sealed because of a being I couldn't currently say, right?"

Once again, he was completely correct. Even though he was weak after fighting with the white one, Issei's words weren't wrong.

The Holy Father, the leader of heaven sealed both of them, which resulted in his current state.


The crimson dragon is truly flabbergasted by the sharp presumption from Issei. While it's not that entirely surprising, to deduce it even with an unstable mind just by minimal information given...

"Critical thinking is one of my strong points. The school teachers complimented me for being creative too. It's just putting two and two together."

[....That's impressive. Not many could reach a proper answer just like that.]

"Really? I think differently."

Raising his left hand where the green circle glows, Issei smirks teasingly at the dragon.

"We humans were able to progress this much because we never stop thinking. After all, our strongest weapons are creativity and imagination."

[When you say it like that...Yeah, I guess I'm a bit silly, trying to reveal it like it's a big secret.] 

"That's fine. You were just trying to help me, for being ignorant. More importantly, there's one thing I need to say one more time to you."

Taking a deep breath, Issei looked at his left hand with a kind smile. Talking with his new partner was really therapeutic for his low mental health. Besides, although he really doesn't like comparing people, it really highlights how upright Ddraig-san is: For being honest and open, compared to the unknown devil who reincarnated him even without the basic etiquette for asking.

Well, in a near-death situation, but the point still stands.

"I forgive you, Ddraig-san. Just now, you blamed yourself for involving me. Well, consider it finished and done."

Once again, this boy surprised him immensely with his seemingly nonchalant words. Only he could make him speechless many times in this short period.

[J-Just like that?]

A simple nod with the same smile was given as a response.

"Like I said, you were also a victim. There's nothing to forgive, least of all from me. Thousands of years have passed already. I don't know what cruelty or sins you have done...but isn't it enough?"

Continuing, a sorrowful look was directed toward this dragon.

"You have put enough with our(Humans) selfish needs."


How should he describe this feeling in his heart? Stuffy, yet light. Restless yet at peace. It's the first time in his long life experienced this kind of emotion.

He never expected much after being sealed by that God. Loser, no matter what excuse they say is just a dog's bark. It's not like Ddraig fully accepted his imprisonment in the first place, but he made peace with it, albeit reluctantly.

So he just watched his previous hosts duking out with his rival countless times just like a spectator. The content of the fight or the user's personality wasn't particularly important or interesting to him. Most, if not all of them fight to death without considering his opinion as if he were invisible.

It had already occurred countless times for centuries. It would be completely idiotic of him to be feeling competitive in every fight happening.

(But...it's not bad. )

That's why, he was...really glad to be given that words, much more from this innocent person. In a way, he unconsciously waits for it to be saved, even just a little bit from this endless hell.

But, they were they, Issei is Issei. Needless to say, it's abnormal for the victim to forgive the perpetrator easily like it's nothing.

[....Why won't you blame me? I think you have the right to it.]

"Will blaming you improve the current situation?"


Once again, he couldn't respond properly to the rhetorical question given. Releasing a slight sigh, Issei looked down at his left hand with a pained smile.

"...Blaming something is easy, Ddraig-san. I experienced that from my personal experience intimately. While it could make me feel satisfaction momentarily----"

Lowering his head, his hair bangs shadowed his eyes that filled with endless remorse.

"---...All it left would be just regret and guilt. Just like me ten years ago."

Just like that accursed time. It was definitely the lowest moment for him if you exclude today and yesterday's event.

With that event, he was able to suppress his emotional side, looking at the world with solid reasoning frequently.

For good or bad, Issei is a logical person now. He could think calmly and rationally in any kind of situation, with the condition if he could cope with it. Magic and ongoing millennium wars are...entirely new concepts to swallow, but he could adapt to it. He needs time to digest it fully, however, to rationalize it as facts that had been occurred by the world this whole time.


Anyway, In his perspective, it's meaningless to point fingers at the dragon, fallen angel, or even his mysterious devil savior. It's just going to be throwing mud to all sides, with no one feeling happy or as the victor. Complaining is the same. It won't do any good whining annoyingly either.

What happened, happened. Nothing could change that anymore.

What he could change though---

"To tackle the problem in front of me."

To put it nicely, he's being optimistic. To put it bluntly, though, Issei is just desperate. Very much so.

He's scared. He is so afraid of his life being targeted at every angle at any time. He freely admits that he's a coward who treasures his life much more than fighting for glory or whatnot. If he's going further, it's just idiotic to lay down his precious life on nonsensical things like that.

Ddraig is left speechless hearing that. He faintly felt it before, but this man named Hyoudou Issei is truly different in every sense. No hosts EVER think that way, much less admitting being a coward.

[Then, will you run away?]

While it was a weakling's action, Ddraig won't blame him. As he mentioned before, Issei is just a high schooler who doesn't even know the letter "F" for fighting. It left a complicated feeling for the dragon, but he won't say much. Issei has the right to decide his own life.

Contrary to his expectation though, Issei shook his head resolutely.

"No, I'm going to fight, Ddraig-san. While running could give me time, that's all. It will catch up to me, sooner or later."

[...You are scared of dying, but still going to fight?]

In response to his Ddraig's confusion, a dry laugh escaped from his mouth. He was right, his words are full of contradiction. However, he feels at ease for being able to say this kind of contradiction.

Because it still proves him to be human.

Most of all---

"....My friends and parents could be targeted."


"I don't think everyone is 'kind' enough to leave them alone."

....No, no they won't. Ddraig scoffs at the ridiculous notion of those pretentious bastards knowing the notion of 'restraint'. Angels, regardless of their past, would be the so-called "Necessary Evil" when pushed to a corner. Devils and Fallen Angels are the same. Heck, they could be worse without even pretending to be the "good guys."

Issei may be vague about his potential prowess, but Ddraig couldn't be more clear about his power as Sekiryuutei. Either as enemies or allies, his future worth is worth more than a few battalions of supernatural races.

They will do everything they can to exploit him for their agenda.

Issei may be ignorant. But, he's not foolish enough to think everything will go better without doing anything either. To achieve something, you have to do it yourself. This case is no different.

Only, the hurdle are thousand times higher than normal. At the same time, the stakes placed in it are something irreplaceable to him too.

Then, there's only one action he could take in this scenario.

"My life has completely changed. I could admit that. Hyoudou Issei of the mediocre is no more. ....I wish to run away and pass this problem to someone else."

But..., saying that Issei takes a deep breath while looking at the green circle in his hand resolutely.

"---That doesn't mean I could throw everything just to preserve my pitiful life."

It was a declaration uncharacteristic of him. If the past himself sees his action, he will snort derisively, commenting what kind of shounen protagonist are you impersonating?

He himself knew it was not like his personality to be passionate about things like this. The world doesn't exactly work with black and white, nor in fairy tale logic. Instead, this world wasn't kind to the weak. They will use you until you are dry and bones. Worse, ashes won't be left as remains too.

In other words, He doesn't want to, but he must. It's not about want or not wanting anymore.

He has to.

"I can't do this alone Ddraig-san. I will die a dog's death when the time comes."

The sheer certainty of his prediction about his possible death was chilling to the dragon. It's almost scary that he could admit that will-nilly without any sense of shame or hesitation.

A coward. That term truly reflects his words and actions.

The past him will never look at Issei kindly. To be more harsh, it's insulting for the Red Dragon of Domination to have this kind of weak host.

---Such thinking never passes through his mind.

To the only host who could challenge fear by laying everything bare, to this partner who wants to ask his help for a better relationship:

[Heh. Contrary to your words, you are wearing a warrior's face.]

Ddraig will embrace his everything gladly.

Chuckling shyly, Hyoudou Issei smiled slightly at his partner. For a thousand-year-old dragon to say that, was quite a compliment. He really was fortunate to have Ddraig as a partner.

"Then, let's do this. Not by myself but both of us."

"Together, let's be the Sekiryuutei, Ddraig-san."

Releasing a deep breath, Ddraig flaps his humongous wings in his mental landscape. With a grin that bares his sharp teeth openly, the sealed dragon loudly declares to his newest partner.

[Those words, I, Y Ddraig Goch certainly hear it! The world will tremble hearing our names!] 







 " [For we are the Red Dragon of Domination!]


Author's Note: Hi everyone, it's your dear author again. My original plan was to combine another idea to this chapter but's it going to be 7k words? Welll...that's a lot so I'll separate it. Instead, I want to highlight the relationship between Ddraig and Issei in detail.

In anime, both of them have a decent relationship with each other. Issei relies on Ddraig to become Harem King, while Ddraig supports Issei for being interesting and high potential. My chapter is almost no different, except Issei unanimously trusted Ddraig from the start. There's a good reason for it, explained in this chapter. Between a suspicious devil and a dragon who will stick with you forever, the sensible MC chooses the latter.

Now, I won't say Rias is intentionally evil. She's just inexperienced and sheltered due to her upbringing. I always found it weird why Issei found it normal even after being killed and not being suspicious of his surroundings (the memory of Yuuma erased). He just shrugs it off and accepts Rias as his master obediently.

Anime logic is scary. That's what ticks me off the most.

My Issei is the complete opposite of the OG one. He won't just think all of that is a dream and wait for an explanation. He's proactive about what and what not to do for a better chance of survival. After all, his priority is his parents and friends who are good to him, not a hot devil reincarnating him WITHOUT PERMISSION. Therefore, this is where the change finally begins.

Yes, he did become her servant sadly. However, the content and end result of it until the peace conference will be extremely different. Remember, even if you think it's fine, the other part maybe doesn't see it that way. Moreover, that one bad choice will color your entire character in a bad light.

That's all from me, Ciao~~~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts