
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
108 Chs

Chapter 49 We are still here.

She could be mistaken for Rias' sister as her figure was much the same if the hair was also red. It was flaxen brown that hung over her shoulders.

And when someone thought of Rias' sister, a portal opened, and out walked Sirzechs Lucifer as she was now known.

Rias and Sirzechs were often mistaken for each other as they both had the same body type and long hair.

Her outfit looked more like a man with a long formal robe that fitted her body perfectly. It didn't hide the big chest that she had also inherited from Rias.

In human terms, she looked like a college version of her little sister.

The two Lords were about to get up before she waved that away.

"Please, do not get up. I'm not here as Lucifer but as an older sister who wishes to see her little sister's first Rating Game. Especially after what Grayfia told me."

She sat down in an empty chair while signaling a servant for a drink. Her mother however was not so sure about the question. So Venelana walked over to her older daughter.

"You are not going to say anything to Rias. It would help on the encouragement."

Sirzechs sighed when she heard the bits.

"I sent Grayfia her way. That's all I can do now, mother."

"Rias' future is at stake! You have to."

"What else can I do, mother? Rias has the Hakuryuukou on her side. Maybe have some faith in her. I do." And with that, Sirzechs looked over at the young man who sat back on the couch.

Her eyes didn't lie. All the women in the ORC were swooning over this young man. Sirzechs counted her lucky stars that Michael gave her the heads-up.

The super Devil knew all she needed to know about the White Saint. Well, they had some time to tame him. If they could even do that with Issei Hyoudou.

Scene skip

In a remote location of the Devils, one crazy inventor had been working on something new.

"You really think you're the only genius around these parts, Ajuka? But you should know I have been around a whole lot longer for this one."

Azazel, leader of the Grigori and certified mad genius had been working on new technologies but as a side project, had been trying to find a way into the system of the Devils Rating Games.

"What are you talking about, old man?" The voice cut his attention away from his project to his "bodyguard". In actuality, the reason why he had Valina Lucifer with him along, was to prevent the bored Dragon from smashing up the place at home.

His own project had been a top secret that Azazel didn't even dare to share it with her.

Vali was a stunning beauty. Long silver hair that hung onto her ass, a nice gifted chess that came through as part of being a Devil. Her outfit consisted of a green top that struggled to keep that chest contained, a white undershirt, and a black coat that hung over her shoulders, and the pants were the same.

"I have tapped into the Rating Game channels. It helps to kill some time now."

"And why do I have to be happy about that?" Azazel leaned away from the screen and showed to Valina the current display.

"Looks like I found your rival, girl." The Sekiryuutei of that generation walked over to the screen and eyes found Issei who was talking to Rias at that point.

The tips of her mouth pointed upwards and she could feel saliva gathering in them.

"That's him? The White Saint?"

"I take you want to use your own screen to watch this guy?"

Valina didn't answer but skipped over to a new screen where Azazel made the fight appear. His Dragon wouldn't look to any other screen besides Issei Hyoudou.

It was rare that the Heavenly Dragons were born with different genders in one generation. Usually, they were male, both of them.

Females were born in the eons that followed after the destruction of Ddraig and Albion but they were the exception. Not the rule.

Maybe, these two could change their destiny.

Scene skip

Issei knew of course of magical portals and they were a huge help. If also not a big pain to deal with when he had strays to kill.

The light in the room died and it was like they hadn't left the place at all.

"Eh, did something go wrong? We are still here."

Rias shook her head and motioned Asia to look outside. The sky was green and orange and it mixed with other colors.

"They are giving us our home to play with. They are seriously looking down on us." Rias commented but her eyes flickered over to Issei.

"In that case, we get a lot to play with." Issei cracked his knuckles as he looked forward to the beating that was about to commence.

At that point, they heard the voice of Grayfia Lucifuge talk over the skies.

[Hello, everyone. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, a maid of the house of Gremory. I'll be the referee of this Rating Game between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex. In the name of my master, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, I'll be keeping an eye on this match. This battlefield which has been chosen by both Lord Gremory and Lord Phenex is a replica of the school that Rias-sama attends in the human realm, Kuoh Academy. The location to which both teams have been transported will be their base so to speak. Rias-sama's "base" would be the Occult Research Club, in the old school building. Riser-sama's "base" is in the Student Council room, in the new building. For the [Pawns] to use Promotion, they must first enter the enemy's base. Fighting will begin in thirty minutes but between that time, it is allowed to set enchantments.]


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