
DXD: I Stand Above All [Dropped]

*warning -the prologue is a bit longer for a ff. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to and can skip to when he gets to the world but as the author I hope you take some time to read it. Again skip if you wish * This is a DXD fanfic with an original character. I hope you remember this is not the original story so there will be some difference you will see in the story. I’ll post when I can cause school is starting again. ——————— This is a story about a man who will stand at the apex of the universe. But as you know everyone has hurdles they must pass to be able to reach their goal. Follow the mc and his journey to travel the world, learn new magics and reach the top of the food chain. ———————- I do not own DXD, I only own my oc’s I will also be adding more things that are shown in the anime. I also do not own any references I use in the story such as other fictional works, songs movies, etc. *The cover image I used was found on google, meaning it’s not mine. Message me or comment if you want me to remove it

Legend27 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs


It was a dark and stormy night when you could see a figure in a white cloak sitting on the edge of a building.

The figure stood up as they jumped off the building and started dropping to the ground at an alarming rate. The figure then whispered something as he started to stabilize and started to levitate at some point.

"Now then God, shall we do our last mission before we get a break" the figure said.

[Hurry it up Aizen, we don't have all night. We need our beauty sleep for tomorrow] God said to the figure now identified as Aizen.

Aizen sighed as let himself down gently. After reaching the ground the started walking towards an abandoned church.

Arriving at the abandoned church, or what used to be a church, he walked through the front door and saw another figure in a white cloak slitting a fallen angels throat with an Ice blade.

"Nice to see you get ahead of me Dulio. Though I wish you could've let me have some fun" Aizen said to the figure known as Dulio.

"Ahh, is the Calamity of the church mad?" Dulio asked.

The veins on Aizen's forehead bulged as he heard what Dulio said.

"Better than the chuch's most gentle child" Aizen spat.

Hearing this Dulio's eyes twitched. "Now, now. Don't be mad cause your nickname isn't as badass as mine" Aizen said as he walked up to the dead Fallen Angel corpses.

"DECRUSTO" Aizen said as he snapped his fingers making the corpses disintegrate leaving ashes that were carried off by the wind.

"*Whistle* watching you use your magic never get old" Dulio said in awe after witnessing Aizen's spell.

Aizen chuckled a little before saying "Shall we go then. I wanna sleep already. Plus tomorrows the day you and I get to have a break. You get to spend some time alone with Asia and I get to do something fun so lets hurry it up".

Dulio blushed a bit before agreeing to pick up the pace.

They then walked around the area and made sure there were no fallen angels or Devils before teleporting back to the head church and give their reports to Vasco.


After giving the report Aizen teleported home and took a shower before eating and going off to bed. While he was in his bed he had one single thought before drifting off to sleep.

'Its been two years since I had a break'.


During these two years a lot has changed. One was him being able to become a exorcist earlier along with Dulio as they were Vasco's disciples. This led to them completing many missions and achieving ranks that would've taken years. Over the span of a year both Aizen and Dulio showed that they were one of the strongest in the church and due to that they were awarded the rank of Archbishop. But they were not the only ones who graduated early and became exorcists. Their whole group managed to become exorcists a year after Aizen and Dulio.

Ranks in the church gave many benefits to Aizen, but the most important thing that changed was Aizen's strength.

In the two years he had finally crossed into [Tier 1- Ultimate class] and surpassed it reaching [Tier 2- Ultimate class]. This was possible by killing a [Tier 3- Ultimate class] level being. This was a blessing as Aizen didn't think he would've been able to kill something this strong so early on. After all, most 'high ranked' beings are hard to come by. The only reason he was able to have the opportunity was because he saw Vasco talking about slaying a monster that was terrorizing a nearby city. So like anyone, Aizen teleported there soon after hearing about it and killed it.

Killing the [Ultimate class] monster was quite difficult as higher ranks have different strength barriers every [Tier]. Aizen then finally found a flaw in his stealth. The higher up you go in strength, the gap between [Tiers] are larger. That is when Aizen finally stopped heavily relying on his stealth.

Though that might have been a let down, not everything was bad, as Aizen's skills also increased from two years ago. Firstly, his skill {Blink increased in speed and the cost to use it was lowered to just one mp. The second skill that increased was {Shadow extraction/save}. The thing that increased was the amount of shadows he could have. It increased from 30 to 97, and over the because of him becoming a exorcist, he was able to gather many shadow soldiers with different levels of strengths.

He had 15 [Low class] soldiers that were a mix between Fallen angels and Devils, 30 [Middle class] level soldiers which ranged from humans, fallen's and Devils, 51 [High class] level soldiers ranging from different monsters and strays to even a couple human mages he killed during the two years. Finally he had 1 [Ultimate class] level soldier, the monster that allowed him to step into [Ultimate class].

Making the [Ultimate class] follow him as his soldier was quite difficult as it took him four tries to finally get it to follow him. Aizen came up with a name for the monster and gave it the name Griffith as it had the body of a griffin. When he finished naming it the soldier bowed its head and thanked him with words, which surprised him. Aizen quickly got over the fact it could talk and mentally noted down that the level of strength needed for a monster to be able to talk was [Ultimate class].

Another skill that increased was his telekinesis. Before it allowed him to move a person quite easily, but now it was on another level as he could move a truck with a flick of his wrist.(Look at the flick of the wrist ooo~)

After reaching [Ultimate class] Aizen was able to make three skills or passives but he diecided to trade the choice to have three abilities to make an ability that was worth more than one.

So AIzen went on to create the skill {Trace}.

{Skill- Trace}

-Allows the user to copy the item of anything he touches without having to know the properties. The only thing he must know is the history behind the item he wants to copy. The copy will have the same strengths and weaknesses as the original. (10000 mp).}

When Aizen made this skill he immediately traced Durandal, Asia's sacred gear {Twilight healing}, and of course Dulio's {Zenith Tempest}.

Knowing the history of the items he would end up tracing was easy as he had the creator of the sacred gears living inside of him and a being as old as they come, God.

Other than abilities the only other thing than rank promotions that has changed over the span of two years was Asia. She went from shy and weak to more of an outgoing person and became strong with the groups training sessions. Overall these two years have been very beneficial to Aizen and his group.


AN: I decided that Asia wont be a love interest or gf of Aizen. Honestly she's cute she really is, but isnt 'HOT'. Cute is good but we cannot lewd cuteness. Plus if anything I would see Asia as a little sister. She may have changed but she's still the cute Asia we know and used to hate. But now we love her! Also I think her and Dulio wouldn't make a bad couple. BTW FOR THOSE WHO SAY NTR I WILL ACCTUALLY NO SCOPE YOU. It was never set in stone that they would be together so dont go saying NTR when Aizen never really liked her like that.

I have someone else in mind for Aizen, plus she'll be hot and I think you guys would like her.

As you can see Aizen's new ability is too op but it does cost a lot of mp, though it doesn't really make it any less op.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and are excited of what's to come.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I also hope I explained what happened during the two years well.

If you enjoyed the story so far leave some stones, comments and a review.

Legend27creators' thoughts