
DxD: I Got Saved by Ophis

Issei's parents are killed by orders of Kokabiel and he is left all alone. As he is about to get killed by the people who killed his parents Ophis comes to save him. He learns that he is the great-grandson of the Vanishing Dragon Albion and coincidentally has his sacred gear Divine Dividing and the strongest Vritra sacred gear.

cakemonster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

chapter 2

Issei stands up from the ground, looks straight into Ophis' eyes and says "I want to protect the ones I love, I don't want anyone to suffer what I have"

With this Ophis gives Issei a smile. One with very little effort but a smile none the less. "As expected she says" She says, while reaching her hand out with something resembling a snake coming out of her hand. "Using one of my snakes, I shall grant you some of my power to help you reach this goal of yours. But remember this, one day I'll need you to help me with my goal"

Issei nods his head, since she had saved him from death it was only fair that he helps her. He reaches to her hand and takes this snake of hers. Once contact is made it gets absorbed into his body and he can feel power flowing inside of him. He almost collapses from the sudden power that he had absorbed. But thats when something interesting happened. On his back there appeared to be two white wings and on his chest, a black chest plate with a golden jewel in the center.

"Interesting. Seems like you have the power of your ancestor and the Black Prison Dragon" Ophis was very pleased to see that the one she depended on the most had the Divine Dividing and Prison of Ruin sacred gears.

"I have the power of my ancestor?" Issei asks

"Yes you do. Allow me to explain" Ophis goes on to tell Issei the story of the Albion the White Dragon of Supremacy and Ddraig the Red Dragon of Domination. How the two had a feud which ended up with the Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils to have a temporary truce during the Great War to deal with these dragons. She tells him how it ended with them being put into two sacred gears, the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing, which led to them being put into a host for them to continue their eternal battle. "Not only do you have Divine Dividing but you also have the strongest sacred gear that the Black Dragon King Vritra was put into. These sacred gears will eventually allow you to speak with them when you become strong enough as they have the conciousness of each Dragon"

"So i'm kinda special aren't I?" Issei asked. Now with the knowledge of being both decendant and wielder of Albion it really gave him something to work for to become stronger.

"Yes. You truely are Issei." She replied. "I need to go now Issei. I will come visit you every now and then to see how strong you have become but promise me something"

"Yes what is it Ophis?" He asked

"Promise me you will become strong. You are my last true hope to finally regain my silence"

"I promise Ophis. I will return your kindness by returning you to your silence" He replied.

"Thank you Issei. I'll see you soon" And with that Ophis flew away. At that moment he didn't know where he was going to go. He wasn't sure how he could survive on his own, but he was sure about one thing. He will return Ophis to her silence again. To do that he must get stronger, he must protect others and above all he must become


Kuoh 10 years later

"I can't believe oka-sama is forcing me to go to school" said Issei Hyodou.

(I can't beleive that you still refer Ophis as oka-sama. I thought you grew out of that) Said Albion, somewhat annoyed that Issei is referring the Infinite Dragon God as his mother.

'Shut up Albion, you know that she practically raised me' Issei replied.

[Let the boy be Albion] Said Vritra. [You must understand that Ophis is the closest thing Issei has had to a parent since his have passed. Let him have this]

That's right. Its been 10 years since that day, 10 years since Issei had lost his parents. Ophis had become the closest thing he could have to be mother ever since he lost his. She was always there when Issei had called for her, she helped him awaken his sacred gears and was always there to listen to him whenever he wanted to talk.

(But i'm his great-grandfather and he STILL hasn't called me ojii-san) Replied Albion with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

[Oh my is the great Vanashing Dragon jealous of Ophis]

(Its been 7 years since he's awakened us. I've suggested him to call me ojii-san but he refuses to do so everytime!)

Thats right. Its been 7 years since Issei had awakened Albion and Vritra. Both of them were confused to why they were sharing a single host but after some discussion they had decided to make it work somehow.

A few days after Issei had awakened the dragons his physical appearance had started to change. Instead of his regular brown hair it had changed to become more of a silver color. His eyes had also gotten a change of color with one of them becoming white while the other turned blue. It was assumed by both dragons that Albion would have an effect on Issei's physical appearance while Vritra would have an effect on his sacred gear. This turned out to be true because his Balance Breaker with Divine Dividing ended up being black with purple jewels instead of white with blue jewels.

While Issei was listening to the two bickering dragons he was getting ready for school. He got changed into his school which consisted of a black blazer over a white dress shirt with his favorite white shirt with black stripes.

While he was walking towards his new school the bickering between the dragons had ended and Issei decided to enter the conversation once again. 'So why did Oka-sama decide to put me into school again'

[Ophis thought it was a good idea for you to have an actual social life with regular people. So far all you've done is take some jobs hunting people down and thats not so healthy if its the only thing you do besides train] replied Vritra.