
Ch21: God's system and Old Satan Faction

(MC pov)

(Location: 7th heaven: Year 2006, 3 months after the Genesis Creation Sequence ritual)

I was just floating cross legged in the air feeling God's system, all the prayers that went unheard after his death and all the new prayers that are constantly coming through. The system itself, if explained simplisticly, is composed of 3 main parts with many mini ones to function. There is the Soul section, which mainly deals with the creation of New souls, reincarnation, Purgatory and all that. It is also responsible for the distribution of Sacred gears and their Sealing.

For that one, I didn't change much, letting the loose seals and balance breakers, but I did enforce the seals on the non awakened, which made detecting them next to impossible from an outsider perspective, and made it so that their awakening doesn't actually hinder the life of normal people. If they didn't have a life threatening situation related to the supernatural they won't awaken it, of course I did this to all except a certain Longinus.

Now, another part is the Faith system, which governs over the prayers, how holy power and miracles will be bestowed upon those who asked, and all that. It was actually functioning somewhat effectively, but now that the close to 70% of faith energy isn't needed anymore, I decided to dedicate it for the activation of a long slumbering function, divine domain spells.

See, what makes difference between a Heavenly Angel and a Fallen One? Simple, it is the difference between Light and Holy mana. Light magic is the manipulation of the natural element, makes can do it, devils can do it, anyone can do it. Now the holy element on the other hand, it isn't actually an element. Holy magic is a just a downgraded residue of Telesma, a higher form of Mana that is special to the biblical heaven.

When God was alive, his angels and in some rare cases, some believers were able to call upon his grace, his light to aid them in any battle or situation. It was basically what amounted to a big divine territory spell, that will make the targeted area a temporary domain of God, giving massive buffs to his believers and allies while giving massive debut for enemies and especially creatures of Darkness.

But after his death, this function was basically cut off as it relied on God's limitless light, Ein Sof Ohr, which was lost after his demise. But it still existed in a passive state, in the form of holy energy empowerment, which was the power I got from praying, and the power Vasco channels in his fist. For the angels, they had to just be content with the meager amounts of Telesma being generated by either themselves or the realm, and to rely upon faith energy to extract the divinity from it, which is what was making the realm of Heaven and their halos continue to exist. Now since I fixed that, angels can go back to deploying Divine territory spells any time they want, and with my connection to this part of the system, I was able to weed out close to 27 mid to high class angels who were leaking informations and are basically traitors, as they all became fallen and are imprisoned in 2nd heaven.

Now the final part, is the Pantheon structure system, which made me have some headaches about how to deal with it, besides of course the millions of prayers in my head. See, this is the part of the system concerning angels, fallen angels and devils. That is, it contains the fall system, the holy and demonic energies synergy, the suppression of both the Holy and Light elements on creatures such as Devils, Vampires, Werewolves and strangely, even Youkai. With this, I can actually forbid holy and demonic energy from ever merging, or I can allow them to actually merge, or give that ability to any I wish.

As for how I am allowed here? Well, it was just a matter of revealing that I was the responsible for the whole repair and fiasco thingy. Of course there was a lot of commotion with the Seraphs, they were actually trying to make me the reincarnation of God, but after a long explanation of some of what happened, not all mind you. I was able to explain to them my new position as an administrator of the system, and all the powers I got over it, and they were content, seeing the Will of God and knowing that it approved of me.

In the end, it was decided that this will be a secret for council of Seraphs and the ones I think are trustworthy enough, which of course included Vasco, Ewald, and some of the brave saints. Which was a funny thing, as when I activated the empowerment system that will reward the most believers, Asia who was a 4 winged angel at that time, basically jumped into low Ultimate class in reserves, having now 8 wings because of her crazily incredible belief.

For the others not so much changed, Siegfried was enchanted by the grail so that he can spam his swords all he want without any fear of losing lifespan, and I actually allowed him to mix holy and demonic energy, making him reach unprecedented levels of power and control over his swords, with him being a High-Ultimate class of 8 wings, but can punch way over his class as I'm pretty sure he can defeat Kokabiel. Same with Lint, who has been jumping and screaming when I gave her the medium to use Incinerate Anthem, which she has already unlocked the sub-blance breaker, manifesting a giant cross and warriors of holy fire.

Jeanne was able to manifest her balance breaker, Stake Victim Dragon, who has 2 heads instead of one and seemed way stronger than the original. Not to mention all the types of holy swords she can manifest, from elemental ones to poison, explosive, flying, teleportation, etc... She was also a Mid-ultimate class with 8 wings and was entrusted with Excalibur Blessing to compliment her blade blacksmith.

For Valerie, she is actually the only one in my brace saints who has 10 wings, signifying that her reserves have reached the Satan-class levels. She is very very proficient with light and holy magic, enchanting herself and using shadow manipulation to gain an edge and as a suprise attack. And although, she wasn't really that much into resurrecting people, she does have some of them that I insisted she keep their souls atleast, as I gave her their vessels so that she doesn't need to worry.

As for the revived ones? Well they are mainly 2 evil dragons known as Grendel, a 15 meter tall Western Dragon with black scales, bright silver eyes, horns, wings, and thick limbs, uniquely being a Dragon who stands on his feet.

He is the Dragon that the hero Bewoulf killed, being an insanely durable one that is above the Dragon Kings level, who was still alive even when only half of his head remained.

The other one is Ladon, who has the appearance of a Dragon and a tree combined. He is the same Dragon who was in charge of protecting the Golden Apples of Hesperides, and was killed by Hercules to get one of them as a part of his labors. Although being weaker than some Dragon Kings, Ladon has immense mastery in using barriers, surpassing even the supreme magic specialist Azi Dahaka in this aspect. Of course, I can also summon them at any given time. Besides those 2, she didn't want to revive anything else, so she focused on her sacred gear's abilities to enchant, heal and change the body's properties.

For the others such as Irina and Xenovia, they are now close to the ending of their 3 year partnership, with 1 year still left, but I think they will still continue as a duo. Although Xenovia have 6 wings thanks to training with both Excalibur destruction and Durandal, Irina only have 2 pair of wings, although she was able to weild Excalibur Mimic when she became an angel. Sadly, the holy sword project disaster was still a thing that happened, as I was too young to prevent it or be listened too.

For the older menbers, we have Vasco who was restored and enchanted to his 30s, but still choose to remain human. Ewald Cristaldi, Queen card of Raphael, is now a High-Ultimate class angel with 8 wings. Then there was Griselda who is also the Queen card of Gabriel, she is a low-Satan class angel with 10 wings.

Finishing my reminiscence, I just folded my wings on me and teleported to deal with some business.


(3rd pov)

(Underworld: Old Satan Faction: Original Leviathen faction)

The old Satan Faction was a group comprised of pure blooded Devils that fanatically supported the world domination ideals of the original Satans, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Leviathan, had allied themselves with their descendants.

After the organization's dissolution after the Devil Civil War, the remnants of the Old Satan Faction were scattered through out the Underworld. Several hundred years later, the organization was reformed as a wing of the Khaos Brigade, becoming its largest faction.

In one particular location of the Underworld, there existed a group of nobles who were followers of the Satan Leviathen faction, who were contacted about a descendant of their Lord, even though she was a half bread, and that she fell victim to the famous devil sleeping disease in hope that they can help her. Those noble Devils hid this descendant, who was affected by the sleeping disease in their own territory, hiding it from the current government and even from Katerea Leviathan, who is the one of their current leaders and the Old Satan supporters who joined the Khaos Brigade.

It was in one such place that a strange scene was unfolding, a fog was enveloping the small town as 2 giant beasts, each close to 15 meters, where roaming the place. Said beasts were NATRA-CINEREUS and DABIH-CRYSTALLUS, with Samuel floating above the city as he was mind reading and controlling all the city's denizens as he muttered.

" So she is here huh, my nigh-omniscence over Heaven, Underworld and the Dimension Gap really is handy. Well let's deal with this quickly." with a wave of his hand, he teleported in one of the hospitals and looked at a beautiful foreign girl who appears to be in her late teens with a whimsical aura. She has long purple hair and has orange eyes. The truly magnificent thing however was her aura, which was very close to Satan-class levels.

' I guess the original Satans really had some good Genes. Hmmmm, should I should recreate the Ars Goetia and then show them to the one in TYPE-MOON when I visit there just for the hell of it? Food for thought' he internally said before summoning his outer halo, which is Alphecca Tyrant before putting his hand on the girl's head and saying.

" Well, let's start shall we" after which he summoned the grail as the flying monster, DABIH-CRYSTALLUS, connected both their mind, and soon Samuel was able to see all her memories.

Her name is Ingvild Leviathen. She was born to a human magician mother who had a fling with a devil from the Leviathen clan in 1895. Knowing that nothing good will happen I'd they know about her. She decided to hide in a small island on Greece named Oia. Ingvild was raised by her mother knowing about the supernatural from her childhood, and trained her mostly on how to control her power over the sea. She loved watching both the sea and the sunset over one of the cliffs and singing. But she soon started to grow weaker and weaker, no longer being able to go out of her bedroom, until one day where she felt overwhelmingly tired and decided to go to sleep early, then nothing.

Taking his hand from her her head, Samuel just thought a little about it and muttered.

" Greece huh. I don't think I visited it in this life." before sighing and snapping his fingers making her jerk a little as she started waking up. Soon she opened her eyes and looked around to find herself in an unfamiliar room, soon she felt the person not to her and looked only to freeze in shock and dread upon seeing the halo. Noticing this, Samuel just deactivated it and said.

" Be not afraid my lady, I intend no harm" hearing the soothing voice made her relax a little but she still looked afraid as she shakily looked all over the room to see anything that can help her understand why is she with an angel.

" Ingvild Leviathen right?" asked Samuel, to which she nodded. He then proceeded to slowly explain to her the situation, that she was asleep to more than 100 years, how she got the devil sleeping disease, how her mother, who already died of old age, contacted the Old Satan Faction for help, and of the political and latest news about the supernatural and about her bloodline and sacred gear. It was a long discussion, as she broke down to tears several times during it, but she still was able to gather herself and continue. Soon hours passed and their discussion come to an end as Samuel said.

" So, you now heard everything and have 3 choices. You can just go on your own, as I can teleport you to the human world, give you some funds and live your life I suppose. Or you can introduce yourselves to the new Satans, and I garranty you that they are good people who will try to help you the best they can, especially the current Satan Leviathen, although not a true descendant of you clan, she is a good devil, well as good as a devil can be. Third is my offer, I will reincarnate you into an angel, and you will discard your devil side, but will still hold onto your self as I set the System so that Falling isn't really a worry for you." after which he stopped her before she could talk.

" Please take your time to consider all your options and eat something while you're at it. We have all the time we could need" with that said, he stood up and left the room. With just Ingvild alone in the room, she took the lunch that was sitting on the tray and started eating it, with tears running down her cheeks she muttered " It's delicious" to no one in particular.

Meanwhile, Samuel was floating looking at the town that was surrounded by multiple hundreds of barriers as he said.

" Ladon, I hope there is no problem in the synchronisation with the fog?" which made the dragon-tree like creature to shake some of his heads and respond from multiple mouths.

" No, this is but a child play for us. The time-dilation barrier however did complicate things a little, but nothing to worry about" responded Ladon, to which Samuel didn't reply as he just started meditating while floating. It wasn't too long before felt Ingvild, who has fallen asleep, had woken up and was looking for him. Descending and entering the room, he found her still in the bed as he took his seat like before waiting for her to talk. Seeing this, Ingvild seemed determined as she said.

" I have made my decision. I will accept your proposal. I have nothing to really live for anymore, no family, no purpose. And my devil parentage brought nothing but problems to me. Going to the human world iand living a normal life is impossible as I will be forced to join in sooner or later. So yes, please accept me as one of your Brave Saints." Looking at her and seeing that she is determined, Samuel just sighed and said.

" Alright, I will need you unconscious for this, so kindly don't resist.It won't really feel like anything as you will just wake up and everything will be done already." which made her lose some of the confidence she had but still nodded. As he reached to touch her forehead with her finger he heard her mutter " Thank you for everything" to which he just replied with a " No problem" and tapping her forehead, making her fall unconscious.

Putting her down again on the bed, Samuel summoned his Halos again and reached to God's system as he made Ingvild detached from the suppression of holy magic. Then using the grail, he summoned both trees of life and death, as he pulled his Joker card and started shifting her devil side without affecting the bloodline power. But seeing as her human side won't be able to handle neither the bloodline nor her overwhelming demonic energy. He had to be quick as he started using both trees to slowly shift her demonic power to Holy one while supporting her body that is slowly becoming human.

As soon as the process was finished and her body was going to began collapsing, he quickly inserted the Joker card in her, making her float a little as 10 white wings emergedfrom her back and a big halo appeared above her head. Soon they all disappeared as Samuel quickly caught her in a princess hold as she had women up from the commotion. Feeling herself being carried, she looked up to see the angel, Samuel as he told her to call him, holding her. Feeling the rush of heat on her cheeks, she just buried her face in her hands and tried to become as small possible. Looking at this, Samuel just smiled and got out of the hospital, shook his head a little before saying.

" Want to be put down?" but hearing no answer, he looked down again to see that she has fallen asleep again curling onto him. He decided to do nothing as he just just transmitted a mental command to Ladon, who put down the time dilation barrier before being dispersed by Samuel as he made every devil here forget about Ingvild Leviathen, and from the memories of this people, all of them, who are aware of her are here. After this, he just decided to leave as he teleported with the sleeping Ingvild away. Soon, the fog was cleated as everything continued like nothing happened.
