
The rooms

Behind the door, appears a stone bed and a drawer by the side.

A glowing rod crystal stands on the drawer, illuminating the room.

The stone bed, ingrained with many shiny minerals within. Then carved with leaf and floral patterns. An exotic commodity if brought back to planet earth.

Jonnathan searches through the drawer, finding bronze coins.

Then in another exact room, he finds a bunch of silver coins.

Searching through the rooms....

All together he finds a total of 52 bronze coins and 30 silver coins.

If Gaming for the last 20 years have taught anything, it is to thoroughly search the room for any secrets.

That's when he finds a bird figurine, concealed behind the bed frames.

A bird statue, its wings delicately carved, displaying a vivid feather appearance.

Then a voice rings out:



Jonnathan quivers! Throwing the bronze figurine on the clay floor!


A notification sounds out:

"Ancient earth kingdom language detected. Auto-translate activated."

Jonnathan stares at the bronze bird statue, the unrecognizable, gibberish words sound out again.

This time, the translation allows him to understand:

"Freedom of the clear blue skies!"


Johnathan stood rooted to the ground, like a video on pause, before recognizing the unique value of the item.

"Freedom of the clear blue skies!"

It's look like rather harmless, possibly a valuable item, so he decides to hold onto it first.

Afterwards, he climbs the staircase, reaching the second floor.

Pushing open a luxurious door, he finds bookshelves within his sight. The shelves arranged, allows him to walk through the different section of the library.

Eventually he finds a stone desk with a bunch equipment on it.

A stone cauldron rest on the desk, it's inside empty and dry.

A stone molar and pestle by the side, looking spotless, yet it smells of a strong earthy fragrant.

A series of glass containers with various shapes and sizes lay at the corner. Each container carved with symbols on it. With the translation on, Johnathan understands it meaning.

1. A cylinder, bright red health potion.

2. A round-bottom, brownish strength potion.

3. A triangular shaped, clear-silver invisibility potion.

4. A squarish shaped, sky-blue levitation potion.

Johnathan pockets all the loot, now his pocket stuffed full of glass containers and coins. Times like this is when a backpack would help tremendously.

Next, Johnathan decides to take a look at some of the books. Walking towards a section, a sign on the shelf labels: History

He opens up "Tales and Chronicles of the World."


A long time ago, in the world of Daybreak. A powerful demon god emerges from other dimensions. Sending with it an army of hell spawns of various kinds. To defeat the evil forces, the gods of this world have decided to summon heroes with seemingly infinite potential. Before, this was how challenges were overcome.

But now, the heroes that arrived in this lacks the discipline and hard work of the previous generations. As such, a tower of up 100 floors was created. Each floor getting harder and harder as the heroes progresses through.

The heroes will be armed with skills and knowledge they require once they emerge from the tower. However, not all of the heroes summoned may pass the trails. Only those that succeed, shall be termed "Dungeon Player".
