
chapter 31

Edolan City, President Palace Garden

1 month after Elite Team enter The Lost World - Earth

President of Human Nation held mourning ceremony for the victim of dragon attack. the event, now named as Dragon King's Wrath, is declared as National Disaster and will be remembered every year. the event is held nationwide in television services and social media. every magazine and newspaper also put the story on front page. for that one day, every human in the nation mourn for the lost of people who died in the city or kidnaped.

the ceremony is held for the whole day, with each of the six religion allowed to broadcast their own ceremony for some hour after the national ceremony is over.

back in Dungeon Detection Center

General Sinclair is sitting with his two Major General, Adam and Cadavi.

the three of them is in silence.

for the world out there, Major General Kili and Major General Lavita is in the middle of struggling to defeat the dragon and bring back the kidnaped.

but the three of them know best.

Lavita and Kili is not a level 3 Superhuman. they are just level 2 peak Superhuman. but their power, even at their best and using their strongest combination, is only able to raise their level to be on par with level 3 Superhuman.

"General Sinclair. i am sorry to say this, but we have to begin the selection to find the next person to fill Kili and Lavita position." General Major Adam said.

"i know Adam. i know. but please give it some more time." General Sinclair said weakly.

"we understand what you feel sir, but we cannot let these empty seat to remain empty for any longer. both of us are not fighter or espionage specialist. we cannot take over their job forever!" protest Major General Cadavi.

"i understand! don't you hear me! " shout General Sinclair.

this shout manage to shut both Adam and Cadavi. they all goes silent once again, with eyes staring at empty table in front of them.

after five minutes or something, Adam take a deep breath and begin to speak once more.

"i know you want to wait for them. but you know better than anyone else. that dungeon is too strong for us. too strong for anyone below level three. maybe even level three cannot defeat that dragon! "

"you are there, in that city, when that dragon attack and destroy everything. you know first hand how strong it is, right? " asked Adam.

"yes, i know. but that doesn't mean i cannot keep my hope. my family barely alive when the attack happen. if i wasn't there, they surely will die. even worse, kidnapped. "

"i know we cannot hope much, the moment i see that dragon i know every mission will be suicide. but i just hope my dearest students manage to escape, somehow. "

General Sinclair is both angry and sad. angry because Argholas nearly kill his family, and probably already kill his students. sad because no matter what the plan is, nothing in this world can defeat that dragon yet.

"i will collect information about potential person in the army and espionage team, you can decide when you want to look at it later. at least we make a step forward. " said Cadavi as he begin to leave.

"i will arrange for Zandana forest to be sealed right away. we cannot afford anymore loss of life. i will also arrange for warning system to avoid any attack like what happen before. " said Adam as he also raise from his seat.

General Sinclair cannot say even a word. he is still thinking about plan, any plan, just to make sure Argholas is killed. but no matter what, all the plan he can think about is always ended in failure.

knock knock!

the door to their meeting room is knocked by someone. Adam kindly enough to open it and a soldier is standing nervously in front of him.

"what happen? you know that this is private meeting room where no one allowed to disturb unless it is national security issue? " asked Adam kindly even when he is a bit annoyed.

"yes sir!

there is news about one of our international fugitive. Rob 'Misted' Levi is finally captured! "

Sinclair, Adam and Cadavi got surprised. this international fugitive is someone with super power no one have understand yet.

then like a click in the head, General Sinclair shout excitedly.

"That's it! that's the plan! it could probably work! yesss!!! " he shout as he run out of meeting room, ignoring the other who got confused with his action.


1 week after the meeting

General Sinclair announced a new project named Dragon Rush.

in this project, General Sinclair will use all human most deadly criminal with unknown superpower to rush into the dungeon and kill the dragon.

anyone who manage to kill the dragon will got the recognition of the nation, freedom and guarantee of free activities, no matter what.

individual who manage to kill the dragon can, if they so wish for, kill the entire human nation and will not be declared as mass murderer.

the project received many objection and almost everyone agree that the plan is weird, idiot, and sick.

but General Sinclair got his place by power, not by politics or connection. he show off his aura to everyone that against his plan and challenge anyone that go against him to fight him to the dead.

with that display of power, even human president can only say yes even if they are against it.

another week has passed and the most deadly and broken criminals is taken to Military Training Facility for processing.

General Sinclair personally will prepare the criminals into proper puppet for his crazy plan, and he have enough power to do so.
