
Dungeon Core Mutation

This the world of heravious where probos race is its supreme ruler and when one day human race conquered them did they realized how feeble ants they were in the vast universe . This is the world of our mc Archlys who's race has been conquered to became humans servant and cannon fodder soldier in wars with other race's . As their servants there work is to conquer the dungeon and mainly provide them the plundered dungeon core . Join his journey where archlys devised a plan to commit the taboo of his race for to literally die trying as through some sheer will [ Mostly luck / Plot armor ] he survived to further became anomaly in the dungeon core to ultimately the terror of Infinite species . ...... [Bit more about our mc ] Archlys is an orphan with analytic personality and no feeble emotional attachment to anyone. driven by hunger for power , he is future terror of infinite species and one and only anomaly of the universe . ...................................................... Hy, I am a new Author , This is My first book Be kind guys You Will see Some Spelling and grammer mistake here And there And as a new author my story telling might be a bit shaky .. i hope you guys comment and tell my mistake and correct me .

ObviouslyAbsolute · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Anamoly in the Dungeon core

Archlys opened his eyes he saw nothing but darkness all around him and his last memory playback its self over and over again in his head .

Where he ate that dungeon core and probably died right after that , where am i ?? Archlys thought to himself , i tried to activate his mana sense to scan the surrounding . i don't even know that if it can see past this darkness .

But to my surprise i say a familiar room where i took my last breath ..

' How am i even alive? Is somehow my healing pills helped me to stay alive !? , how much time has passed and why can't i sense my hands & legs ..and how come i can't see with my eyes .'

Then i scanned inward and saw myself . round body of glossy Black color , that looks like a mini black hole swirling mid air.

That was my first thought after scanning myself..

Fuck!!!!!! That was my second thought as i couldn't believe what i was seeing ..

' I have to calm down and think what just happened and how i became a dungeon core. do i have my skills ?" Thought acceleration "

Nothing changed fuck.. do i even have my system... " status" '

[ Name : Archlys ]



Solving error...


" Wtf!!!"

' my system just broke down or something? fucking error scared the shit out me ... I have to wait 1 minute to see what's going on ..Fuck!!..'

5, 4 , 3 , 2 , 1.. and a familiar yet unfamiliar status window opened in front of me.


[ Name : Archlys ]

[ Race : Dungeon Core?? ]

[ Age : ?? ]

[ Level : 0 ]

[ Exp : 0/10]

[ Class : Dungeon master ] [ Sub class : None ]

[ Trait : None ]

[ Ability : None ]

[ HP : 100 / 100 ] [ Regen : 0.1/sec ]

[ MP : 500,000 / 500,000 ] [ Regen : 500/sec ]

[ Strength : 10 ]

[ Agility : 10 ]

[ Defence: 10 ]

[ Vitality : 10 ]

[ Intelligence : 10 ]

[ Ability : None ]

[ Skill : None ]

[ Unassigned stat : 0 ]

[ Dungeon Menu ]


' What the hell.. what all this crap , my race?? Dungeon core ... Does it even possible to posses such a race and are dungeon core sentinel beings in the first place..? '

[ Age : ?? ] .... ' why my age not have a number how much time has it passed? that system can't count my age. '

' No ability , No trait ... Somewhat understandable even though every sentinel being is born with atleast 1 trait .. and my ability Umm..okay i am in a new body with 0 level i get it , i get it.. ,

[ MP : 500,000 / 500,000 ]

....but what can i say about this? Absurd amount of mana that i have , Level 400 Mage has like 30thousand mana and i have 500thousand mana in level 0 ?? .

' I swallowed that core whole , even if i died that core should have been disintegrate in my body then how come i became like this , it doesn't make any sense . ' 

' Then my eyes landed on the new stat or should i even call it a stat ? [ Dungeon Menu ] ... I focused on it a new status opened that i never seen before .. '


[ Name : The ethereal burial ]

[ Location : 111th ring of the world heravious ]

[ Floor : 101 ] 

[ Dungeon point ( DP ) : 500,000 / 500,000 ]

[ Ability : ( Dungeon ) ( Summon ) ( Inventory ) ( Artificial intelligence ) ( Devourer ) ( Disintegrate ) ( Synthesize ) ]


" This status looks like this games that i used to like which human sells us , they are very popular too , Dungeon - Summon - Inventory these three are the same as in the games i remember but might have some differences , but the last four are new even to me , i should check all the abilities and especially DP stat that's exactly same as my mana stat .."


Dungeon :  The [ Dungeon ] ability helps you remodel floors including environment theme and traps , generate new floors and structure also facilitates movement between floors and teleportation circle . ( Cost varies on type and amount of change )

Summon : The [ Summon ] ability helps in summoning subordinates and guardians for the selected floors . ( You need to spend DP to use summon )

Inventory : The [ Inventory ] ability creates a Infinite space to store everything ( Non living )

Artificial intelligence : The [ Ai ] can assist you in everything you do from managing dungeon abilities to help you in fights . Ai has instant thinking speed , infinite data storage and a designated storage space . ( You can access this storage space by " Storage menu" keyword ) 

Devourer : The [ Devourer ] ability devour beings and extract their Stats , Abilities , traits , skills and bloodlines and store them inside Ai storage. ( You can also restore your MP by devouring beings )

Disintegrate : The [ Disintegrate ] ability break apart the Stats , Abilities ,Traits , Skill and Bloodlines that are stored inside Ai storage to increase your DP's upper limit infinitely.

Synthesize : The [ Synthesize ] ability helps combine compatible Abilities ,Traits , Skill and Bloodlines that are stored inside Ai storage and it can also synthesize non-compatible things by paying a price .

DP : Dungeon points that is needed to cast dungeon abilities . It's upper limit can be increased by using disintegrate . 


' hum.. First three are the same as i seen in that games and i am familiar with Ai too, but Devourer..'

 After he read what it can do , his thought drifted to the possibilities he can achieve with it ..

' fuck! its a broken ability .. and combing it with synthesize its a fucking cheat .. disintegrate is useful to as it increase my DP's upper limit.

' I should activate Ai and see i can some answer that are bothering me " Artificial intelligence" as he said that a voice sounded in his head. '

 [ Hello master i am your assistant Ai here to help you with all my capabilities ]

' Oh! so you are my aide you sound like a girl , are you a girl ? and do you have a name or do i have to call you Ai? ' 

[ No master i don't have any gender as i am not a living being and i don't have a name you can just call me Ai ]

' okay , then I'll give you a name ' 

' Umm.. lets call you Arence short for Artificial intelligence ' 

[ thank you for the name master ] 

' No problem arence can you answer my question now ' 

[ master i can read your thought you just have to think about the thing you want say or ask and i can also make decision my self only if you Allowed me to ]

' What!.. his non existent eyes widened in shock after realizing its benefits ...'

' good!, i don't have to speak too give you command and waste time , it can help win hard fight if used correctly ' ( this thought was just in his mind , he didn't spoke it )

 [ yes master ] 

' so tell me arence what i want to know '

 [ yes master .... ]