9 Chapter 9

The recruitment of human troops went underway, the Island had little in terms of soldiers. They were needed to be recruited and trained. This task was delegated to Arthur Dayne that was chosen by Richard to be a general for his human army.

Arthur was certainly elated when Richard asked him to form a human army for him. Richard explained a goal of this force and that was to hold the keeps that he conquers, enforce the law and deal with the population. Arthur was a little let down by the fact that they will not be needed for actual battles but he understood that Richard was not operating on the human-warfare level. He will be much more efficient and deadly just with his best troops.

Arthur knew that for his job to be done correctly he will need more men than the island could provide, when he confronted Richard about it he just said that we will get people when we start our conquest. I guess he wants to use the local population of conquered areas. That will bring another deal of problems for Arthur. No matter he will handle problems as they come.

The first thing that Arthur did was a new training regime for the troops they currently have. It was only 2000 soldiers not enough to hold the keep and enforce the law so Arthur comes up with the plan, he selected 500 people from the soldiers that had the highest leading ability. Then he comes up with a training regime and learning materials to bring them to a level that they can start training their own troops. The plan was that after they conquer their first keep, they will conscript new soldiers from the populace. With 500 new instructors, Arthur would then train enough soldiers to get the job done.

(I have no idea if this would even work.)


One day when Richard was relaxing with his lover he felt something change in the feeling of nature of his land. It felt like the natural energies strengthened, became denser like a new valve was open for them to draw them to his domain. It wasn't a huge jump but to the attuned senses of Richard, it was noticeable. He immediately sem himself to investigate.

Few hundred kilometers from the keep of House Trant. On the farm, the woman by the name of Lusia was giving birth. This was her 3rd child after the rise of the Nature Keeper, that's what a lot of smallfolk took to calling Richard, and she felt something was different, it was like nature itself was helping the little one. Her pregnancy period was a lot better than the last one, she didn't get sick in the morning and she had more energy than before.

The process of giving birth to a child was not painful as before and after the little one come out, the sound of the forest got louder. Animals of all types and sizes felt the change and curious come to look at the source.

When Richard arrived in his Crow form he saw a little house surrounded by animals of all types. From the house, he could feel the source of the change in natural energies. Transforming back to the human form he walked through the door and saw a family sitting around a mother that just now gave birth. They all noticed his appearance.

"Nature Kepper" Lusia murmured.

Richard rather liked that nickname so he didn't correct her.

"Greetings," Richard noticed a bundle in Lusia hands

"Can I see it?"

"She is a girl" Lusia corrected.

Richard nodded in acknowledgment and Lusia opened the bundle. In it, a little newborn girl lied already asleep. She had green eyes not quite as bright as Richard but close, most unusual thing about her was that she already had a few strands of short and most surprisingly dark green hair.

After confirming the identity of the anomaly he addressed the family.

"She is blessed by the nature. What is her name?"


"Excellent, when she is older and wants to learn about her gifts send her to the keep I will take her as an apprentice"

"Thank you, My Lord, we are grateful"

After that Richard returned to the keep and let spread the news, a child borne blessed by the nature was born. The whole island celebrated.

In the next few years, more blessed children would be born, and with that more natural energy was drawn to the Richards domain strengthening it and its users.


While all this was happening, across the sea Oberyn finally arrived in Sunspear. He walked urgently to the palace, no guards stopped him when he finally arrived at his brother solar. Rushing in he ordered everyone out.

"What's got into you Oberyn?" Asked Doran, he didn't seen his brother this urgent in a long time.

"Greetings brother, I have something important to talk to you about. It concerns the future of Dorne" That got Doran's attention, his brother was not a fool and he knew that something important must have happened.

"Is it about Elia? She didn't come back with you?"

"What? Yes! no, wait. Eliana stayed at Trant Island, she is safe and happy you do not need to worry. What I want to talk about is what I saw when I was there."

"Very well, so Oberyn what did you saw that got you so worked up?"

Oberyn sat down with a heavy thud

"Where do I even start brother"

Oberyn then told Doran everything that he discovered. How Richard saved Elia and her children from the Red Keep, how he then proceeded to save Lyanna Stark and even picked up Ashara which was now his lover.

After that, he gave a detailed description of magic Richard could do, about how he transforms into a dragon-sized crow, about his control over nature, and finally about the last thing he witnessed while being there. The Nydus Roots Network.

"This is a golden opportunity brother if we can get an alliance with Richard when he starts to expand, and I know for sure he will be expanding soon, with his help we can take revenge on Lannisters and usurper. "

"Then what Oberyn? If what you say is true then he is immensely powerful what will he want for the alliance? Bend the knee again?"

"And why not? Our ancestors bend the knee to dragons, we will bend to the crow."

"Very well, let me think about it Oberyn, and in meantime make sure that the Trading Centre that Trant wants to establish goes without problems"

