

"With you, the red light will eventually turn green" ===== As she looked into his eyes, those deep dark irises, eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. That smirk that screamed 'danger'. She shuddered, feeling cold sweat drench her shirt "What's wrong?" his magnetic voice sounded with almost inhuman dexterity, he held her by the waist. "Stay-stay back, don't touch me!" her voice was shaking, almost breaking into a shout, but was actually a whimper. She slipped into his arms, heart pounding, eyes darting. Feeling complicated, a mixture of reluctance and pleasure. His chiseled face leaned into her hair, noise sniffing greedily. Her hair stood on end with nervousness, seeing the sharp fangs at the edges of his reddish pink lips. "Now you can be mine forever" 'No' she thought, but couldn't bring herself to speak. She gradually closed her eyes in despair. "I won't kill you, you're to beautiful for that" seeing her disposition, the man was amused. Vera opened her eyes in bewilderment and confusion. Mustering her courage and will, she managed yo squeeze out one word. "Why?" Her imagination ran wild, doubts began to form and dissipate at astonishing speeds. She hated when she wasn't aware of the situation. Soon her fear became anger, and anger gave way to rage. "So you kidnapped me and made me feel like a piece of shit for nothing?" The man smiled widely, and her fear returned. {CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF THE COVER From Pinterest}∆∆

Ace_zza · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs


The night was filled with noise and chattering from each angle. People seemed to enjoy themselves a lot. They laughed and smiled, looking pleasantly happy.

It was already 10PM before the man on black suit informed the guests about Scott's presence and everyone's heads turned with their attention faced to the door. Silence reigned, as they waited patiently for him to enter. Vera took a deep breath while fixing her gaze at the entrance door with her heart drumming ferociously, hammering inside her chest, and her jaw dropped when he entered.

He walked gracefully towards the VVIP seat, with his well tailored suit and trouser, taking each step in elegance and confidence. The catwalk loved the way he glided with athletic grace without skipping a beat.

His gaze searched around, looking for anything suspicious, while sitting majestically like a king. It was already late at night as vera's eyes wondered around, looking for angie but she were nowhere to be found. She grabbed a glass of drink from the waiter and she walked out, with her eyes wondering in search of someone. Walking down the hallway, she spotted two people on black suit, having a serious discussion. She wanted to just pass and give them privacy until the mention of 'the bride's' name that caught her interest as she hid herself behind the wall, eaves dropping to their conversation.

"Scott you really need to pick a bride tonight. Our highest company agent arrived here for this celebration but you are turning it down already, what will people say" A man dressed in a white T-shirt asked, with his hand inside his pocket.

"Let them talk. I will find another way out of this" Scott replied with his gaze fixed elsewhere.

"What about the business. You and I know you have just two months to provide an heir and if you don't choose now, things is going to fall apart" he reminded.

"I know...I will find another way" Scott repeated, folding his arm across his chest.

"What about amanda. Isn't she good enough for the job?" he asked curiously.

"I said I will find another way" Scott simply replied, with an eyes filled in disgust.

"We succeeded in acquiring the amazon's company shares" he said, diverting the conversation.

"Very good. Now take over their company by tomorrow and if they refuse, you know the drill" Scott ordered, walking away.

Vera who heard his footstep rushed out in a hurry, running downstairs until she heard a familiar voice she has been looking for.

"You two still haven't told me what that little psychopath is doing here?" Amanda questioned in a whisper, taking a glance at them one after the other. Vera was very curious to know what they were talking about until he phone rang inside her purse so she stroded down quickly, walking outside until she mistakenly bumped into someone.

"Am sorry, am so sorry" She trailed off with her gaze kept low, looking at her phone on the floor. She bent to pick it up when she saw a black well polished shoe under her gaze standing at her front, as she picked the phone. He stared at her small head for a while before moving closer to her until her back hit against the wall where she was forced to look at him.

Oh my God!

His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His eyes were so deep and expressive, that you could get lost if stared long enough. Above all was his frame and statue. He was so tall that vera's fragile body could not be seen from a distance. He leaned closer till their faces were few inches apart as she gulped hard, holding her breath with her eyes tightly closed.

After some minutes, she felt the cold breeze under the moon light towering on her face, indicating the man just left. She opened her eyes in a hurry and turned, looking at his retreating broad muscular back. He handed one of his men his suit and was about to step into the car when vera stopped him, half running with her hand holding her long dress. He stopped without turning, with his hands in his pocket.

"I know you need my help and I am willing to offer it if you just give me a chance" she started, stopping after few steps apart and continued.

"You want an heir and I am willing to give you as long you accept me and after that, I will leave without asking for anything" vera added, with a serious face. God knows how this courage of hers is really killing her conscience. After a long silence, he spoke.

"And why will I want to do that?" He finally asked, keeping his cold nature stable, without turning to look at her.

"Because it will benefit you" she replied with a straight forward answer.

He scoffed "Go home" was what he said and entered into his car, with a leopard-like grace, rolling his glass down.

"If you know who you are dealing with, you will run for your life and never return" he warned, smirking widely as he looked at her with an eyes as if he has spotted a prey.

Vera heart skipped as the stared at him. His sparkling eyes swamped with nothing but darkness. His smile which didn't reach up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted with fire that rovered with danger. Before she could utter another word, the car screeched loudly with the other black escorts and left. She was still standing there with a weak knees as his warning kept ringing in her ears. Just what is she about to get herself into?