
dropped, this is now a dead book

Cujo is an 18-year-old American that lives in Delaware and is in a world that has no such things as dc or marvel. gets transferred to the dc universe but before that, he meets with a certain someone, he grants him 3 wishes and abilities after the meeting that certain someone erases his memory and brings him to the dc universe. Our Mc is a very intelligent person I don't own any of these things or the poster, all credit goes to the author. Dc version of the punisher

watcherinthesky40 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs


May 3rd, 1995 7:00 am

On the tricorner island, In Indie Hil Drive 442 there is a nice spacious apartment, Clean and new, Inside the apartment is a man with red hair, he is 37 years old with, a square jaw a, normal-sized nose with a few wrinkles and blue eyes.


Gordon rubbed his eyes and yawned, "It's supposed to be my day off" he says grumpily, He grabbed the phone and opened it " What is it" he said slightly annoyed.


at this moment Gordon became aware, his eyes open and fully active after hearing his partner Harvey bullock full of fear.

"Harvey What's wrong," Gordon said slightly loud, " I-Its him. H-hes back t-the UGGHH" Gordon heard his partner throw up " Where are you "

" Lee drive, the southwestern side of Chinatown" Gordon closed his phone and started to dress [ he's back]

After dressing up, Gordon ran outside to his car and drove off, after 25 minutes he arrived at a hotel, about five stories tall, all-glass, "Sir" an officer came up to Gordon, "This way" Gordon followed him to the elevator and they went up to the fourth level " Sir i-i have never seen this before t-the smell. . . ah God the poor girls" he said rubbing his brows.


The doors opened and Gordon could smell it, " Take a right there sir. . . UGHH" The officer said trying not to throw up, Gordon walked towards the smell, he took a right and saw four officers all holding their throats, including Harvey.

"Gordon" Harvey said, but before he could say anything he threw up, his veins threatening to pop out of his neck.

Gordon gulped, He went inside and looked around, it was a big apartment with white tiles, Not a speck of dirt could be seen.

He looked to his right, seeing a door open, he walked towards the room and entered, What he saw shook him.

Gordon coughed trying not to throw up, "Sir you shouldn't be here," One of the forensics said, "I'm. . . fine," Gordon said walking around him.

one of the girls was decapitated with her head inside her stomach, with the rectum in and out her mouth, " Everyone OUT!!!" Gordon shouted "But sir we need to complete taking pictures" Gordon looked him dead in the eye "OUT!!!" Gordon looked around "ALL OF YOU" They all rushed out the door with Gordon behind them.

after they got out of the apartment they were all in the hallway " Did any of you Tampere with the evidence?" they all shook their heads, "No sir" one of the forensics said "What do we do" Harvey said.

"call the Fbi and tell the b.a.u to get their asses here!!!"

"You four, stay here and do not let anyone in or out," Gordon said talking to the officers, they all nodded.

Gordon went to the elevator and headed down, with Harvey and the forensic team, when they went out of the building, the sounds of cameras clicking and their lights blinded Gordon.

"How the fuck did the media get ahold of this!!!" Gordon said walking towards the passenger side of Harvey's car.

"Gordon" Harvey said getting into the car " What do we do?"

Gordon looked at him " We need Batman"



"Mmm," Cujo said chewing down the soft fluffy pancake coated with syrup and sugar, "Amazing," he said as he took another bite, he looked at Pete who was eyeing him and what he was eating, A full plate of two-inch pancakes stacked, with another plate full of eggs, bacon, and sausage.

"You can afford that?" Pete said amazed "The bigger question is can you eat all that?" he finished, Cujo took another bite and washed it down with warm milk.

"Don't worry I got a couple of hundred bucks" He said taking another bite, "From the guy you shot and robbed last night" Pete said with an eyebrow raised, "Only shot him in the hand, He deserved what was coming his way, dude was a molester and a future rapist"

"so, About Jason, you said a distant relative from Maine came and adopted him?" Cujo swallowed his bite and cleaned his hands and mouth with a napkin "yup"

Pete took a sip of his coffee and started to eat, "So this guy were meeting, did tony tell you anything about him" Cujo said facing Pete.

"nope, except that he's an expert in computers and extremely smart"

Cujo yawned as he saw a police car zooming past the windows, he looked outside, thinking about his memories, "There he is!!!" tony said straightening his back, Cujo wiped off the wet crumbs on his vintage biker jacket, and took a closer look at the man, Tony entered the diner and behind him was a tall man, About 6,1 with not much muscle, He seemed to be in his mid-twenties, but his hair told differently, his brown hair was receding, the back of his hair was pointing outwards.

his face was narrow along with his nose, his jawbones were showing making him seem like he had a chiseled chaw.

[Damn, this man is starving] he sat down in front of Cujo along with tony, " This is Edward nigma, He is an old friend" tony said, Pete widened his eyes "Nigma? THE Edward Nigma who dated Chloe back in high school!!!"

"one and only" Edward said grinning, " I'm Pete and this is Cujo"

Edward squinted his eyes " I definitely remember you, Pete, but. . . " He looked at Cujo, "This is a good friend, you can trust him," tony said ordering breakfast for him and Edward.

"it's nice meeting you guys but, I can't help you" Tony made a confused face " But you-"

"UNLESS You solve my riddle," he said grinning, [he looks like those shady guys in an alley] "C'mon Edward, this is the reason nobody liked you in high school," Pete said trying to reason with him.

"Either you solve my riddle or I'm gone," Edward said making a serious face, tony rubbed his forehead and said " Go ahead"

Edward rubbed his hands "I am a five-letter word and a fruit. Take out my first letter, and I am a crime, take out my second letter too, and I am an animal. Take out only my first and last letters, and I become a kind of music. What am I?"

"Wait how the fuck are we suppose to know this!!!"

"Pete," Tony said, "we're here to do business not do riddles!!!" Pete yelled, he and tony started to argue with Edward having a dumbfounded face, with a little hint of disappointment,


Pete and tony looked towards Cujo, " oh. . . " Pete said, sitting back down in disbelief.

Edward smiled "What has two hands, a round face, always runs, yet always stays in place?"

"a clock," Cujo said, finishing his giant pancakes, and started to eat his eggs,

"I am first on earth and second in heaven and appear twice per week. What am I?"

"The letter e", Cujo said shoving bacon and eggs down his mouth, [delicious]

Edward became slightly annoyed, nobody had answered his riddles three times in a row " what has-"

"Edward," tony said slightly angry, "Right I apologize"

"What do you know about the kashkas?" tony said, "Enough to know they're moving half a hundred million on Thursday night"

"What!!" Pete said, excited ", FIFTY MILLION!!!"

"quiet," Tony said, Pete quietly sat down, "Where,"

"Out of metropolis," Edward said scratching his patchy beard, " That's risky is it not?" tony said "Superman could find them"

"Superman is being interrogated by the FBI, he won't be going anywhere"

Tony let out a small chuckle, while Pete bursted out laughing, "Wait why?" Cujo said confused " I don't know, Safety reasons"

Cujo narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "How do you know this"

"I got into the FBI database"

Cujo was skeptical " So let's say we do get the money, we won't be able to use it without the I.r.s sniffing our backs"

"I'm still thinking about that, in the meantime come to this place," Edward said grabbing a small journal and pen, he wrote down something and ripped the paper out giving it to tony.

"Excuse me," he said getting up, he started to walk out the door " and we won't be able to get out of Gotham, for a while until the case is

solved "


Edward pointed at the tv, which the employee turned on,

" Sir what do you have to say to the public," a blonde lady said,

in front was the commissioner's partner, Harvey bullock

"T-this" His face started to turn into disgust " We will be closing all the bridges in Gotham for two weeks, we will find him"

"And if you don't, like last time"

"we will," he said as he went back inside,

"Wow," Cujo said, "They're shutting all the bridges down because of a murder?"

"Not just any, he has returned," tony said, his face in disgust

"Who?" Cujo said confused, "a year ago when all the top criminals were locked up in Arkham, a murder happened, this murder was just. . . "

" The killer is fucked up in the head, more than the joker," Pete said,

"How so?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. . . . . . . . . . . . . .