
Giving A Helping Hand ---- Chapter 1

From now on when someone speaks it will say

(Name) - ( speech )

And when they are thinking it will say +(thought)+


It was a dark time in Philadelphia . The usual Thug asking if you wanted to buy , who knows what and the local nitbag buying it with their disabled parent's money . What A Cruel World.

But I didn't care . It's not as if I was rude or narcissistic but because I couldn't care . Currently I was in a terrible situation and to care about others when I myself am in deep s••t is a bad idea especially because I have to always look behind my shoulder.

It However , wasn't always like this . I used to be a spoilt brat back in the days

My lavish black hair and my chestnut coloured skin. My height was nothing to laugh at . I was the Literal Definition Of "Tall , Dark and Handsome " All the girls would fawn over me and the fact that my father was rich made them all wanting to be my Wife. But I just entertained them as they were all not in my eyes . In My eyes they were all just ants.

Heh , It's funny now that I , too am one of those ants .

________________2 years Prior_____________

My Father Was An Influential Man In New York. He owned many Of the skyscraperers located there and controlled many of the government officials aswell as those Gangsters . My Father , Even though he was influential not many knew his real name . I Too was fooled into believing this . He told me , My Mother and My Brother . That his name was ' Rick Tray ' . But soon ' Rick Tray ' would soon be no more .

I was on my way from the lavish school . You may think , why would I need to go school . Well simple really , I liked looking down at those ants and seeing them treat me with the upmost respect to the point that they did not even dare to look me in the eyes . O was clearly on a different level on them . It was as if they were under a spell. Everything they did near me was textbook . But along with this , I did not make any friends . It didn't matter much as I got to bully all those ants and beat them . One time. , one of them that had a father who was fairly rich. Swore that he would get revenge and that my whole family would be damned . Ha , Well let's just say that he did not dare to speak again . His father was rich but now he lost his job , his money eating wife left him , what a slag , and he became an alcoholic . He abused his children . And all the time , the child who thought he could threaten me , came to school with the biggest bruises . Gashes in his skin , that seemed to be laced with glass pieces.

At first I laughed it off , but seeing at it continuing . I felt a need to help him and each time that I didn't I would get so nauseous . You would think that I would need to help him to make it stop. So did I , but one day it all stopped and the Doctor had even said it was a Miracle. And only " Heroes " could prevail this .

Hearing the word " Heroes " made me feel so entitled on to it. But before I could even continue with that . I decided to learn why it stopped . I then saw it . That gruesome scene .

The father had gotten a machete out of his closet ranging about 10 - 12 inches and cut his sons fingers one by one. The son , apparently , had been screaming . Once all his fingers were cut , the father had enough and went to sleep. The Son had a perfect chance to get revenge right. Wrong how would he even pick up the machete . He couldn't do anything since he was so helpless there was nothing to do but cry. He cryed and cryed . Until he decided to end it all.

What a sad story right. Well it may have been sad and everything but . But why the HELL did someone think it was a good idea to show me this . Taint my beautiful eyes . Who ever had decided to show me this would be having their entire families disappear and their friends too.

That sight. If that son was still alive I probably would have beaten him and threaten if that scene ever appear in my eyes again it would be even worse than his fingers gone . But , his limbs would be chopped slowly and thoroughly

However , since he couldn't be there I decided to take it out on his father and his siblings. And until my raged settled down.

It did eventually but the father was dead and so were the siblings . Unfortunate turn of events but if did not matter as they were just ants.


????? - Yes Father

Rick Tray? - Don't call me father you useless shit You and Your Mother are now banished from my Household . All your assets have been frozen

Rick Tray?-Your mother and You been blacklisted from any formal jobs.

????? - What , about Brother ?

Rick Tray? - Your brother was the only one out of you three that was Useful he will be able to live life as much as he enjoys . Take That Gold digging b**** and don't return . I saw what you did! Only My Son will be able to learn My True Identity as for you two . Heh

####### Call Ended ####

______ Back To The Present______

After that Mother and I left . We couldn't find any houses that we could buy and decided to go to Philadelphia . I say we but . My mother couldnt care less as she had multiple husband's . I was alone left in Philadelphia . I decided to head towards the slums . And find a vacant slum around there . I managed to find one , only to find out it was a lair of a local gang and I was brutally beaten and threatened. I nearly told them that I would tell my ' Father ' But had to decide against that because my ' Father ' had now abandoned me.

I stood there and took a beating for the first

time in my life . Insolent Creatures , If I ever make it back from this they will regret this .

In the future there were many more to come .

I learnt from all these mistakes I had made and my past narcissistic personality had disappeared and a indescribable rage , which I could only keep inside for now , had instead taken control over it .

Lady 1 - HELP!!!!!

Thug 1 -Aint nobody gon'help you

Thug 2- yea tell 'er boss

Thug 3 - eheeeeeh reeeeeeee

Thug 1 & 2 - shut up 3

I looked over to the nonsense that I heard and saw a lady being attacked . By two large men and one , well . One looking a bit deranged you could say . I laughed at the sight . Keeping my rage settled inside me.

Thug 1 -What are You looking at keep your head down before we bring you in too

Thug 2 - Boss I ain't gay

Thug 3 - eheeeeeh reeeeeeee

Thug 1 - Both of you shut up

I looked away. And started walking away from these comedic hooligans .


Again that feeling happened again . But this time it was more severe ! I was having a headache and each step I took the more pain I got . To the point I couldn't walk forward anymore . This Pain just made my rage uncontrollable but I couldn't stop it so I just held it in while all the crack heads looking at me as if I was a new species .

I used all my strength left to look back and the pain lessened .The excruciating pain had stopped finally but It continued as if it was saying that this wasn't enough and I had to do more .

I decided to run and barge the deranged Thug and only to regret it . The deranged looking one was actually a ' Board User ' out of these three . He saw my attack coming from a mile a way and instantly charged a beam of light in my direction . It had only grazed me but the pain brought me to my knees then all the three thugs got pissed and started beating the s**t out of me .

Well it didn't matter though as the lady got away . But when they saw she got away they only started beating me harder .

Thug 1 - Now I remember why you are still here it's because your the strongest out of us

Thug 2 - Yeah What he Said

Thug 3 - Eheeeeeh reeeeeeee goligooo

Thug 2 - But he still be a bit handicapped Boss.

speaking about boss , shouldn't 3 be boss , Boss.

Thug 1 - How could he just because he is Class ' Villain ' doesn't mean he can speak .

He is literally just a meat brain. Its like asking A Gorilla To be a king you stupid and now shut up before you become 3

{ System Booting Up . }

{ Access To Hero , Villain Board }


{Access to Powers }

{Granted }

{ Permission To Choose Class}


{Virus Booting in }

{Virus Now In Control of system }

{ Virus Giving access to all commands }

{ Virus , Going into Main System Board }

{ Access Denied }

{ Please level Your User To Level 58394}

{Goal Achievement Rate 0.00000000005% }

{ Punishment , Brutal , Painful Death }

{ Time Limit Set : 5 Years }

{ Estimated time To Be completed }

{ Generating Number }

{ 14,564,584,573,127,234 }

{ Rounding 15 Quadrillion Years To Goal }

{ Mission Tries - 10,000,000,000 }

{ Mission Completion - 5 }

{If System Passes phase of 5 years , System and host are granted Role of Supreme Being and System Administrators }

{ System Administrators Currently : 5 }

{ Supreme Beings : 5 }

{ Good Luck System and Host }


Author - They sure need Luck 😥😥😥

2 chapters a day keeps corinavirus boredom away !!!

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