3 2nd Quirk : Soup

Waking up Croc felt quite cold he tried to open his eyes but he barely could.

Croc : 'Did I become a baby? Why is it so cold, I feel the blanket around me but its not enough! I'm gonna die of cold at this rate!'

Croc started to become scared and succumbed to his inner feelings and started crying. Not long after he heard footsteps but he couldn't see who or what was approaching him and he also couldn't stop crying even if he wanted to. He then felt two hands grab him very gently and pick him up. being picked up soothed him a bit but he was still crying just not as hard. He then heard the person who picked him up start talking.

??? : There there now what are you doing here little one. Who is such a bad person to leave a little baby out here.

Croc then felt a sudden tiredness come over him as the person carrying him started walking.

When Croc woke up he felt very warm and started moving slowly but it was very hard.

Croc : 'This is a lot more comfortable then before but I really want to be able to move. I wonder who had picked me up I asked to be recovery girls adopted grandson but I wonder if it will happen right away.'

Croc then felt 2 hand pick him up again but these were bigger then before. Croc opened his eyes the best he could and saw a crying old man in front of him looking at him lovingly.

Croc : 'Is this old man okay, is he hurt?'

Croc was worried because this man looks very sad but his worries vanished when the man started talking

??? : Hey there little guy, I'm your grandpa.

Croc hearing this started smiling. He was very happy because he could tell this person really cared for him. He started giggling when he started thinking of the future but he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach that forced him to start crying. Croc saw the old man smile again and start talking.

Grandpa : Look who's hungry don't worry I have just the food for newborns like you.

Croc then felt himself be put back in the basket and was carried to another part of the house and it smelled really good! He could smell what seemed like freshly cooked food. Croc smelling this stopped crying and started to get really hungry and his moth started to drool.

Grandpa : You look quite hungry Croc but you are a bit to young to eat that so let me fix your food.

It took grandpas about 5 minutes to fix a bottle of formula.

Grandpa : Good thing we still have this stuff. When it was left here last week we almost threw it away.

Croc felt kind of disgusted when he saw the baby formula but he decided to try it he is a baby after all.

Croc : 'Here goes nothing...'

Croc then felt the bottle be put in his mouth and tried drinking it. but he suddenly felt an extremely terrible taste and started coughing and throwing up what he drank

Croc : *Cough**Guh**Cough* 'So disgusting'

Grandpa seeing this was quite surprised it was the first time he saw a baby throw up from eating formula.

Grandpa : Did I do something wrong with the formula? It shouldn't be that complicated, I've done it before just fine.

??? : You're feeding him?

Croc heard a familiar voice and tried to look at the place he heard it and saw a small lady and he knew who it was.

Grandpa : Ma I'm not sure whats wrong I tried to fix him formula but he didn't like it and I tested it and it should be fine.

Chiyo : Oh boy let me try it and see.

Grandpa passed Croc to Chiyo and she check the formula but it was fine so she tried to feed Croc as well but he moved his head out of the way.

Croc : 'Get that nasty stuff away!'

Croc saw Chiyo frown from this but she also had a questioning look and asked Grandpa some questions.

Chiyo : How old is this baby it seems as though it can already see just fine and its eyes are quite different then normal.

Grandpa : It should be a newborn I never noticed but you're right he can see it seems. Is it a passed down trait? Hmm the eyes look quite reptilian as well. Maybe he gained a reptilian stomach haha.

Grandpa was making a joke but Chiyo though it through and decided that she should test with soup.

Chiyo : Pa get a little soup we will try.

Grandpa : Really but wont that be dangerous?

Chiyo : We will only try a sip and see it shouldn't be dangerous since we don't have much spices in it.

Grandpa : Alright you're the doctor.

Grandpa brought a small bowl with some soup and used a small spoon to try and feed Croc. When Croc saw the spoon he opened his mouth and ate the soup.

Croc : 'Yummy! I want more!'

Croc opened his mouth waiting for more. Chiyo and grandpa saw this and were surprised at how eager Croc was but started feeding him. It was little at first but Croc just didn't stop. halfway through though Croc accidentally bit and something surprising happened. He bit the metal spoon in two. Croc wasn't paying attention and started eating it. By the time he swallowed it both grandpa and Chiyo were white as paper.


When she said this she heard a knock on the door.


Chiyo with Croc in her arms rushed to the door and saw a police officer was there and requested for him to bring them to the hospital quickly. The police officer was confused at first since he's not an ambulance but when they said a newborn baby ate a metal spoon he quickly brought them to the emergency ward. While this was going on Croc was asleep after having a good meal. While Chiyo rushed to her friend in the ER Grandpa was explaining why he called the police earlier since he didn't mean to be drove to the hospital. When the police officer heard it was about the baby being recently abandoned he called child care to get help on the case.

Chiyo rushed to her friend Yuriko Fujimoto who is a quirk doctor to try and find out if Croc was in danger from eating metal.

Yuriko Fujimoto is a middle aged woman and she was currently eating dinner in her office.


The doctor suddenly got up and rushed to the door and opened it to see Chiyo sweaty and exhausted.

Chiyo : Yuriko lass I need your help this baby ate a metal spoon and I don't know if he's in danger.

Yuriko : Got it Chiyo-sensei!

Yuriko Picked up Croc and rushed to an x-ray machine at steady pace. Getting there Yuriko placed Croc in a tube and went to a machine nearby and turned it on. Doing so she got an x-ray of his body. Chiyo got there shortly after and saw Croc in the x-ray machine. after Yuriko finished she went and pick up Croc while the x-ray finishes. Returning back she gave Croc to Chiyo who still looks quite worried. A few minutes later Yuriko went to Chiyo and told her what she found

Yuriko : I found some strange qualities in the baby you brought but first I should tell you he will be just fine except maybe a little stomach ache.

Chiyo : Ahh thank you lass I was so worried.

Chiyo then sat down in a nearby chair and asked about the other things she found.

Yuriko : Well first of all have you seen under the blanket?

Chiyo : What do you mean?

Yuriko : I think it will be easier to look for yourself then to ask me.

Chiyo did what she said and saw quite the surprising sight on the bottom of Crocs back is a tail! A crocodile tail to be exact. It is slightly curled up in the blanket and is half a foot long. It is a dark blue color instead of dark green. The other thing she saw is that on the tip of Crocs nails were small claws. They were not strong enough to tear skin but they were there. He didn't have anything on his feet only on his hands.

Chiyo : He's a crocodile? but what about the horns?

Yuriko : I believe they are traits from his parents the horns as well another thing I found is that he is able to swallow things like a snake. otherwise how would he swallow a metal spoon being so small.

Chiyo : Yuriko lass is there anything else you can tell?

Yuriko : I think he was born with his quirk already and this may be why he is this way so his quirk should be a mutant type. Chiyo-sensei is he your grandson?

Yuriko doesn't know Chiyo never had kids before and assumes him to be family.

Chiyo : I guess he is.

Chiyo said with a smile

Yuriko : ?
