
The Team that will change the history (Parte-1)

(Next morning)

Kushina woke up only to find bread and milk breakfast on the dining table, Kushina just kept staring at it, when Renji came out of the kitchen holding a dish while being in an apron

"Good morning!", said Renji smiling putting the dish on the table

"NII-SAAN", kushina ran up to him and gave him the bone breaking bear hug

"when did you come back, why didn't you tell when you left for a mission, did you kno-"

Kushina stopped when Renji put the finger on her lips with a smile and quiet her up.

"First thing, Go and fresh up, wash your face, and eat your breakfast"

While at the dining table, Renji listened to everything Kushina said with a smile on his face...after managing her bag and preparing her lunch he sends her to the academy.

He even made sure, to tidy the house, to wash the dishes and prepare her bed as well.

(1 Week Later...)

Renji was on the field practicing Hatake Sword arts, under the keen eyes of Sakumo

He swings the sword

2 Hours Later...He swings it again

4 Hours Later...


He swings again

"Alright...that's enough...now we will practice, a bit of your element, alongside Chakra control...and then you will practice fuinjutsu...Since we only have 4 hours remaining for Kushina to return home, let's not waste any time, resting

"Yes, Sensei..."

"Renji before this, I need to ask you of something", Sakumo asked seriously

Renji tilted his head unsure what sensei is asking him...

"What's your Element?"

"Uh...It's earth?"

"Then how the heck did you managed to do gravity release fuinjutsu"

"That becau-"

'That's right..how the heck did he managed to do gravity release fuinjutsu?'

"Since when did you managed to learn Gravitation Seals?"

"After Coming to Konoha...I practiced like usual and after some time, I was able to make gravity seals"

'No, I was able to do after I touched that Sealing scroll...what the heck happened...no How the hell Am I in Konoha anyway, I was sure I died in Uzushio'

"fuinjutsu is a circuit board, it converts chakra into the designated element and effect without need for affinity, because when a ninja uses an elemental Jutsu, they themselves alter chakra into the element and perform nature and shape transformation, while fuinjutsu is a program set up to perform a certain task on its own, set in stone.", Sakumo started

"In simpler terms, Fuinjutsu allows you to do neutral jutsus, or it just buffs your jutsus to be faster or stronger...In other words, you can't make gravity release until unless you can do gravity release...Gravity release is a Kekkai Tota, consisting of earth, wind and yin release...you just don't have earth release Kid"

Renji who was lost in thought all along suddenly looked up, "Sensei can I go home early today? I need to check on something"

"Is it something I need to know about?", ask Sakumo

"It's Uzumaki's Secret...Only Lady Kushina is allowed to know it", replied Renji

"Then how do you know it", ask Sakumo again

"For telling Lady Kushina once she reaches the age of 20", Renji replied again

"Very well go...Tomorrow we will check your affinities once again"

"Yes", with that he ran as fast as possible...something weird is going on right now....and he doesn't know what the heck is the reason


Once he reached home, he stood in the wall, concentrating weather there is someone or not...after he was sure no one was there...he bit his thumb and put the blood on the wall

A huge seal appeared on the wall...and with the heavy sound the wall opened

Renji ran inside, there was a single thing inside the dark room...the huge scroll that started it all

He opened the scroll and inside it was...few words written, he began to read it. Despite being told that he must not read the scroll.

The Primordial Titan: Zhur-Taa or more commonly known as the beast of the earth, In the days of old, before the humans were created by their greed, there existed a beast of bottomless strength, it was on a level that could be only be surpassed by joining forces of ancient forces. A creature so powerful that it was once told by the ancient beings that it was a being that cannot be defeated, That godly creature was known as Zhur-Taa.

It was rumored that the mighty beast Zhur-Taa...Perfectly control the earth and the gravity...that the physical might of Zhur-taa is capable of destroying the universe and the healing capabilities of Zhur-Taa is even capable of defying the death itself.



AAAGGHHH...Renji held his head as images from the past come to him...

In the massacre of Uzushio


"Are you alright? Go and run catch the boat and may-", Renji was talking to a boy when


The explosion occurred and the boy was blown to pieces and Renji managed to come out...although hurt but still alright


...Uzumaki Renji tried saving everyone as he was stabbed from the behind

His eyes were opened for the unfairness of the world before he closed his eyes...that's when it happened.

"You are here after 1000 years, You are finally here, the boy in the prophecy is finally here"

He heard a voice, a gentle voice...and the images disappeared


He looked here and there, finding himself in the same dark room, he hurriedly began to read the scroll once more...

But Zhur-Taa was defeated, and the one who defeated the beast was Ukyo Hara or to others known as the Messiah of the multi-wold.

Ukyo Hara was a divine beast of Universe, which roams around the world using dimensions...nothing could touch Ukyo Hara. She was a mighty being who sees through everyone and everything...though it was said that Ukyo Hara feels the pain of anyone she hurt...thus she was the most peaceful being in the universe

This was a battle unlike any other witnessed before, the amount of destruction devastated not only the Isle of the Blooming Flowers but rather multiple dimensions. Zhur Taa heals too quickly back to perfect health, there was no way to one shot it, and his might destroyed everything and anything that gets in its way.

I, Uzumaki Renji Seal the spirit of Zhur-Taa and Ukyo Hara inside the scroll in the hope that one day the chosen one will open it again, in the times of great need. Thus I passed down the sealing scroll down to my descendants. For the one who is destined for the spirit and the mighty powers of Zhur-Taa and the kindness of Ukyo Hara, is pure Hearted child from the prophecy of 1000 years ago, and an Uzumaki.

"what...what happened? where is the rest? how can someone as mighty as Zhur-Taa's and Ukyo Hara's spirit is sealed inside of Scroll and by a weak Uzumaki no less...and how the hell am I the chosen one...GOD THIS IS CRAZY...What's the prophecy 1000 years ago anyway"

'That Voice that I heard when I died was of Zhur-Taa or of Ukyo Hara...and how the heck am I alive'


"Turns out you really only have earth element...then how do you make Gravity Seals...it definitely is not a neutral seal...anyway, come we will go to Jiraiya he will be able to tell us more about it, after all, he is fuinjutsu, expert "



"Can we please drop the issue...I know why I have the gravity release, but Please don't ask me anything about it"

After staring at Renji for quite some while, Sakumo ordered him to run and practice his katas...


3 Years have been gone by just like that...Kushina is growing nicely Renji is growing under Sakumo...and during these 3 years, Renji Did a number of missions alongside Sakumo

Escorting a VVIP, Extracting the package, assassination missions, scouting in front lines, Renji and Sakumo did all...You name it and they did it.

During these 3 years, Yurei of Uzushio name is made famous throughout the world as an A-Rank Threat...and the name of white fang is even more famous than it was before as an S-Rank Threat.

Sadly, his rank is still that of a Genin, Since he openly opposed Konoha's Loyalty and wearing their headband...Thus, Hokage does not have the right to bestow him any rank. It's the right of Uzushio shinobi's

But All Shinobis and Nations acknowledged that Yurei's rank isn't that of a Genin.

3 years, Renji grew unexpectantly stronger, not only his fuinjutsu skills grew, His earth control and Gravity control increased as well.

But what disturbed Renji is his Physical might, which shows incredible growth during 2 years time period. It could be said that in physical raw power, there could only be a handful of opponents.

His sensory abilities are showing sign of incredible growth as well since he became more sensitive to chakra and everything around him.

This was another mission, as Sakumo the team captain started,

"The mission starts on the Suna front. We'll be moving in the basic diamond formation until we reach the yellow line." Hatake traced the line on the map. "Uzumaki, you will take the client position. Dog, take the rear. Shimizu, take left, and Inuzuka take point. I'll take right. After the yellow line, we'll be using the spearhead formation. The dog will take point and Uzumaki will take his tail. Shimizu, you'll be the right and Inuzuka will take left."

"I'll take the rear and stay about a hundred meters back. When we reach the red line, we'll start the sphere formation." He pointed on the map. "I'll take the ground, Uzumaki takes top. Shimizu, Inuzuka, and Dog will be on rotation. Information is being severely compartmentalized, so only team leaders know where the border stations will be located. All except Uzumaki will have a basic disorientation Genjutsu placed on them by me at all times in order to keep these locations secret."



"Very Well, let's complete the mission and let's get home for warm chocolate milk"
