
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
80 Chs

Chapter 51: Another Quest!

Hey guys, sorry today is going to be a short chapter. On the plus side, I have started writing a new fanfiction called Mutant Sorcerer in Marvel. Go check it out!

Now, here's today's chapter. Enjoy!


Three days later, Izumi woke up as the blinding sunshine of the morning sun pierced through the window and illuminated a sleeping teen's face and waking him up. He rubbed the sleep off his eyes and yawned. He felt an arm wrapped over his chest and saw Kyouko sleeping peacefully as she snuggled into her boyfriend. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay like that as he needed to go to the bathroom himself. He slowly moved her arm away, went to the bathroom to relieve himself and went to the public bath. He grinned when he saw no one and happily washed himself before going in the bath As he was in the bath, he thought back about what happened over three days after the massacre.

In the aftermath of the fight, after Shimizu died, Aiko had sobbed at the death of her student. Even if the said student had wanted her dead. Hajime, Shea, Yue, Tio, Izumi, Kyouko and the other students were silent as the teacher grieved for her student. They then returned towards the citizens who had begun to cheer for them, especially Aiko as she was the Goddess of Fertility. They had also dubbed Hajime as the Sword of the Goddess for his battle prowess while they called Izumi the Star of the Goddess since he brought a meteorite down from the stars and enacted judgment on the monsters in the name of the Goddess. The teen cringed every time he heard the nickname. They would then help the citizens that had evacuated come back to Ur and help clean up the battlefield. Even now, after three days, there were still monsters. Izumi could've disintegrated them, but the monster flesh could help the town therefore he didn't touch them.

Kyouko had stayed by the teacher's side as she consoled her and she also helped the citizens. She also had a nickname and was named the Angel of the Goddess for her wings and Holy attacks. Fortunately, with the help of her students and Hori, she was able to overcome her grief and had a determined expression. She had realized that she was not on Earth and people change. But she will always be their teacher no matter what they do.


As he sat in the bath, he suddenly received a notification from the chat group.

"Oh? It's been quite some time I have received a notification from the chat group. Let's see what it's about."

Kazuma: Oya? It's been some time we haven't have a quest.

Ezra: Hello everyone, how are you all doing?. It seems we have a new quest.

Kazuma: Actually, we got our new party member. We got a little chunni who gets off on explosions.

Erza: I see. Then I assume that she bonded with you because of your power.

Kazuma: Oh, yeah. As soon as she saw Killer Queen, she wouldn't stop chasing me pestering me the secret of the stand.

Erza: Oh my. Seems like someone already has a girl chasing after him.

Kazuma: Are you crazy, I don't want to be known as a lolicon!

Kuroneko: Hey guys! We have a new quest!

Korosensei: Hello people! Looks like we have a new quest! I wonder where it will be now.

Miki: Yo people! What's up?

Saiki: Hello

Miki: Ah Saiki-kun! Where were you this weekend? I didn't see you

Saiki: Visiting grandparents.

Miki: Oh, then are they aware of your powers?

Saiki: They are now.

Tony: What's up kids... and adult. Long time no talk. I just saw a new quest pop up.

Kazuma: Yo, old man. We're just waiting for Izumi to come online. And what do you mean long time no talk?

Tony: Just like I said, it's been a few weeks since I haven't heard from you.

Kazuma: Eh? It's been a few days for me.

Erza: It hasn't been that long for me either.

Seeing that they were waiting for him, Izumi finally responded.

Izumi: Yo! I'm here.

Erza: Izumi! Did you find Hori?

Izumi: Yeah, I did!

Kuroneko: That's great, does that mean you are in your homeworld?

Izumi: Not right now. We are not in a rush since we would simply return at the time we left. I still have something to do before returning.

Miki: Don't tell me you are going to get all the Ancient Magic.

Izumi: That, and I need to kill Ehit.

Kuroneko: Eh? Why? Did he do something to you?

Izumi: He may as well. When I teleported, instead of teleporting right after them, I arrived after four months had passed. In that time, the shitty god tried to brainwash her into becoming his since she's a fallen angel hybrid.

Tony: Say what now?

Korosensei: Really?

Kuroneko: No way! And Hori's a fallen Angel?

Miki: WHAT!

Saiki: !?

Kazuma: Shit!

Erza: How horrible! Is she okay?

Izumi: Yeah, I erased the brainwashing. As for how she's doing? I can see that it affected her even if she doesn't try to show it. And yeah, she's a fallen Angel hybrid. Who knew? Her mother is Penemue.

Korosensei: Good job, Student Miyamura.

Tony: I see. Then just stay with her. She's going to need you. And how are you going to kill the god?

Izumi: Just like I said before. I will collect all seven Ancient Magic. In doing so, I would be able to unlock another magic called Concept Magic.

Tony: Does that do what I think it does?

Izumi: Yeah, it's magic that creates concepts. If you watched Type-Moon's works, then you would know how overpowered it is.

Kazuma: I know right?

Miki: So where are you right now and which magic did you get?

Izumi: Well, I got Creation and Gravity magic. Now, it's been three days since the monster invasion on Ur.

Kuroneko: You went there?

Izumi: Yeah, Kyouko wanted to help Aiko-sensei. Besides, I destroyed the army using my new magic.

Erza: I thought Hajime and the others destroyed it?

Izumi: They wouldn't have destroyed it. They would've driven it back by killing the leading monsters.

Korosensei: So what did you do?

Izumi: I pulled a Madara.

Izumi couldn't help, but be a little smug about his feat.

Kazuma: You pulled a meteorite from the sky!?

Izumi: Yeah. :)

Tony: How overpowered is Gravity magic?

Izumi: It's really strong. I can create a stabilized singularity.

Tony: Say what now, Harry Potter?

Izumi: Yeah, I can create a black hole to absorb or reflect any attacks.

Tony: You have got to show me! How many chances do we get to study a godamn black hole!?

Erza: You guys can talk about black holes later, but we have to check on the quest now. Am I right?

Izumi: Oh, that's right. Let's see what the quest is about.

Izumi went to the quest tab and brought it up.

[A new quest has arrived]

[Difficulty: Medium

Anomaly: Not detected

Mission: Defeat a rogue soul trying to kill the god of his world and upset the balance.

Time limit: Before the rogue soul becomes the god.

Hint: Visit the Kurosaki Clinic.

Details: If you accept the mission, you will be transported sometime before the beginning of the mission

Participants: 5

*Time will be stopped when you leave your world]

[The volunteer must enter his username to accept]

[Will you accept]


Erza: Does anyone know where this is coming from?

Tony who was tinkering with a suit saw the quest details. Immediately, he sprung into action.

"Jarvis?" he called out.

"Yes sir" a British voice answered back.

"Catalogue every movie, game, anime, manga, etc by using the words "rogue ghost", " Kurosaki" and "god"."

"May, I ask why sir?"

"Just humour me, Jarvis."

"Very well sir. The most common result I have found is a story called Bleach. It is an ongoing manga series and an anime series that is also ongoing with 263 episodes out." Ai said.

"Bleach huh? I'm gonna have to read it," he told himself.

He turned back to the chat.

Kazuma: I honestly don't have a clue. It seems familiar to me for some reason.

Kuroneko: I don't know either.

Korosensei: Me neither.

Miki: It sounds familiar for some reason

Tony: I asked Jarvis and he came with a manga and anime called Bleach. Has anyone seen it?

Miki: That's it!

Kazuma: So that's why!

'I see, Bleach huh?' Izumi thought.

To be honest, Izumi has heard of it in his past life, but he hadn't finished it. The series had dragged on many episodes and bored him. It also had a lot of fillers. And he never had time to finish it. He had stopped watching it after the Soul Society arc.

Miki: So who's going? I actually want to go.

Erza: I would like to go as well.

Kazuma: Same here. I need to get away from my party!

Kuroneko: Me too. I want to try out my training. That world shall know the birth of the Queen of Nightmares!

Saiki: I'll go. My powers may be helpful.

Korosensei: You guys can go. I will sit this one out.

Tony: Same here. Have fun, kids.

Izumi: Me too. Besides, if I get the ancient magic before you finish your mission, I could come there and help. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be counted by the system.

Seeing their replies, those who volunteered wrote their username in the participant list.

[Participant list is now complete]

[Your mission will start in two days. Be sure to be prepared.]

Miki: Wait, let me send the copies.

[Miki has sent Bleach manga]

[Miki has sent Bleach anime]

Erza: Thank you, Miki.

Izumi: Alright, guys. I have to go. We are going to get space magic today. Bye!

Kazuma: Alright, me too. I still need to finish quests since Aqua spent all the money last night on the booze. Useless goddess.

Tony: Alright, me too. See ya.

Erza: Bye guys!

Korosensei: Me too, since I have a class in need to assassinate me.

Miki: Bye Bye!

Saiki: Bye

Kuroneko: Alright, bye guys!

Izumi closed the chat and left the bath before putting on some clothes before going back to his room. As he opened the door, he saw Kyouko getting up from the bed.

"Good morning Kyouko!" he said to her.

The girl saw he boyfriend enter the room. She beamed and walked up to him before giving a small kiss.

"Good morning to you too, Izumi. Are we leaving today?"

"Yeah, my drones have already found the entrance of the Grand Gruen Volcano. In fact, they already found the location of all the remaining Labyrinth."

Hearing the news, Kyouko was shocked.

"Really!? That was so fast!"

Izumi gave a smug grin,

"Well, your boyfriend is just that awesome. Now, we can just teleport to the entrances to complete them."

"That's great! Seeing how fast we complete them, we may be able to return sooner than. expected." Kyoto said, excited at the prospect of returning home.

"That's true, but we must be more vigilant from now on," he said.

"What, why? Did something happen?" asked Hori confused and worried.

"Well... I think Ehit is going to pull something after seeing the stunt I pulled on those monsters."

"Oh... yeah." Kyouko smiled wrily as she recalled the meteorite Izumi had pulled to annihilate the monsters.

Izumi suddenly hugged her,

"Izumi?" she asked.

"But it won't matter since I will always be with you. I won't let anyone take you from me," he told her.

They stayed like that for a minute enjoying each other's warmth before pulling back.

"Why don't I get washed up, since we have a huge day ahead." the girl said.

"Alright." the boy responded and the girl left to the bathroom.