
dreams for aim {BTS ff}

let your inner self begin your self I think first love is only first the other is just affection not to be called as love Yosup: mam Mr min will be arriving in some time Y/n: is he new? Yosup: yes mam here's the details he filled it by email Y/n: okay thanks With that he went outside I looked on the reports and they said that he was having symptoms of depression and anxiety Y/n: okay so after a long time someone Is coming with such symptoms Mr Min p.o.v I finally decided to get me check by a psychologist because my situation is getting worse I can't even focus on my work so someone recommended me this hospital _______________written by ___________________sugary_writes "Not every ending is happy sometimes it has to be tragic just to make example"

Sugary_Writes · สมจริง
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Yoongi p.o v

I check on her I placed my index finger on her neck vein so I can feel if she is breathing or not

I was shocked firstly I was also so in panic I can't differentiate if she's breathing or not then I place my hand on her neck chest region and then I got relieved she was breathing her heart was beating

I got a hold of myself the lights were off so it was very dark in there only a sudden flash of sunlight was guarded by a broken window by the scenerio I can assume it's a storage room or some empty class

I just then went to a wall to check if there was a switch board or anything luckily I found a switch board at a wall I quickly turned in the lights but guess what only one saver light turned on I think all the other lights were damaged or either broken

I quickly ran towards the girl she was still unconscious I was in a panic state like there was nothing in that dirty room except of some boxes

I adjust some boxes and pick her up bridal style and carefully place her on them when I placed her I saw my hand and there was red liquid on it when I tilted her head I saw blood like her head was bleeding then I place my hands in pockets to take out my mobile but oh no

Yoongi: shi*** I left my phone with Tae

What should I do now I wonder if she has her phone with her but when I checked her she doesn't have any pockets so it was useless she even don't have her mobile her head was bleeding I was wearing a long sleeve puma sweatshirt over a white t shirt so I took off my check shirt

and I don't know what should i do but then an idea popped up in my head I took the shirt and tear it up leaving like a long bandaid guaze I carefully lifted her head up with my right hand and quickly place a tissue I hand in my pocket on her head area and then wrap it up with that shirt guaze

Luckily the bleeding stop due to the pressure of the shirt

Then I went to check into the boxes I was checking into the boxes and thinking how can I open that door it was a firm lock which cannot be open from inside I wonder why they put such a look in there

As I look into the boxes there were just some paperwork and I don't get what it's related about then my eyes onto some another box I opened it and thanks to it I was feeling relieved

It was a box with medical supplies I thought it was for the school dispensary

Luckily I saw some packed scissors guazes bandaids and some alcohol swabs and also some other stuffs like scissors and muscle sprays

I took the box with me and started to get all the supplies by which I can treat her wound I carefully opened the shirt wrap and she was still unconscious I was really worried for her but I brushed it off as I was a medical student I quickly took the bandaids I took the swabs and carefully cleaned it luckily it was not a deep one like it was a cut that was happened to be by a hard hit

Then I place a square piece of guaze place it on it and then wrap it up with real bandaids

Then I was finally relieved because she got her bandaid properly

I sit beside her on the floor

the light of saver bulb was reflecting through her gentle skin her eyes were closed like they were having a whole another world in them her hairs were ruffled but still they were suiting her looks she got a dark brown long rally hairs her brows perfectly curved her cheeks perfectly lifted she was like a whole beautiful piece of art her hands were by her sides gentle and a beautiful skin of her was piercing through my eyes

With that I facepalmed myself

Yoongi : wth min suga got a hold of yourself what are thinking about you are a cold person a cold hearted one you just saw her and she is like a patient to you

I was talking to myself when I suddenly realised that she was turning herself up

Yoongi: hey ::

(End of yoongi p.o v)

Y/n p.o.v

I suddenly woked up feeling my head really heavy it was hurting allot but I got a hold of myself suddenly I heard a voice of a boy like he was speaking I tried to sit up but then

???: Heyy don't you are hurt

Y/n: I opened my eyes my vision was half blurry I saw nothing but just some light of like a bulb

W-where am i-I?

( I questioned)

???: Honestly I don't even know but please just stay still you will hurt yourself

Y/n: n-no I am okay

With that he helped me to sit

???: Hey are you alright my name is yoongi what's yours

I looked up at him and he seems to be really worried I finally got a hold of my vision and I saw a boy who he calls himself as yoongi

We got an eyecontact but suddenly my head hurts

Y/n: ouch

Yoongi: are you okay

Y/n: y-yea I am my name is min y/n

Yoongi: good to hear your name

Y/n: but how we came here where are we

Yoongi: as I said I don't know a girl came to me and said that someone gonna kill someone so I ran up here *yoongi explained everything* and then we both ended up in here

I recalled that it was Kim arii and her minions

Y/n: but how have you bandaid me

Yoongi: I just found the things in here

Y/n: I run out my vision and I saw some boxes and a tore check shirt

What's with that shirt

Yoongi : oh it's mine I tried to bandaid you with it but later I found other things

Y/n : I am so thankful

Yoongi: mention not

Y/n : *suddenly I facepalmed my self* uh n-no no no no no

Yoongi: what happened

Y/n: today was my essay contest

Yoongi: what!!!!!! I almost forgot about it nooooooo I worked too hard for it

Y/n: I am so so sorry I didn't mean it I am so sorry because of me we both have missed it

Yoongi: no it's not your fault it's Kim arii's fault

Y/n: ahh I hate her

Yoongi: mee too

Y/n: you haven't tried to open the door ??

Yoongi: I had but it's useless it's locked from outside

Y/n: so what about your phone let's call someone

Yoongi: unfortunately I left it with my friend

Y/n: uh no no no

Hafeusa's p.o.v :

The contest got finished we were worriedand we haven't go anywhere because Tae told us to

Arjin: look guys they are coming

We ran up to them

Nawol: guys now we should search for them

RM : guys I have a plan

Hoseok: tell us

RM : we should separate in pairs because this school is too big

Jin: we can just ask the camera operators

Jk: hyung is right

RM: no we can't

Hafeusa: why??

RM: because if they are in this school they and if they are lost the camera operators should probably have them instruction according to their location

Tae: and if they would be outside they should have come by now

Jimin: my sixth sense is telling me that they are in here

Hoseok : okay according to RM we should be divided in pairs

Jk: yes

RM : I should make the pairs

Tae you go with hafeusa because one of you know y/n but the other don't know yoongi

Tae and hafeusa : okay

RM: jk and jimin

Jk and jimin : on it

RM: Jin hyung and Arjin

Arjin and Jin : okay we are on it

RM: so hoseok ,me and nawol are left

Hafeusa: nawol and hoseok should go

Jin : RM you can go check on all the CCTV cameras

Jimin : as he is wise

RM: good choice now we all can go

Author's p.o.v

With that they all left to opposite sides y/n and yoongi were still locked up they tried to let go but it was useless Kim arii and tuna and their other minions decided to keep them there so no one can find about them but they don't know whoever else know what happened to y/n and yoongi .

End of author's p.o.v

Y/n p.o.v

We don't have anything to do with the lock instead we waited that if someone can come and help us getting out of here we were also worried that our friends would be worried yoongi and I talked casually about our friends and our studies and we come to know that we were from different schools honestly yoongi was so beautiful and heart warming Person he tell me about a lot of things and we even got to know what goal we were headed to and luckily not even us but all our friends were in the same section I still don't know that his friend is also a friend of mine he tells me about his friends name but I thought his friend was not Taehyung

____end of p.o.v

Yoongi p.o.v

I just talked with her about simple things honestly I was not talking much but she was talking like continuosly I wonder she have that wound and she don't even show her pain she just talked beautifully honestly I don't like to talk much but I don't get it what was changing me it's my first time meeting her but it feels like we have known each other from decades

I can't resist her beauty on her curved lips and when she speaks her cheeks lifting up making her jawlines more squared

I was just mesmerized

End of p.o.v

?? P.o.v

I just finished my contest handed over my sheets and came outside of the hall and waited for my friend I was ready to tell her all I saw there she came

??: Hey $$

$$: hey ?? How was your day

??: Good what about you

$$: it was also good

??: Hey umm I wanna tell you something

$$: yes what it is

??: Umm actually you know that I was late today

$$: yes I was also wondering why

??: Actually I was being bullied

$$ : whattt!!!!

??: Yes but someone just came on time and save me

$$: thank God so we should him/her

??: No we can't

$$: why

??: While she was saving me she got hit by a steel rod and blacked out I saw blood coming from her head

$$: whatttt we should call The police oh no is she okay

??: No I don't know this thing is guilting me

$$: we should find her

??: But I don't know where she is

$$: we can

??: But how

$$: you remember where you left her

??: Yeah I know and I also asked someone to help her but I just got vibes that they are in danger

$$: okay don't panic we can go there and find them

??: Okay

We were walking towards the hallway from where I ran away

We were not walking more then running I was looking here and there but suddenly i got hit by someone

??: Ouch

$$: ohh ?? Are you okay

??: *Without seeing the person* I am so sorry I was just ... And then I saw ..........

{So what do you think will y/n and yoongi got to know eachother more will they be helped will y/n friends and BTS be able to find them who was ?? And her friend $$ and who they got hit by

Stay tuned to know who they are the story is getting a lot more members;a hint }


So guys do you like the chapter I think it's a bit longer one but a curious one let me know about your suggestions and leave a. Vote

Love you guys


-author nim