
What Just Happened? - PROLOGUE

"The Universe is a huge place with tons of possibilities, anything is quite possible... so why? why can't you do the things you want to? don't let your Dreams be dreams! be the star of your life and let your dreams be a reality!"

"Damn, that poster's been bugging me lately..." I quietly muffled, looking at an old torn poster being plastered on the side of a brick wall "someone should really tear that down,it's been here for decades bugging me".  It's 3 in the afternoon and I just got home from Highschool... boring as always but the chicks really make things better, they're always like Oh Kameo-kun~ you've done well today, Oh Kameo-kun please accept this bento I made for you~ Oh Kam- *Oof* Oww damn my nose... "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOIN KID!" This man yells ate me while I realized as I was blabbering to myself  and I accidentally bumped into this tall and buff guy... "Sorry" I mumbled, I didn't want to seem like I was sorry so I stared at the pavement below me as I said it...

As I stared back a crowd of people were actually infront of the guy, as if they were lining up to buy limited tickets or was watching a boxing match, I peeked to see what the commotion was and it seems as though they were infront of "Tanaka Electronics" looking at the TVs, they always have the TVs turned on infront of the windows for display showing the broadcasts or Sports or whatever they show on TV... Too bad they always turn on Channel MGT where the Latest News are shown, I would've prefered Channel 86 Where I could watch some hot babes wrestling...

"Another murder has taken place today, Tokihira Sakuya a 16 year old boy was seen dead on arrival in his apartment by his Mother, the boy was shown having cuts and bruises and just like the past murders a Star shape carved behind the boy's neck... the apartment was filled with blood splattered everywhere and no indication of any type of weapon where this boy could have been cut from" The crowd around me gets worried mumbling and gossiping how this could happen, even I am left confused how these murders happened... You see it all started when the Mayor of this city was found dead in his House, it was initially suspected that he committed Suicide as after investigation there were no traces of anyone ever being inside that house except for himself, he only lived alone and he never had a family... he was a damn greedy mayor as he always took some cash for himself from taxes and charity fundraisers and spends it on himself...

After not showing up for 2 weeks the Local Police decided to visit the mayor only to find him Dead on his bed, massacred with cuts, bruises and a Star Shaped Carving behind his neck... it was obvious it was murder but after investigation it was impossible that the mayor was killed by none other than himself.... well that was true until 4 other incidents happened, they were very similar eapecially this Star Shape Carving on the back of the necks of Victims...

And now another one... "Akihabara has been a dangerous city nowadays" I thought to myself as I carried on with my life... OH SHIT I FORGOT TO BUY THE GROCCERIES MOM TOLD ME TO BUY I thought as i rapidly head back to the groccery store to get the things mom sent me to get.

It's about 8 in the evening... After mom yelled at me for coming home late, she cooked some food for dinner and we ate together with my younger sister... "when is dad gonna come home mom?" my young sister who was about 9 years old asks my mom as  innocently, Mom smilingly said "Maybe a couple of weeks from now baby, you know your daddys workin hard for you, you always wanted to go to an Amusement Park right?" My young sister excitedly responded "YES YES! OF COURSE I WANT TO I Wanna rdie the merry go round, the roller-" She went off and listed a ton of rides she'd go on while my Mom turns to me and asks "Dont you miss your old man Kameo-chan?" Smiling like she didn't scold me an hour ago, Well of course I miss him, I haven't seen his face in a long time only during calls can I ever communicate to him but not that long cause he's always busy...

Dad works as a Cruiseboat Chef, serving food on one of the finest Cruise boats there is the "Analogu Cruise". He was a 5 star chef who formerly cooked at a Hotel and was recognized alot, he's food was Perfique as the Critics would say but I would say it be better if he knew how to Roast Barbeque cause really that's the onyl thing he doesn't know. I Stared back to Mom and  answered "Yeah but if he's not bringing me a super hot and thick chick from abroad then you might aswell disown me" Mom knowing it was a joke still got upset and sent me upstairs, I laughed about it and went to sleep.

I dreamt about my old man because of what happened...  "Hey Kameo"  Dad called out to me, I realize I was holding a cellphone up to my ear, this was the phone that I'd normally get to use whenever dad would call mom or us, I was filled with Joy as I reply "Dad! How are you?" "Hey buddy, I wanted to keep this a surprise but I'm coming home tomorrow... Make sure you tell your Mom alright?"  He said, I was so overfilled with happiness about what he said "Of course!" I told him... It has been 5 Years since dad ever came home, And we only get to talk to the phone so I was excited as shit... but something weird was going on, I was sitting in the couch on the Living Room where it was facing stairs that would lead to my bedroom... My bedroom had this Star carved on it and it was morphing right into the walls of my house... I kept staring at it, thinking what the hell is going on... I Woke up afterwards.

I Woke up and realized it was all a dream, I went down and did the regular things I'd do after I wake up, Mom was finished cooking breakfast and handed me the towel so that i could wipe my face, Breakfast was Eggs and Bacon, Damn was it my favorite. My younger sister already went to school as they start the day earlier than ours, Mom sat across me and told me "Your Dad just called me earlier, He said he was going home!" She smilingly told me, "Yeah I know, he told me too" I said with a calm expression, My mom was in shock and said "Wh- what?" As she said that I suddenly recall that my dad never told me, that was a dream I had where he told me on the phone that he was going home and now it's true... What Just Happened?