
It started off as a dream

A dream I thought would never come true. Living in a big house with a spacious yard enough to grow a beautiful garden of roses and dandelions. My wife gently kissing me on the forehead every morning when she wakes up. Before she knows, I pulled her into my arms, kissed her a thousand times and begged for ten more minutes of uninterrupted sleep.

 "Get up your lazy bones or else you will be late for your meeting with the Poetry Hub Publishing Company". "Oh my God I almost forgot," I said jumping out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom for a quick shower. A dream it was, like a fictional movie the dream transmuted into reality. 

"Dreams do come true", was the only phrase I believed in. They called me Mr. Kevin but my wife preferred to call me with my first name, Timmy. Aurora was a blessing in my life.

Not only did she bring out the best in me but she also gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom we decided to name after my mother. Its funny how time flies, I took a walk down the memory lane to six years back, in the year 2014 when Sheila was born. When Sheila came into our lives a lot changed, hope was sown into our lives. It was as if she held the key to our financial freedom because her birth changed the narrative. When I woke up, I checked the time and it was exactly half past eight in the morning. After a quick shower, I found a note, which she placed carefully on the chestnut drawer on the far end of our bedroom. 


There is possibly one reason why she placed it there. She knew just how much I enjoyed watching the sun rising and the breath taking view of the countryside leaning against the chestnut drawer. This I did every morning before I went out to work. "Dear Husband, take care of yourself, I took your favorite BMW because I couldn't find the keys to my car, I must have misplaced it again, anyways I am definitely going to text you as soon as I drop our daughter at school, lots of love, mwah kisses ". I read the words carefully scripted on the notepad. Life was good; I had a beautiful wife and a brilliant daughter. 



I vividly recalled that I had carved that phrase on the wooden door of my bedroom when I was just 14 years of age. Every morning I would read and ponder on the ways I would implement to change my story. Writing was nothing more than a passion, which developed into a lifetime career that made me a lot of fortune. The book, which took me off the ashes to the top, is titled, "Bells do not sing they ring" It was simply a book about perspective and discovering one's purpose in life. In a world where most people are struggling to find or discover the purpose of their very existence, the book was received very well, thus penetrating the international market.


My personal experiences have taught me that a person is destined to become what he or she believes in and not more than that so in other words you will not exceed above the limitations of your faith. It was written in the Holy Book, "As a man thinketh so is he" The book sold more than 2 million copies on Amazon alone. Success knocked at my door and I gladly opened it. A notification sound reminded me that my phone was still under the pillow. I reached for it and slid into my wife's Dm on WhatsApp.

I smiled all the way to the garage whilst downloading a selfie she had sent. For several minutes I stood there with the car keys and iPhone in my right hand zooming a pic of my daughter smiling in a way that revealed gaps in between her teeth. Poor thing, I recalled of the days she would ask me why she was the only one with gaps in-between the front row of her teeth. Like any other parent, I formulated a story to illustrate the process in a way she could fathom. 

This is the very first chapter of the novel I am working on. What makes this novel special is the fact that I relate to some parts of the story. I hope you will relate too.

XJ_Timeocreators' thoughts