
Silver Star (6)

Kiryu sighed. Why did he do that last night, walking away giving no explanation? She must have been so confused. When he heard from Sumire-san how bad the girl's condition was through the connection they shared, he also checked on his side and immediately headed to the direction of the girls' camp. Such an idiot. What is he doing? Even if it surprised him, to a certain extent, he knew already right?

His thoughts broke off hearing light moans, and tears. He paused. Is someone being forced? He recalled what happened the last time he interfered with something like that. The girl misunderstood and tried to sleep with him, fortunately; he escaped. Lila lectured him that time and said he ought to have called the police, or asked for some help.

... "Unngh, unngh.. please no...please.."

Argh, geez. Kiryu made his way over to the source of the voice. But as he got closer... He recognized the voice. He felt his face color turn pale, his hands trembled. It can't be, can it? He wanted to think that way but eventually, he arrived at the sight of Karashima kissing the girl heavily, and her clothes slightly torn.

Seeing Lila's tears, he understood immediately and yanked him of her. He didn't hesitate to punch him, even after that it did not satisfy him, so he threw Karashima across the hallway. Karashima landed with a large thud. Kiryu turned to the girl and wrapped his jacket around her.

"Kiryu?" Lila said.

He said nothing and looked over at Karashima.

"Until she says she's yours. She's still mine." Kiryu said, dangerously.

Haruka wiped the blood from his mouth, "You don't know? We've already down it."

As he recalled the girl's protests just now. Kiryu walked over and didn't hesitate to punch him with a lot more force this time. "What's wrong with you? Don't you love her? What on earth are you doing forcing her?" Kiryu yelled. He felt his blood boil because of anger, this guy, this guy has no respect for her. If they got together, what would happen to Lila?

How come he didn't notice?

Lila...Lila must have been hurt, she must have cried and called for him. Damn it.

"Force aside, isn't it fine if she ends up liking it?"

Liking it?!! Kiryu felt his blood boil in anger, is this man insane? He felt Lila tug on his clothing.


"Sorry. You must have been scared. I didn't think he would be such a moron..." He really didn't know what to say. She must have been waiting, waiting for him to come and yet...he didn't even hear it. What happened to their connection?

He will discuss it with one of the adults later, for now... He turned back to Karashima, his eyes flashed red. There is no need to hold back. He raised his had and concentrated his power, until he was glowing. However before he could hit Karashima, Lila hugged him from the back and stopped him.



The girl said nothing, but he completely understood. She doesn't want him to hurt him. How foolish and kind. Lila, even letting this guy off after what he did.

Before he could say a word though, his phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, he turned away from Lila and walked away slightly to take the call.


He really can't believe she stopped Austin Kiryu from punching him, is she crazy? Seeing the girl tears pained him. He shifted closer to her despite the wounds he sustained.

"Damn...don't cry…"

"Haruka…" Lila sobbed.

"Sorry for sulking...Just don't cry.." Haruka paused. Why is she crying though? Is it because he forced himself on her again? Or because despite everything, he's been treating her cruelly? He doesn't quite understand. Is she crying because she wants him to be kind? Is this because her feelings have changed?

He frowned slightly but shook his head, it's natural she is worried about it. "Haruka, does it hurt?"

"A little. But I'll live."

She extended her hand out towards him.

"Oi. Don't…"

"It's okay…" Lila sat down next to him and brought the light to his face. Soon, he felt the wound gradually fade.

"Did you eat?" Haruka asked, despite knowing already.

She slept till lunch after he kissed her to sleep. He wanted to do more with her last night. But he knew if he acted upon his emotions again, she would get hurt. So he decided against it.

"No…" He pulled out a lunch box, "Ah! I can have this?"

Haruka nodded, "Yeah."

"Haruka too.."

"I don't need it."

Lila pouted, "It's bad if you don't get nutrition.."

"All right."

Seeing how happy she was, Haruka paused. He wanted to look back at Austin Kiryu's reaction but hesitated. He doubts that guy would get jealous over something like this, and it doesn't mean much. She's concerned about him, that's all this is.

"Haruka?" Lila called out to him, breaking his thoughts.

"I'll eat, but I like your cooking better. Make something for me when we get back."



So, they really aren't dating? Not dating, but practically act like a couple already. Lila looked happy, he shouldn't get in the way. His gaze softened seeing the girls bright smile. While he's jealous, as long as she's able to smile... Is he really okay with that? He recalled what just happened. She may end up more hurt dating Karashima than him. Before he knew what he was doing, he grabbed hold of the girl's arm and brought her to her feet.



"Come with me." Those were the only words he said. But Lila understood and quickly apologized to Haruka. Haruka nodded, and she allowed Kiryu to pull her away.


Once they were further away from Karashima, he let go of her arm.



Lila extended her hand out to caress his cheeks, and brushed her forehead against his, "Sorry, I should have just told you myself."

"My Lila. Is it really over?" he muttered.

It pained her, hearing those words. Hearing the tone

She wrapped her arms around his neck, "If you drank. You should have found an answer to that too. As for what I think, just a bit more... Can we return to how we were? I want us...to both settle our feelings properly, and then we can decide.."

"My Lila. You're so selfish, but I think I'm that way too..."

"Ah-huh.." she replied softly.
