
Dreaded Vamp King

Lilly, after finding out that her dad was killed by vampires, she vowed not to rest, not until she make all the vampires pay for taking her happiness away from her, but what happens, when she finds herself, falling deeply in love with a vampire, unknown to her about his identity? What happens when she sneaked into the vampires forbidden den, where no one goes in and comes out alive? Do you think she'll be able to take the shock of seeing her worst enemy, Kai Red (Lucifer), sitting on the throne of darkness, looking as dangerous as ever? What happens when the deepest secret about her reveals itself?...

Charity_Charity_4891 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

It is mine now!

Chapter nine

Lucifer POV

What am I a bloody vampire for, if I can't compel people? After hypnotizing the receptionist, I commanded her to take me to the man's office, and without further objection, she nodded blankly, and turned around, before leading me to God knows where. After walking for what seemed like forever, she finally stopped in front of a door, and nodded to me, and with that, she turned and left. Now it's game time.

Turning my attention to the door, a smirk played at the corner of my lips, which only lasted for a second, as it dissipated into a deep frown. Without knocking, I flung the door opened, and barged in into the office.

Stepping into the office, the lady sitting behind a desk, with her whole attention on the desktop placed in front of her, snapped her head to look at me, as soon as I stormed in, and she stood up, looking all angry.

"What is the meaning of this young man?" She snapped at me angrily, as she stood up on her feet, while glaring at me. Wow! A lot of people are trying to get on my nerves today, but too bad I'm in no mood for teaching anyone a lesson now.

Without saying a word to her, I proceeded to the door, but she came to stand in my way, and that was when my demon charged. My eyes darkened, as I clecnched my fist, and gritted my teeth, while breathing heavily, and in the next second, she landed so hard on the wall, while choking, and spitting blood from her mouth. Yes! I did that, that is her punishment, for messing with me. How dare she talk to me in that manner! How dare she think she can mess with the almighty Lucifer, and go scot free?

She keep struggling for breath, as she tried keeping her eyes opened, but I never gave her the chance to, and slowly, her eyes closed, and in the next second, she stopped struggling, as she dropped dead on the floor.

Glancing at her lifeless body, laying on the floor, I adjusted my coat, before heading to the door, and without bothering to knock, I flung the door opened, and walked straight to the chair opposite him.

He snapped his head to look at me, as soon as I walked in, as fear registered on his face. Walking over to him, I picked the chair opposite him, and flung it across the office, before slamming my hands on his desk, while staring down at him.

His whole body trembled in fear, as he started fidgeting on his seat, of course he should be scared, because his fate lies in my hands now. Anyone that dares to mess with the almighty Lucifer, tends to pay with their lives.

My eyes suddenly changed to blood red, as I stared deep into his face and all I see, is fear, and nothing else.

"Who...who're you?" He managed to ask, after a long silence, and I just couldn't help scoffing. To think that he still got the guts to ask of my identity, amuses me a lot, he must really be brave, right? Seeing his doom, standing before him, and still asking who I am, that's crazy.

"I am Kai Red, your doom!" I said in my deep voice, as a smirk, played at the corner of my lips, but it only lasted for split seconds, as it slowly dissipated into a deep frown, my dark and intimidating aura, consuming him.

Slowly, I opened my mouth slightly, showing him my fangs, which were now so long and sharpened, and his fear triggered.

"Vam...vampire!" He exclaimed almost in a whisper, as his hand slowly flew to his mouth, his eyes widened in shock and fear.

"You guess right. So, are you signing the contract now, or not?"....

Author POV

Leaning on the desk, and staring down at the young man, with so much anger, spreading through him, he just couldn't wait to rip him apart, his fangs itched to taste his blood, his fingers itched to devour him, and his tongue, couldn't just wait to lick every drop of his blood. He couldn't believe that anyone would ever disobey him, let alone a human, and now that it happened, he feel so angry, his demon is so furious.

Meanwhile, the man sat rooted on his seat, as he couldn't stopped fidgeting, in his entire life, he never knew about the existence of supernatural creatures, he never believed vampires do really exists, and now that one is standing right before him, and tormenting him, he just couldn't help looking forward to his own death.

"You guess right. So, are you signing the contract, or not?" His cold deep voice sounded through the man's ears like a sharp object is pierced into his ears, as his heart skipped like a million times.

With a trembling hand, he opened the cabinet of his desk, and opened it, before bringing out a file, and dropping it on his desk, he picked a pen, and signed it.

A deadly smirk played on Lucifer's lips, but it only lasted for split seconds, as it disappeared, replaced with a deep killing frown, sending shivers down the man's spine.

With his eyes, not leaving the man, he slowly picked the file, and glanced through it, before returning his gaze to him, his eyes blazing red.

Teleporting to his back, he grabbed his neck with full force, and tilt it, revealing his fresh looking bare neck. Throwing his head back, he opened his mouth slightly, revealing his long fangs, as he licked his lips with his tongue, and in the next second, he plunged his fang on his neck with full force, and sucked his blood, while the man keep fidgeting on the seat, dying slowly.

Seconds ticked into minute, and into minutes, before he finally let go off his neck, and stood up, showing his bloodshot eyes, blazing dangerously. He stuck out his tongue, and licked the trail of blood on his lips.

"The company is mine now." He said in his deepest voice, as he stared dangerously into space, while having a deadly smirk on his lips...