
The Curse

Willem changed his battle stance in the second it took the left handed rival to swing his bastard sword. Willem's shield already changed into position taking the shocking blow the lefty intended for his side. In the same instance the lefty fired his shot Willem delivered effortlessly his flat snap to the lefty's head. Willem's blade hit the helm with a satisfying ring knocking the man to his knees and leaving him open. Willem quickly and forcefully brought his broad sword down into the man. Blood and flesh flew up as Willem pulled his sword back out. The lefty fell back dead, blood slowly flowing and pooling out of his deadly wound. Willem surveyed the battlefield, only to find the battle was over. He and his men were victorious. He let his war cry ring out and his men joined him on the blood soaked battlefield celebrating their victory. Once done he organized his men into groups. Some would see to the subjugation of the land, some to tending to the dead, and some to the setting of the mead hall. There would be much mead drank this night. Willem Thorvald knew the heavy toll of what taking another man's life meant. First step to keeping the demons away was to keep men busy. Give them a job they could focus on. Next let them have time in a relaxing environment to celebrate all life of man. Allow the men to honor those who had died, accept what they did, be happy they were alive, get drunk, and it always helped to go fuck. A woman was always good for turning a man's head to more delightful adventures. Yes there would be many bow legged lassies walking around the next morning. Bjorn approached Willem after the assignments were made, "Lord, the whores wish to know if they should ready their tents now or prepare for the night." Willem looked over the men first before responding, "Have them ready a whore or two the rest shall prepare themselves for the revelry in the mead hall." Bjorn nodded his consent and went to follow Willem's orders. Willem helped with all the work and checked in on his men during the rest of the day.

As his men prepared for the revelry of the night Willem took the time to walk over his newly acquired lands. The women and children had been evacuated from this land. A small mercy for the day, a headache for another day he decided. The land was good here, crops would grow well. Willem was just turning to go back to the revelry to celebrate with his men when another man appeared next to him. "I see you have been busy this day." The man said to him. "What are you doing here?" Willem growled at the man. The man was not startled by Willem but seemed amused. "I told you before you are my special project." He said with a sly smile. "I have no interest in your project?" Willem spat with disgust. The man unconcerned watched Willem, looked at the fading horizon then back to Willem. "Yow will regret that you had not taken my offer of help. Now he will get involved and he doesn't haven't my sense of humor." The man said and turned his gaze back to the horizon searching in its colors. Willem grew more angry and wanted nothing more than to beat this man to death, to tear him apart with bare hands. He knew though that it was not wise to attack one such as him. "Help! You would have me embrace this damnable curse like some mewling woman! I wish for nothing more than to be rid of this curse and you." Willem exploded. The man's eyes settled on a point in the horizon and watched as the shape of a world eater, a dragon, THE dragon. It was growing rapidly on the horizon. The man knew it was time to go when he saw the dragon, he had another world to visit after all he thought. "Careful what you say, a wish is chaos magick, pure chaos magick. You may get a wish but it might not be yours." The man said as he disappeared. "He's gone, good." Willem thought.

Willem went back to the mead hall revelry had already begun. Mead was flowing, food was being served by slaves. The smell of cooked meats, mead, and sex was strong before Willem even opened the door. Willem was surprised to see new slaves. Not all the women had fled the village it seemed, he thought. Then he wondered if their were any children left behind. Bjorn saw Willem enter and the look on his face. No one else had noticed, they were too busy fucking the whores and getting drunk. Bjorn discreetly walked over to his Lord. "My Lord. None of the new women have been fucked. They did not carry the mark of the whore. The men found no children. These women said they stayed behind to take care of the wounded. They say all the others fled a long time ago. We have not covered all the lands yet though. However, these new woman are quite skilled in the art of healing they have been a good addition." Bjorn said. "Very well, we will use the women to track down the rest of the people. For those of our people who have lost children as is our custom they will be allowed to adopt any orphaned children as their own. Now Bjorn, friend join me in eating and drinking mead." Willem was glad that there were no children to have to worry about having to tend to.

The smell of food, mead, and sex was heavy. There were legs in the air, asses bouncing, and tits swinging in nearly every space of the mead hall. The banquet table was the exception here men and women could eat, drink, and talk without worry of the other recreation knocking over one's mead or food. Their were men telling stories of battle and honor. Women were providing an attentive audience gasping and giggling at all the right parts of the stories. Bathing stations had been set in various places and were being used for whores to clean and relax before their next conquest. Willem was pleased his men were being well taken care of. The smell, the sights, and the sounds were relaxing him too and he started to swell in anticipation of the night. Bjorn announced his presence and those men not already lost in heavy fucking cheered for him. The slaves prepared his place, he sat down and looked over the whores. One very large breasted whore approached him and disrobed. "I have been saved back for you. On this night none but you are allowed to take me." She said. Willem was pleased with this declaration. He took her hand and pulled her close to him and devoured her mouth. As much as he wanted to fuck her right now he needed sustenance first. There were many, many things he wanted to work out tonight. It would be long night for him and her. He motioned for a plate and mead be brought for her as well.
