
Forces Descending On Namek!

After discussion, they were able to get their hands on King Piccolo's old ship. Bulma didn't know how to speak Namekian, but she was a quick learner in this department. Honestly, Kayn felt it was a waste to use the Dragonballs on Yamcha and Chiaotzu.

After Frieza was defeated, he was going to leave for Space to find the rest of the Dragonballs in this Universe. Bulma's father was still working on the ship, he was making it better than the one from the show, so it would take a bit longer.

Gohan was finally able to tell his mom off, he wanted to go to Namek and fight. Everyone agreed with his stance, she couldn't help but think that they had corrupted her Gohan but Chichi complied in the end.

Goku was going to take the Namekian ship to Namek and so was Raditz, but Kayn told them not to. This ship didn't have a training room at all and they needed to be stronger than they were before reaching Namek.

Dr.Briefs had to modify the Namekian ship, so it became much faster than before. It originally took Bulma and Company 34 days or so to reach Namek, but it should be much faster this time around.

Bulma, Piccolo, Tien, Krillen, and Gohan got onto the Ship. Piccolo found it familiar as he slowly recounted the Namekian language. It looked like Bulma didn't need to study as much as she thought she did.

They had already taken off for Namek and Bardock and Gine were also eager to go Kill Frieza as usual. They were overwhelmed with joy to know that Frieza was going to be put in their hands.

Seven days later, Dr.Brief was done with the ship. It was bigger than the original show's ship with Capsule Corp's signature name on it. Kayn didn't let Nappa suffer too long, he learned a lot from Raditz and was stupidity shock, angered, and happy at the same time.

Kayn gave him a Senzu Bean to restore him and he received a decent Zenkai. Nappa's original max power was 7,500, but it had gone up.

Raditz told him everything about Frieza's doings and how Kayn and them could turn into an actual Super Saiyan. Of course, how could Nappa believe something like that? It wasn't until Kayn showed him that he was finally a believer.

Nappa laughed wildly due to joy, he wasn't jealous at all, he was happy with this revelation. Nappa was actually a simple man, his personality completely changed from then on.

He saw hope.

The people boarding this ship were going to be Kayn, Raditz, Goku, and Nappa. The 4 of them would train on this ship until they reached Namek. Dr.brief had to make sure he added more food than usual, like MORE FOOD than usual.

This ship had the type of training Kayn wanted. There was Gravity along with a device that targeted you inside, so you had to dodge while training.

The Goal of Gine and Bardock upon arriving on Namek was to Kill Frieza right away, but Frieza had to have called the Ginyu Force at that time.

"Hehe! Let's get these points!" Kayn couldn't wait.

Two Days later Raditz, Goku, Nappa, and Kayn left for Namek. Dr.Brief had to order a lot of food at that time, so they couldn't leave right away. Gine and Bardock had left at the same time as Goku and Company, so they should arrive at the same time.

At first, Kayn wasn't going to go in this way, but he wanted to utilize the training area on this ship.

Kayn could just Insta-Travel to the place at this point. Lifting off in the ship, Goku and Raditz went straight to training. Nappa watched for a while before joining them in their exercise.

"I guess I better join to." Kayn shrugged and went over.


A Frieza base near Earth's sector.

Meanwhile, on a planet someways away, Anya was carried to a Healing Chamber by some Alien looking men. Vegeta also received some medical attention from these Alien-like men.

"Man, look at your armor and yourself, if I'm not mistaken, you received a serious beating." Looking at the holes in Vegeta's armor, the man concluded.

Vegeta didn't say anything as they put a special cast over his arm coated with Medicinal Healing Liquid. His injury should heal within an hour or so, so he wasn't worried. Anya on the other hand would have to wait for about an hour or more to fully heal.

However, she should benefit greatly from that beating she received. After all, she was beaten by a person far stronger than herself.

"What's the news, and where's Frieza, I need to speak with him. I need to know his location, I can't contact him for some reason." Vegeta started to change into a fresh set of clothing.

"I-I don't know, he just up and left from headquarters, so he isn't around here anymore. Why? Did something happen? Does it have anything to do with your condition?" The alien doctor threw a swarm of questions at Vegeta.

"That doesn't matter, but I hope you aren't lying to me." Vegeta looked over and said.

"I'm not, I really don't know!" The Doctor said seriously. "You can ask a few trainees in the training center, they should be able to help you."

"I have no use for those weaklings, if you here from Frieza or know where Freiza is; tell him I'm looking for him." Vegeta scoffed and walked out of the room.

"Vegeta, wait, you forgot your scouter!" The man ran over to hand Vegeta his scouter.

"I don't need that thing." Just as Vegeta was walking away, he saw a trainee by the name Zuko ahead waiting for him.

"Well, well, looks like you and Anya were in a big battle that you couldn't handle. You 4 idiots couldn't take over one measly planet, how pathetic." Zuko taunted.

"Drop it, Zuko. I don't have time to deal with gossiping cowards like you." Vegeta showed indifference and walked pass Zuko like he was air.

Zuko put his hands on Vegeta's shoulder as he was walking by and told him that Frieza wasn't happy with him. Vegeta only replied that he didn't care, and Frieza could try and kill if he can.

Zuko said that he had a big mouth, but no actual bite.

"Enough, tell me where Frieza went off to hide!" Vegeta turned his head and glared at Pui.

"To the Planet Namek."

'How could he know, how can he know about the Dragonballs?' Vegeta's expression changed, he wasn't aware that everything was being recorded on his scouter. He only thought he, Anya, Raditz, and Nappa had access to their channel only.

Vegeta ran off in a hurry to a space pod, he still had yet to rest after his terrible experience but he should be fully recovered before reaching Namek. He grabbed his scouter from the Doctor's hands and 2 packs of Healing liquid before booking it to a high-speed space ship.

He didn't use a space Pod this time but a high-speed ship that could get him to Namek in a matter of days. He had to rush to this base because of Anya's condition. He was able to analyzed where she set her coordinates and followed her to this base close by.

2 days had already gone by at this point.

Author Note: This was a different place compared to the place in canon, so he didn't meet Cui.



A group of Frieza Soldiers was completely exterminated by 6 people. This group had rushed here after hearing the news about the Dragonballs.

"Head towards the Namekian Villages, I'm sure they'll know where to find the Dragon Balls. I'll split off from you guys, I'll travel alone while you guys go hunting." This man looked exactly like Goku and Bardock, it could be no one else but Turles.

"Right boss, we'll hunt well today, Frieza's days are over! We'll use deadly force on the Namekians if they don't comply." Cacao laughed amusingly before looking into the distance.

"Don't forget that we'll also kill some Frieza soldiers while we're at it. We could use the entertainment after so long" Amod smirked, he was the leader of the Crusher Corp under Turles.

"There's a Battle Power of 22,000 over that way, it's accompanied by another Battle Power of 23,000." Readings suddenly appeared on Diaz's scouter; this was the same for everyone else.

"Hmm, be careful, they're not alone. Tread cautiously, this is Frieza we're dealing with, so don't let your guard down." Turles frowned. It was dangerous trying to get the Dragonballs with Frieza around.

"Goodness, how strong is he? It keeps going up!" Cacao's expression changed, how were they going to deal with such a tyrant?

"Go! Break up into groups if you want and don't get yourselves killed. Cause as much Mayhem for Frieza as you can and be sure not to get caught out by him." Turles spoke coldly before flying off in the opposite direction of that huge Battle Power, which was obviously Frieza.

"Hmm, well, you heard the man, it's time to get down to business, hahaha!" Amond laughed but they didn't break off into groups and decided to stick together to cause trouble.


Space Ship.

Kayn trained with the group and showed Nappa many things he needed to learn. Of course, he didn't have time to learn all of these things and could only listen and try.

Electric like energy formed around Nappa as he trained and struck out under the gravity. Kayn recognized this type of power, it was used originally on Piccolo. Nappa severed Piccolo's arm with this type of Chaotic Ki in the series.

Raditz and Goku sparred under the Gravity, while many lasers were trying to hit them at the same time. This required good concentration and good awareness, so this tested them on many levels.

Nappa suddenly joined in the fight and attack Raditz and Goku. They weren't very serious, since it was only meant for training purposes.

Their power levels were rising rapidly under these conditions, it was even better than Derail 7's Gravity Zone! This was mainly because of the laser and them needing to focus their Mind and Ki to always dodge the lasers while fighting.

They did the standard workout sets under the gravity and ate a lot once their training was done for the day. Kayn found that his Ki-Control was getting better quicker under these conditions as well, he couldn't wait to try the Hyperbolic Time Chamber out.

Kayn and everyone else could see Bardock and Gine's ship ahead of them. It was moving just as fast as their ship; they would certainly arrive at the same time.

After another day of Training, Kayn went to his room and fell asleep like everyone else.

Happy Reading!

If you're interested in Pokemon, check out my other Novel. I'm also working on such a novel.

Yes, I love Pokemon! :D

Monster_Paradisecreators' thoughts