
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 14

Ever since his first success Clay practiced his "flying stone bullet" as much as possible. It also inspired him to take a deeper look at the silver dragon technique. Thanks to that his control were consistently on the rise. For example, using fire to create life-like copies of the beast he has seen before. On top of that, he has even started to approach the master of temperature control. The training was not the only thing keeping him busy but also his work. That's right our dear hero has started working as an adventurer at Zeke's suggestion.

Thinking it was a good way to level up he almost instantly agreed. As a result of his taking on just about any quest, he became famous in the frontier town. Currently, the local legend was facing an annoying problem. As you would imagine his fighting all over the place caused him to level up quite a bit.

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon(human)/????

Job:Martial artist

Level: 13=>20

Racial level(s): Young Earth Dragon level 20/20. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 2

Aura core: rank 2

Health points: 2140

mana points: 2000

aura points: 2140





Status points-30=>52

Skill points-21=>53


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 2)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 2)

-Earth magic(level 2)

-Earth Dragon's Armor(Level 3)

-Earth Dragon's breath(level 1)

-Fly(level 5)

-Martial Path(level 1)]

Now thanks to his hard work he had already reached his second evolution. Or he should have if it weren't for his aura lagging. Truthfully he could have evolved already even without his aura reaching three hundred. He just couldn't shake off this feeling that no matter what he must wait. Following his gut, he first wanted his aura core that breakthrough at the same time.

Although he knew his end goal Clay had no idea how to get there. His golden dragon technique needed his mana which would then convert into aura. The problem was the higher his aura the more mana that needed to be converted. Finally accepting his fate Clay decided to level up one more that way he could just the points. Sighing he left his training room to see if there was a quest.

Before going to the adventurer guild he made sure to get at least two of his guards to come with him. He had long learned his lesson against not bringing any of them. One time he just went to get some food for about fifteen minutes at most. Once they realized he left they went on a rampage destroying everything around them to find him. Since then he made sure to always have at least two of them with him.

Walking leisurely Clay looked around the small town he has grown used to. Each building had people with smiling faces. It was a singing endorsement for just how good of a leader Zeke is. Clay couldn't stop himself from thinking if he would be half as good.

When it comes to his strength he knows it was only a matter of time. However, when it comes to governing you might as well have a monkey do it. Previously he had no intention of becoming the ruler of all dragons but he slowly changed his mind thanks to Eve. She helped him realize that it was impossible to make enemies sooner or later. This of course came with the problem that he was only one while his enemies could end up being many. Thus it would make things easier if some comrades and an entire country full of dragons seemed to be the best choice.

As his thoughts were wandering they finally made it to the adventurer guild. Once inside he saw a sight that has become far. Drunken adventurers gathered around tables bragging about their feats. Some even got a little too touchy Feely earning them a slap. Clay ignored that while heading for the recipient desk stationed on a path directly in front of the entrance. Standing behind the desk was a cute girl with long purple hair. Once Clay arrived at the desk a smile formed on her as she said.

"Good morning Clay are you interested in another quest or are you perhaps turning one in."

"Good morning Elizabeth, just looking for a kill quest with either a lot of targets or one really strong target."

Hearing Clay's request Elizabeth reached under the desk and pulled out a massive book. As she flipped through the pages filled with numerous quests Clay took a look at his current stats again. Around a minute later Elizabeth found a quest to exterminate a goblin stronghold. According to the quest giver, there should be around thirty goblins in total with a hobgoblin in the mix. In terms of difficulty, the quest would require a group of five D-rank adventurers.

When Clay first signed up for the guild they made sure to explain guild rank. Every adventurer could have any rank with S being the highest and E as the lowest. Quest are then assigned based on their difficulty level. For example, the goblin stronghold quest would normally need 5 D rank to pull off. Of course, that does not count for someone like Clay who can slaughter any number of goblins.

After accepting the quest he headed straight toward the goblin stronghold. It did take him long to arrive at a surprisingly well-built wall. On each of the wall's four corners, the were towers with two goblins each holding a spear and a bow.

"Your highness how do you plan on tackling the quest this time",asked Emma.

Rather than answer directly Clay raised his hand an as long spear-like pieces of earth started to form in the air. This was a second-level Earth magic called rock lance. He then summoned a wind current to surround them. His preparation finished he looked over at the girls and said while smirking.

"If they have sniper towers then the only thing left to do is bomb them."

As he finished speaking the spears were sent flying with booming speed. A loud explosion rang out as his sonic rock Lance smashed into the watch towers. The destruction of course alerted just about every creature in the forest. Unhurried Clay calmly walked to what remained of the walls. Quickly the goblins noticed his presence so they brandished their weapons toward him. Unworried Clay went on with his casual walk. The steps echoed as he drew closer to the goblins until finally, he was only a few feet away from them. With a smile on his face Clay suddenly flashed disappearing in front of the goblins.

When he appeared again his hand was pierced through one of their chests. Confused it could only look at the arm that went completely through its chest to the back. The other goblins could only watch as the life faded from their comrade. Mercilessly Clay tossed his victim's body aside like it was nothing.

"Alright boys time to die, I just hope you can make it fun for me" Clay coldly said.