
Questions and chess

"Who are you and why are you here" Sona could only hope that the little girl in front of them didn't get mad at her interrupting her story.

"ohhhhhh i forgot to introduce myself, hi I'm the dragon god Acedia" the little girl did a ballet spin

while and Sona and Rias decided it would be the best time to live without any blood it seemed as

their entire body went pale as could be.

This little girl infront of them claimed to be a dragon from legends and from her aura it was

Entirely possible "ohhhhh chess can i play can i? please"

The exited tone burst them out their stupor and without another word sona sat down

opposite her "is it okay to ask you questions while we play?"

"Ofcourse but your not allowed to be distracted because itll make the game super boring"

Sona decided to continue the questionnaire "why are you here?"

"Wanted friends and school has friends"

Deciding to go along with that weird answer she started asking more personal questions

ranging from age, past events and the like till she remembered something that didnt add up

"i thought you were supposed to be Male?" as she watched the little girls head twist ina curious expression on her face.

"i am male?" This not only made Sona Spit out the coffee she was drinking Rias herself instantly

Pulled up the girls skirt to see that he was definitely male, very much so even under his pink panties that done a fantastic job combined with magic to keep everything okay.

Acadia blushing Pulls down his skirt and goes red in the face while saying "pervert" with a pout that

could turn a make an angel descend into hell just to cuddle him and in no less that a second "checkmate" he screams while jumping back excitedly to the chess board moving his knight.

Sona and Rias however were still preoccupied by the fact that:A, There is a dragon god with them; B

The Supposed cute little girl is a male and a 'big' male at that and C Their hearts just melted when they seen his pout to even notice the chess game was over.