
Dragon God's Reincarnation!

In the beginning of Everything, There existed Two superior Existences. The Two Dragon Gods...While one of them created the worlds and life, other gave rise to Reincarnation, death and afterlife. Due to some conflict, The Creation Dragon God, Genesis Sealed his brother, The End Dragon God, Omega for thousands of years! Now, 1289 years later Omega has been completely forgotten by all people except his worshipers. Now he will blow up the cover on what happened 1289 years ago and rise to his rightful place once again. But will he discover something, Some existence that interfered with the incident all those years ago? To Find Out, Follow Us on a Journey Through The Realms As the Dragon God Takes back his Throne.

Alex_lucifer · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Unchained Calamity : Omega'S Return

While The Knights were inspecting the Sealed Gates,

Their presence was sensed long ago by the being inside the seal.

{Hmm...Seems like the time to tear down this gate had arrived at last.}

{Now then Let's see how the world has changed,}

As he said that his right arm became covered in Ashen-Black Scales, And an ominous aura surrounded his fist.

{"Pierce through, Omega Talon!"}

And the gate came crashing down on the the knights.

{Hmm...the Air doesn't seem to have much change}

{Oh, I almost forgot that you both were here as well.}

Upon hearing him the knights who were frozen stiff in fear, began shivering.

for he was an existence that they could never ignore.

As The Mysterious Being Reached one of his hands towards Robert,

Robert's survival instincts helped him overcome his fear and he leapt backwards at a distance of almost 10 steps from his previous position.

{So, You won't volunteer to help me understand how the world has changed. it's understandable a being as weak as you will never be able to stand in my presence without losing your mind.}

"Shut Up, We are The Proud Knight of the Genesis Order. We will never lose to a monster like you!"

{Oh really, then take your partner for an example my brother's follower}

And The mysterious being flicked his finger towards Johan,

In less than an instant, Johan along with the area surrounding him and behind him were obliterated.

"Wh...What...What jus...just Happened?...How did his flick has such an impact" The Dumbstruck Knight did not know what to think of,


{Yes? So you're taking the initiative to talk now}

"You, Just how did you defeat Johan?"

{Johan? Oh, you mean the ant I just squashed. I just flicked my finger and he was squashed}

"Don't Give me that Cr*p, He was Someone who was just about to become a Five Star Bronze knight. He isn't someone who can just be killed like that with bare hands unless you are a Silver Ranked knight regardless of the races."

{Star?...Bronze?...Silver?... what's that}

"Don't kid me!, I have seen enough of your strength and I challenge you to a duel!"

{Duel...Now that's more like it,. then let's not make each other wait too much, I already want to leave this place}

"I, Robert Silverstein a 9 star Silver Ranked knight challenges you to a 1o1 Duel!"

{Ah. so we need to introduce ourselves as well, what an headache. Well All for information}

{I, Omega, The Omega Dragon God accepts your challenge}

In his confusion, the knight did not even pay attention to the opponent's introductions and as soon as his opponent was done, he Unsheathed his blade,

A beautiful sword adorned with stones at the golden hilt and a shining bright blade

and started to slash at his opponent.

But Omega dodged each of his slashes without even moving from his place.


After Five Minutes into battle, the Dragon God was starting to become bored with how weak his brother's follower was.

{Is This The Best you can do?}

The Omega asked him while he took a step back for the first time.

by now the knight was panting,

"**Pant** What do you mean**Pant**"

{Aww...I Pity you, You gave your all but still can not handle a drawn out battle. Although it was due to your incomplete techniques still , this was disappointing.}

{I wanted to play with you longer but seems like there's no hope for that}

and in an instant the knight stopped in his place.

His heart was ripped out and was in the hand of Omega.

"I--I---I did not even feel it wh---while you..."

And with that the Duel Ended,

{ I would've loved to have a chat with you to know more about the world, but now I will have to extract information from your soul instead.}

And He crushed the Knight's heart and particles of light came out from the remains.

That was the soul.

He flicked his wrist towards his head and guided all the Soul Particles to his head.

{now let's do it the old fashioned way!,}

and he sat down crossed legged and started to meditate.


Inside The Omega's Soul space,


The Omega was re-living all of the knights memories to better understand how the world had become now.


Seems like the world has forgotten the existence of the Omega Dragon God.

It was now 1578 years since the Genesis Dragon God Created the world.

Means that The Omega was creating the God Engulfing prison World for 1366 years while being in the Sealed Mountain.

And Now the world thinks that Genesis is the one who created Death and controls it!

[I should Control my anger or the soul would be disrupted]

The world now worships Genesis as the sole god and Monsters reside in many parts of the world as unintelligent beings.

In order to counter the monsters,

All races except for Dragons, Descendants of dragons, Dragonoids and all kinds of demons.

use the power of Spirits to Cast Magic in order to become magicians.

They are ranked as :-












Although the highest rank a being who borrows power from the spirit has reached yet is the 6-circle rank.

and each rank is further divided into 9 stars.

While people who want to gain power without the support of spirits, train themselves to the extreme and awaken Aura.

Aura, Unlike Spirit affinity is not inherited but Gained.

And Mimics the color of the soul rather than that color of the element.

It is divided in:-

apprentice knight

Bronze knight

silver knight

gold knight

platinum knight

adamantine knight

knight commander

bronze general

silver general

gold general

platinum general

adamantine general

commander general

War lord

War King

War Emperor

War God.

each divided into 9 stars as well.

The hierarchy of the World Is now,.

The Genesis Church,

The Four Great Empires/ Four grand sects,

Seven Minor Empires/Five great sects,

Grade one countries/Nine Star sects,

Grade two countries/eight Star sects,

Grade Three countries/seven Star sects,

Grade four countries/six Star sects,

Grade Five countries/five Star sects,

Grade six countries/four Star sects,

Grade seven countries/three Star sects,

Grade eight countries/two Star sects,

Grade Nine countries/One Star sects.

[Man.,These people are too much, can't they just name a country. they need to rank them as well!]

By now Omega had acquired all the knowledge he needed about the changes that happened in his 1000 years of sealing.

[Now it's time too meet my worshipers, they need to know that I am back!]


Within his Half an hour of Meditation, Omega acquired all of the Knight's memories.

{Hmm...it is fascinating that now Other beings except for Dragons and Demons can wield magic and that they have developed a new power called aura!}

{Before Staging my return I need to do more research on this thing called Aura}.

After some inspection of the terrain in order to find the village his followers were at,

he gave up, after all he had destroyed mare than half of the Mountains in the range with his initial flick and the move he used to tear down the gate.

His Talon.

After some time he decided to take it old school .

He jumped down the newly created cliff .

And soon a Gigantic Dragon flew up!

His size almost like a whole mountain range.

His scales were black with a hint of violet around the edges.

two horns that were bent backwards were protruding from his head.

Each of his horns were about the size of a human village.

Using that Gigantic body of his he started flying .

keeping his Mana Senses open to identify his followers.

But with his Draconic body he did not need to waste any time and identified a little boy as his follower.

It was the same boy that he saw in the Knight's memories.

As soon as he knew that he was one of his people, he changed to his humanoid form, mid air and did not even choose to have wings in his humanoid form.

He started to fall down right beside the boy who was running errands,

He was falling at a very high speed and used voice transmission to notify the boy.

[{Hey kid, you might want to move to a different location, to become sure of where to go, look up.}]

The Boy was flustered, he never thought that someone would want to free fall from that height, even the elders of his dragon clan will hesitate to do a free fall.

But even as flustered as he was , he got out of the way and even got others to get outside of the drop zone,

and in another 2 minutes, a scaled humanoid figure came crashing down and created a large crater.

{**Loud Laugh** Ah.. After such a boorish fight, I really thought that I needed some fun, and boy was this free fall fun, it was awesome.**Laugh**}

All the people around the crater were Dumbstruck as the one who created such a crater, came out off it without a single scratch.

{Now,Now...Go away, Shoo mind your own business.}

And all the people started to go their own route as If following his orders.

[{Not you young man, we have so much to talk about}]

the Omega stopped the boy through voice transmission.

----To Be Continued.

Next Up,

The Dragon God has finally met one of his worshipers, but he looks a bit distressed,

find out more in:-

Edward, The Talentless Dragon.



by Alexander Lucifer

For Sun God Entertainment.

proofread By :- Suryanshu Mittal

Cleaner:- Anshul Gupta


the characters in this work are purely fictional,

any resemblance or similarities are coincidental.

Contact the author on Instagram :-

Alexander Lucifer :- @demon_g.o.d_

Sun God Entertainment :- @sun_god_entertainment.