
Starting Adventure

Chapter 4

Starting Adventure

I just finished cooking it when Goku returned, not a minute later with a larger fish. I explained basically we were going on a quest with her and she was going to borrow the ball.

Goku was a little confused but I just repeated the words Bulma used to motivate him in the canon "Staying here would be boring Goku! Men like us are supposed to travel around the world. Think of all the strong fighters we will get to fight little Brother" I appealed to his Saiyan Blood. I grabbed a big sharp cleaver knife and started working on the fish.

Goku's face lit up like a Christmas tree "Do you really think we can be as strong as Grandpa Huh, Baali" He asked me. Thinking about him going toe to toe with God of destruction I mutely nodded.

'That bastard is going to be very much powerful than Grandpa. And if I am lucky so will I' I mused

"You could even see oceans, a town full of people. It will be fun Goku" Bulma added her two-cents, feeling he was going to cave in.

"What is Ocean?" Goku asked naively.

"Think of it as a huge River" I answered him.

In the end, he agreed but on 1 condition "Okay I will go. It sounds like fun…. but I am holding to the ball" He said.

Thankfully Bulma agreed "Great it's decided then! I will just need it after we find the other balls" She said laughing creepily

Bulma seemed smug, and I bet it's cause she knows they're going to scatter when they're used. And she was exactly thinking that 'Mmuhuhuh after the wish is made, all the Dragon balls will scatter in a different direction so it doesn't matter in the end. It will teach Baali not to mess with me. Both kids will be perfect bodyguards in my quest'

While talking, I also started cooking the other fish so by the time we convinced Goku, the fish was ready "Excellent. Now with that settled, I believe that breakfast is ready" I told them.

"Likewise, so we're partners now. Something tells me things are going to be pretty interesting from here on in" She said with a small bounce in her voice.

'Young lady…you have absolutely no idea.' I thought while pouring the mixture and placing it on three different bowls. I could only imagine Bulma's expressions when she realizes the capabilities of us. I could also use this adventure to become close to Bulma.

'Sorry, Yamcha! You would have to find some other girl' I thought

In no time we start eating breakfast.

"This is really good. I didn't know you could make such good food" Bulma complimented me while eating the fish. I smirked at her and said, "I could make some tasty drink too".

"Oh, really you must make it when we are traveling. If it is any good as you say then I would even hire you as my cook" I sweat dropped when she didn't get my double meaning reply. My eyebrows twitched when she arrogantly made the offer. I had to hold back my erupting anger. I repeated to myself muttering under my breath "Don't hit her! Don't hit her! She is just a spoilt brat"

She 'did' learn that both Goku and I have a very large appetite. She couldn't stop looking at us as we finished the 1st fish in no time and started on the other fish when it was cooked.

When Goku was done I asked him to go inside and pack for the journey. It wasn't like we had anything to pack. Goku wore the same outfit every day whereas I had 2 outfits, I wore alternatively.

Goku wore an open blue GI secured with a white bow-tied obi over his waist, red wristbands, and dark blue Kung Fu shoes.

My outfit was essentially a black version of Goku's uniform. I wore an open black gi with a black belt on my waist, black wristbands, and black kung fu shoes. I also ordered him to pick our toothbrushes for the journey. He happily went inside to pack. Thankfully I had already bought a bag pack for this day.

When I was done, some meat was still left. Knowing we will be on the road and not wanting to waste any food I asked Bulma "Bulma do you have any storage device where we can store the meat"

She looked up from her Dragon Radar and nodded. With that, she took out a capsule from her box and threw it away. It enlarged to become a big white refrigerator. It was about 1.6 meters tall and 4 meters wide. It already contained some food. It was probably her ration storage. I stored the meat there and Bulma shrunk it down. Damn these capsules were handy. With that thought, I got a wonderful idea. I could ask some capsules for the favors. It would come in handy when I would be traveling the world.

Meanwhile, she also de-capsuled her broken car and stored it away in another one of the capsules. It was more like a warehouse. When she couldn't start/move her car, she asked me to move it to that warehouse.

"You know I could count this as a favor but as Goku was somewhat responsible for destroying that car, I will do this for free," I said and with that, I picked up the car and dropped it in the warehouse. It wasn't easy to walk while lifting it but I did it anyway.

This all happened in the morning. Sun was not even directly above us. I would say there were at least 2 hours before noon.

Knowing nobody was going to steal our stuff, we didn't even lock our house/hut. Even if somehow a thief stumbles upon the house, he wouldn't find anything worth stealing. Seriously we lived totally like hermits. Sure there were some things before but Goku crushed them with Grandpa while I was away. And I didn't have any money to buy them again.

Moreover, I spent all the money when I went to the city last year to buy some essentials. I found some money in the grandpa's pouch but they were also spent in buying some things like clothes, futons, shoes, some culinary and big jars of spices. You know the basic essentials. At the moment I didn't have any money with me.

Thinking for a bit, I went inside again and brought back our 2 futons for the journey and all of the spices with me. I had no intention of sleeping on the cold hard floor throughout the journey. Moreover, I also didn't want to eat bland food for the next few days. I gave one futon to Goku while I strapped my futon on my back. I also gave all the spices to Goku to carry.

We walked away from the house "Now then let's start our fun adventure" Bulma said excitedly.

Goku being ignorant asked her "But how are we going to search for the Balls if we don't know where they are?"

Bulma puffed up her chest showing her tits and said proudly "Huhuhuh! I have a reputation for my brains, you know"

"Although my face is cute too" / "Although your breasts are cute too" She and I said simultaneously. She blushed at my compliment muttering about little perverts. I don't know why but she didn't make any threats against me.

'Maybe I am wearing her down' I hoped

Still, she took out a circular device and explained "We will use this! This is a Dragon Radar. It's an invention of mine. It picks up subtle energy waves emitting from the Dragon Balls that we have. See these dots, they represent the 3 dragon balls that we have…..let's see….. The next one is here….approximately 1200 km to the west!"

Goku being clueless didn't get a single thing "? I don't get it".

"But I do" I chimed in feeling if Goku did the talking then she will think of me as dunce too.

"We can't just walk there though. Since you destroyed my car, I'll have to bring something else out… what number was it again? Ah! #9" She said ignoring us completely. I was a bit miffed about it but let it slide.

She took out a tube and threw it away. 'Boom' from the smoke cloud a bike came out of it. I already saw the capsule working before but it never gets old. I wanted to ask her how that actually works. But I don't think Bulma would tell the secret of her Father's company's success that easily. Moreover, I don't think that I would even understand it. The physics of this world would be totally different than my previous one.

Also, I didn't want to study anymore. I had my fill of that in my last life.

Goku was in the house packing his stuff when Bulma took out the refrigerator so he didn't see that. Once again he started sprouting about Goblin Magic nonsense and Bulma being a goblin.

She quickly became annoyed by Goku's antics as he was poking the Bike by the Power pole. She angrily said "I am not a Goblin. Everyone in the city uses Hoi-Poi capsules! Just hurry up and get on it! ...behind me you buffoon" She got angry when Goku sat in front of her.

"I'm afraid I don't have space for both of you," She said smirking at me. I looked behind Goku to see a very good amount of space. She probably thought that if I remain here then she can use Goku as she wishes. She probably noticed I was the smart one while he was the naïve one. She was correct to think but I wasn't going away that easily.

I waived my hand "No need, I prefer to run anyway" I said coolly and with that, I gave my futon to Goku as it would only hinder me. Carrying that futon would only slow me down. I would be able to run fast without the futon. I could use this adventure as a training experience with some perverted fun in between it. I wasn't planning on it but it could build up my leg muscle and stamina.

She looked at me like I was an idiot. "This bike can go over a hundred kilometers an hour"

"But you won't be able to drive at that speed safely on the mountain roads," I pointed out.

"But I will definitely take it up to 50 km per hour. You won't be able to keep up. It looks like Goku and I can only travel. You will have to wait here" She said with a smirk. Her smug face was really starting to annoy me.

I grinned to annoy her "I can keep up," I said in a firm tone.

Well, I can't but I am not going to admit it as it was really annoying her. The last time I checked, my top speed was 12 meters per second. That was a week before. Yes, you heard it right I could cover 100 meters in 8.33 seconds. Well, that was my best one. Sure it was superhuman fast according to normal human standards but in a world like the Dragon ball, it was a snail pace speed.

Moreover, I couldn't keep that speed all the time. My average speed would be somewhere around 40 kilometers per hour only and that too when I would be going fast.

Still, I would definitely try to keep up.

"Well be sure to keep up" She smirked at me and took off at high speed thinking I wouldn't be able to keep up and I was just boasting about it. I ran after her leaving the hut in the distance but her bike's speed was quite fast. Still, it wasn't that fast that I would lose sight of her.

And I did keep up with the bike. Well, barely but I wasn't going to show that to Bulma. Bulma watched in disbelief as I kept pace with her bike. My legs blurring as I ran faster than a sprinting cheetah.

I could hear Bulma scolding Goku for touching her inappropriately when Goku got scared by the speed of the bike and grabbed in breasts in fright. I felt like a fool for passing the opportunity to cope a feel of Bulma's budding breasts. That bastard was lucky. I only saw her boobs and he felt them.

'Well, it's in the past. I should focus on doing that in the future' I morosely thought. With that new vigor, I increased my speed. Well for a minute before coming back to 40 km per hour' speed.

"Wow. How the hell are you so fast?" Bulma asked about twenty minutes into our journey, after looking away from front to my direction.

"I train really hard," I said.

"Are you even human?" She asked

"Of course I am" I lied knowing I was a Saiyan. Why was she even talking to me? I need to conserve energy for running and with that, we silently took off continuing our adventure.


Day 1

10 am: Baali started the adventure with Bulma and Goku.


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 48+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (480+)
