
Dragon's Embrace: The Path of the Ascendant

The story follows the journey of Ryu Jin, a young man from a small village with an unwavering dream of becoming the strongest cultivator. His determination stems from a desire to protect his loved ones and bring honor to his family. Alongside him is Mei Ling, his childhood friend who secretly harbors deep feelings for him. As they navigate through rigorous training, perilous trials, and confrontations with dark forces, their bond is tested and strengthened.

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80 Chs

Chapter 28: Confronting the Spirit

That night, under the guidance of the inscriptions, they performed a ritual to summon the spirit of Mei Ling's ancestor. The air grew cold, and a spectral figure materialized before them, its eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

"Why have you summoned me?" the spirit asked, its voice echoing with centuries of pain.

Mei Ling stepped forward, her voice steady. "I am Mei Ling, your descendant. I seek to understand your actions and to lift the curse that has plagued our family."

The spirit's eyes softened. "My actions were born of desperation and fear. I sought forbidden knowledge to protect our family, but in doing so, I unleashed a darkness I could not control. I have regretted it ever since."

Ryu Jin joined Mei Ling, his presence a source of strength. "We seek forgiveness and understanding. Help us break this curse."

The spirit seemed to contemplate their words, its form flickering. "Forgiveness must come from within. You must prove your worthiness by facing the darkness I unleashed."

With those words, the ground beneath them shook, and a portal opened, leading to a shadowy realm filled with dark energy.