
Douluo: Shura Huo Yuhao

During the Soul Master Competition, Tang Hao looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him with horror in his eyes, "Monster! You are a monster!" Tang Hao, who was seriously injured and dying, had regret in his eyes, and cried to Tang San beside him, "Son! I was wrong! I shouldn't have messed with that terrifying monster!" Facing the disaster that swept the entire divine world, Huo Yuhao, the God of Emotions, followed the guidance and threw himself into the turbulence of time and space. He opened his eyes again and came to the starting point of all destiny. Here, he and Tang San stood on the same starting line. This time he will not let anyone hurt his companions, not even the God King! The road to the ultimate martial soul sublimation, Seize the opportunity to change your destiny. Rebirth to find the truth in Douluo Yi starts with inheriting the Shura divine throne. ***************** For those who want to read the original, the link is https://book.qq.com/book-detail/47298032 Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator.

Yukaropa · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Chapter 3 Admission

Two soul masters came out of the village. Old Jack wanted to have a good meal to celebrate, so he went to the town in the afternoon and bought two kilograms of meat.

Huo Yuhao went to the creek to catch some fish and invited Tang San to have dinner with him at home.

During the meal, Old Jack also proposed the idea of sending the two of them to study at the Soul Master Academy. Although the village only had one place for a work-study student, they could borrow another from the next village.

In the afternoon, he asked around and found that there were no children with innate soul power in the neighboring villages this year.

Innately full of soul power!

He is also a genius among geniuses among soul masters. If there is another soul saint in the village, it will be enough to brag about for a lifetime.

If you go one step further and the village is renamed Douluo Village, Fenghao Village or something like that, it will be like smoke rising from the ancestral graves.

"Grandpa, what will you do if I leave?"

Huo Yuhao was a little worried about Old Jack.

Old Jack glared, "I'm not too old to move yet."

"Yu Hao, being able to become a soul master is a big deal. The glory is endless. From now on, you will be a master. If you really can't worry about me, old man, just come back and see me more often after the holidays."

Huo Yuhao understood the expectations of the older generation for the children. Even though he was a little reluctant to part with his grandfather, he still nodded and agreed to Old Jack's proposal.

Tang San said that he would ask his father's opinion when he returned.

Old Jack was anxious about this, "Can that guy Tang Hao still disagree? This is a good opportunity. In other villages, two or three villages share one quota."

"No, I will tell Tang Hao about this in person."

After saying that, he pulled Tang San towards his home.

Not long after, Huo Yuhao saw Old Jack coming back with a sigh and realized that the result was not so good.

However, Huo Yuhao didn't pay too much attention. Tang San's experience in Shrek's previous life was well known to everyone, and things would definitely turn around.

Although the purpose is to compete with Tang San for the divine position, he will not interfere with Tang San's choice, nor will he cause trouble, which is something he does not bother to do.

Even in an open competition, Huo Yuhao believed that he had an advantage.

For him, being able to go to the Soul Master Academy is also a good choice.

It would give him more freedom. After all, he still had to find a chance to go to the Star Dou Forest to look for Brother Tianmeng.

Secondly, he can also start making some items using the soul tools from his previous life and sell them to make some money.

Just like that, the day came when Old Jack sent the two of them to school, and Tang Hao really agreed to Tang San going to Notting College.

Along the way, Old Jack seemed to have endless things to say and kept giving instructions to the two of them.

"When you two become soul masters, you will become masters. You can receive monthly subsidies from the Spirit Hall, and your life will improve a lot. I heard that if you become a great soul master like Deacon, it will be even better. It's a sight to behold."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. It turned out that the policies of Douluo Continent ten thousand years later were already in place at this time.

'Isn't there any record in the academy in the previous life? What is recorded is that Wuhun Palace launched a continental war, which devastated all living beings. They were defeated by the Shrek Seven Monsters, and the world was liberated. '

Huo Yuhao glanced at Tang San. In his previous life, he couldn't understand what happened ten thousand years ago, but now that he has come to this era, he can witness everything with his own eyes.

The distance between Holy Soul Village and Notting City is not far. After half a day of running around, a few people could already see the city wall from a distance.

The guard made an inquiry and waved his hand to indicate passage. Just like that, an old man and two young children entered the city.

Old Jack was also here for the first time. He took his two children and asked passers-by several times before arriving at the gate of the college.

There is a tall rock arch with an iron gate below, and the words "Notting College" in the middle, which looks very majestic.

Even such a remote academy looks rich and wealthy, which shows how high the social status of a soul master is.

"This is where I will stay for six years."

Huo Yuhao felt a little emotional. In his previous life, he never went to the Junior Soul Master Academy and practiced on his own in the Duke's Mansion.

I went to Shrek Academy when I was eleven years old. Looking at the name of the academy in front of me, I couldn't help but look forward to my life in the academy.

As they approached the door, the young man guarding the door stopped in front of them. He looked a little contemptuous after seeing their clothes.

Old Jack walked up and said something with a smile, took out the certificate and gave it to him. The young man looked at it for a few times and still said something sarcastically.

Huo Yuhao was a little far away and couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't look like the words were good.

Seeing that Old Jack's face was a little angry, he turned around and led them out, saying.

"Let's go find the deacon of the Wuhun branch. I believe he can give us justice."

Huo Yuhao also understood what happened. He never expected that he would encounter such a thing, that a small concierge could be so snobbish.

Looking back, his eyes were so cold that he couldn't help but make the concierge shiver and his legs trembled a little.

With the mental power of a god king, Huo Yuhao's look is not something ordinary people can resist.

The concierge had already believed that the proof was true, and was about to say something to save the situation when he heard another voice.

"Guys, please stay. What happened here? Can you tell me?"

When the concierge saw the person coming, his expression changed and he said flatteringly, "Master, you are back."

When Huo Yuhao heard the name of the concierge, he also looked at the visitor, a little surprised. The man was of medium build, a little thin, and looked to be in his forties or fifties.

It is slightly different from the statue of Shrek Academy in the previous life, but the outline can also be seen, "Is this the master?"

Old Jack saw that this was a big shot and immediately handed over the martial arts certificate while telling what happened just now.

The man looked at the two certificates and nodded slightly.

"It's proven to be true, old sir. I apologize to you on behalf of the college. Let me bring these two children in."

Seeing that the big shot actually apologized to him, Old Jack's face turned red and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"No need to apologize, no need to apologize, it's all a trivial matter, master. Then I'll leave these two children to you. Mistress Yuhao, please be obedient and don't cause trouble when you go in."

Huo Yuhao thanked the master and still looked at the founder of Shrek Academy in front of him.

The master felt Huo Yuhao's naked gaze and was a little confused. Does this child know me?

Tang San also nodded and secretly retracted his sleeve arrows.

After watching Old Jack leave, the master glanced at the concierge. After a few words of instruction, the concierge laughed apologetically and led the two of them toward the college.

It's just a trivial incident, there is no need to waste time with this kind of person.

Along the way, Tang San took the initiative to chat a lot with the master. Huo Yuhao followed suit and had no intention of interrupting.

When he heard the master say that Tang San was a twin martial spirit, he nodded silently.

'The records of the master in the previous life are not groundless, and the research on martial arts is indeed very profound. '

Although I could see that the master was deliberately showing off and wanted Tang San to become his disciple, his knowledge was indeed very advanced. Although there were many loopholes, the general direction was right.

'His knowledge has indeed laid the foundation for many theories ten thousand years later, but calling himself a master and firmly believing in his own theories is a bit too conceited. '

Huo Yuhao, who had been with Tang San for decades in the God Realm, naturally knew that Tang San was not just a simple blue silver grass martial spirit. It could be said that the master's decision to reveal that Tang San had a second martial spirit had a lot to do with luck.

It's a pity that people in later generations still regard there are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters as classics.

Huo Yuhao shook his head slightly, recalling Tang Ya in his previous life, who was the miserable person poisoned by these words.

Unable to face up to his own mediocrity, as a sect leader, he was unwilling to accept his low talent. He eventually became possessed and became an evil soul master, only to be rescued a few years later.

Looking back now, what Huo Yuhao feels most distressed about is Senior Brother Beibei.

While the master was telling Tang San his theory, he secretly paid attention to Huo Yuhao's expression. Seeing his expressionless face, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Doesn't he understand the value of my ten theories? Which soul master can remain calm after seeing my theory?

Seeing that Huo Yuhao was not interested in his theory, the master could only stop relying on theory to calm the minds of the two of them, and focus on explaining to Tang San. He could win over each other.

The master's speech was not fast and easy to understand. After listening to the master's explanation of the origin of the mutated martial spirit, Tang San also realized how powerful the master was. He took a step back, immediately knelt down on his knees, kowtowed three times, and begged the master. The master was naturally happy to accept him as his disciple.

When Tang San stood up, the master glanced at Huo Yuhao with some expectancy in his eyes.

Your good friends are all impressed by my theory and become my disciples, how about you?

The master imagined the scene where two geniuses with innate soul power would become his disciples.

Tang San also opened his mouth to persuade.

"Yu Hao, the master is very knowledgeable. Just what he said just now has benefited me a lot. Do you want to become a disciple as well? I believe that the master's guidance can help us avoid many detours."

Huo Yuhao saw that he was suddenly being involved. He came back to his senses and looked into the master's expectant eyes. He recalled Yi Lao and Mu En who taught him in his previous life, and shook his head with a smile.

"I have seen the master's knowledge, but I am not particularly interested in theoretical knowledge, so I might as well forget about becoming a disciple."

"Apprenticeship is all about mutual consent. If this classmate doesn't want to, I won't force him."

Although the master was a little regretful, Huo Yuhao's words were very tactful and he would not be angry because of it. He had also received the gift of twin martial souls and did not value Huo Yuhao that much.

He believed that under his guidance, Tang San would quickly widen the gap between him and Huo Yuhao, and then Huo Yuhao would realize how wrong his choice was.

 (End of this chapter)