
Chapter 14 - Soul Core and Arrival in Soutuo City

Mao clan clan master household, the whole house is currently so quiet, unlike normal days, where Xingyun and Bao'er's battle sounds resonates with the surroundings, but this didn't surprise the married couple Mao Feng and Mao Juan because Xingyun is still asleep and Bao'er might currently just be jogging around the town, but they suddenly felt a bad feeling when Bao'er didn't turn up for breakfast, because no matter how much she overworks herself with training she never skips the only time of the day where the whole family is together.

The couple asked their servants to find Bao'er around the village and take her back home while they asked another servant to search if Bao'er is in her room. A couple minutes later the servant tasked with checking the bedroom came back to the dining room and panicky said, "Clan Master! Madam! young miss isn't in her room but her window is open and some of her clothes is missing!".

"What?!! Did she leave the clan? Call the three grand elders, tell them Bao'er packed up and left the clan", Mao Feng said trying to keep himself composed while Mao Juan directly ran to Bao'er's bedroom and saw what exactly the servant said she saw then absent-mindedly stood at the doorway of the room.

Mao Feng saw his wife in this state and hugs her, which made Mao Juan cry on his shoulders, "Feng'er what did I do wrong? Why did she leave?".

Mao Feng comforted her, "No, don't be so pessimistic maybe she has a reason why she left, let's wait for father, father-in-law and mother to come here, maybe we can still find her", he said and true to his words the three grandparents almost broke down the door of the house because they're rushing to come here and check the situation, which surprised the couple but when they saw who came they felt slightly relieved.

"What happened? Bao'er left?", grandpa Chen said, his voice is a bit shaky, then checked Bao'er's room and became dumbfounded, it came as a shock for him that his granddaughter really left without saying a word, then he questioned himself if he had done something wrong that made Bao'er leave the clan.

"I fear that Bao'er isn't the only one who left, I don't feel a presence in Yun'er's room at all", at this moment everyone heard grandma Huifen said and simultaneously shouted "Yun'er" and scrambled to reach his room. Like Bao'er's room, Xingyun's room's window is also open and his cabinet is rummaged and only a few clothes is left but unlike Bao'er's room, in Xingyun's room they saw a note and a book on his nightstand. Grandpa Chen picked the note up then read the contents to everyone.

"Dear mother, father, uncle, grandpas and grandma; The black lights that I see, signifying misfortune surrounding everyone is just getting increasingly darker and darker everyday that goes by, I just can't sit still anymore, so I decided that I'll take a risk and go out into the world to find allies for our Mao clan and change it's fate, I'm not sure if I can take Bao'er with me but if in the small chance that she accepts to accepts my offer for her to come with me, you don't have to worry cause I won't let anyone hurt her even if I sacrifice my life for it. You don't have to search for us because I made sure that you guys couldn't follow us because I've prepared for this for many years now, and you can't stop my resolve to do something for our clan, because I don't want to lose it and most importantly lose my only family. The book I left is a thing I learned from my superior bloodline when I awakened, but I dare not tell you guys about it because the consequences of failing to do it is so high that there is a chance it might kill you guys, but like they always say 'desperate times calls for desperate measures'. What's written in the book can in the best case scenario help grandpa Chen and grandpa Fang breakthrough past rank 97 and reach rank 98 or make them stronger and have more advantage compared to others of similar rank and in the worst case scenario destroy them. I hope that the next time I see you guys, the black light surrounding the village is already resolved by us and brilliant golden lights once again returns to the Mao clan village".

After hearing what the letter's content is the whole family became relieved but at the same still worried for the well-being of the 2 youngsters then grandpa Chen and grandpa Fang's eyes landed on the book and picked it up to read it. When they finished reading it, all the adults in the room is shocked, "This... this so called soul core is revolutionary!", grandpa Chen finally broke the silence that enveloped the room.

"Yeah! Yun'er never really fails to surprise, I thought I'm never gonna be more surprised of him than I already am, but this tops everything!", grandma Huifen said. "It's just sad that Feng'er and Juan'er can't form their first soul core anymore and it's unlikely that Xiao Li can form one before he turns 40", she added.

"Yeah, I agree with you but I also agree with Yun'er's decision to not tell us this when he awakened because Juan'er would be likely fail to condense a soul core and suffer consequences from it", grandpa Fang said which grandma Huifen agreed to.

"Feng'er, Juan'er don't worry about the two kids, they know how to protect themselves and I know it, we gotta believe in them, because maybe, just maybe they can really change the fate of our clan.", grandpa Chen said, which made the couple relaxed and hope that their kids will really succeed in their venture, they can't step out of the village at the moment along with the 3 grandparents, because they are likely being monitored by their enemies at the moment, unlike the two kids because they know that Xingyun can escape from anyone following them because of his first Destiny Cat spirit ring, in short Xingyun and Bao'er is the last hope of the clan. "Don't do anything for the time being and close down our village, me and old Fang will enter seclusion to try and condense our soul cores, I'm sorry Huifen I'll leave the village in your hands for now while we are in seclusion", grandpa Chen assigned tasks to everybody first before walking out of the house with grandpa Fang to enter seclusion.


While their family in Mao clan is panicking and wondering why Bao'er left, Xingyun and Bao'er finally reached Suotuo City after painstakingly escaping from all the people following them, when they reached Suotuo City they immediately went to the nearest inn and bought two rooms to stay in the whole day, the moment they reached their bed they instantly fell asleep, the whole journey they have been so on edge that the moment they felt safety they collapsed.

The next day, Xingyun and Bao'er woke up early and also checked out of the inn early. "Brother what will we do here in Soutuo City?", Bao'er asked, she still had no idea what they came here for.

"We will enroll in Shrek Academy who only accepts monsters and maybe we can find talents their we can invite to our clan to bolster Mao clan's strength", Xingyun said a half truth and a half lie.

"Sounds good, I hope we can really meet and invite someone strong from there, it's a good start for our goal", Bao'er expectantly said.
