
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Chapter 11: Sad Worm

9 years later

In the past 9 years many things happened

The Shrek Academy won the Continental Championship with ease with the leadership of Tian Meng, a 20 year old (that time) Titled Douluo all of the other schools they met was crushed the dominated all of their fight and achieved the championship easily

That Shrek 7 devils that time was Zhu Tian Meng, Bing Bing, Bi Ji, Ma Xiao Tao, Zhang Lexuan, Han Ruo Ruo and Wu Ming, Ma Xiao Tao was the youngest member of the team that time, she was 18 years old with a cultivation of Rank 58 Soul king, Bing Bing and Bi Ji are Both rank 88 Soul Douluo and Tian Meng was a rank 95 Hyper Douluo when the contestant heard about it they protested but after a series of test their protest was trashed because the age of Tian Meng, Bing Bing and Bi Ji is 20 years old in the end the Shrek won the championshiop easilly

Xingdu Forest

Outer Region

Tian Meng is together with Bei Bei and Tang Ya, the three of them are travelling the forest together

Tian Meng saw them by chance, so he joined them he dont have anything to do after all

"Senior Brother I didnt thougth that we can meet you here" Bei Bei said, Bei Bei and Tian Meng have a close relationship after all this kid lived with him for 7 years know he was 16 years old and Tian Meng was 22

"So this is your girlfriend Bei Bei? Not bad, looks like the techniques I teached to you are not wasted at all" Tian Meng said as he looked at Tang Ya, Tang Ya blushed heavily because she was being stared by Tian Meng also the tought of bei bei and him being together made her blush even more

"So what are you two here for?" Tian Meng asked

"Were here to hunt for Tang Ya's 3rd spirit ring" Bei Bei said

"Oh congratulations then, Tang Ya? So she is the Clan Master of Tang Sect, wow Bei Bei really hit the jackpot with you little sister" Tian Meng said

"But our Tang sect is not that Good like in the past anymore, everything was lost, righg now only me and Bei Bei are the members" Tang Ya said

"Dont worry members will arrive when you never expect them to appear" Tian Meng said and they continued to search the forest until they smell something good

"Someone is grilling a fish" Tian Meng said as Tang Ya quickly dashed towards where the smell is coming

Then they saw a blue haired boy about 12 years old who is grilling a fish, Tang Ya is already beside him while eating his fish

When Tian Meng saw the kid and appraised him he was surprised,

' spirit body? In his eyes?'

Tian Meng's interest was piqued when he saw the kid

"Oh big Brother do you want some fish too?" The kid said

The four of them sat down near the fire, Tang Ya was busy talking with the kid

"This is the first time we meet, little brother my name is Bei Bei, that Lady is Master Xiao Ya, and this is Senior Tian" Bei bei said

"My name is Huo Yuhao" the kid said

"Kid you have a nice control in fire, your eyes are special right?" Tian Meng asked

"Yes Senior, my spirit essence is my eyes" He said

"Wow, you're very lucky,body spirit essence are weak in the beggining but as you grow stronger, your eyes will get stronger too, your here to search for a spirit ring right? As my thanks for letting me eat your fish, I'll help you hunt your first spirit ring" When Yuhao heard that he was shocked, even Bei Bei and Tang Ya was surprised, after that Tian Meng and Yuhao left to hunt his first spirit ring

"I wonder what senior brother saw in that kid" bei bei said, there was a lot of people who wants to get help from his senior brother to help them hunt spirit beast but he rejected their request only a few people can get his help

"I didnt know you are closed with the Ice Sword Douluo" Tang Ya said

"We shared the same room and he took care of me when I was young, come on lets search for your spirit beast too" Bei Bei said and the two of them left too

Tian Meng is walking with Yuhao they headed inside Xingdou forest

"Wow theres a lot of threes in here" Yuhao said as he looked around suddenly a spirit beast attacked him, but before the spirit beast got near him the spirit beast became an ice statue

"Always remember, when you are inside the forest you must be carefull, lets go Yuhao this monkey is just a 10 year old spirit beast you dont need this" Tian Meng said, he was looking for a hundred year old spirit beast like a Golden Bee Queen who excels in mental attacks

Suddenly Tian Meng felt something moving under the ground

"Yuhao step back" He said as the ground cracked Tian Meng got ready, and he hid Yuhao in his back

"I never expected that a million year old spirit beast really exist in this world, but you came to the wrong person to provoke" Tian Meng said and Yuhao saw something he will never forget in his whole life, 9 spirit rings 2 black,1 red, 2 gold, 4 Blue, a black sword came out as everything in near them became frozen

The spirit beast suddenly stopped when he saw the man

"Stop! I'm not here to battle you human, I'm here to strike a deal with the kid" The spirit beast said

"Hm? Really then? Okay" Tian Meng said as he unsummoned his sword and the pressure disappeared Yuhao was dumbstruck

1st he saw 9 spirit rings, and this big brother looks like he was just 20 years old, a 20 years old titled douluo?

2nd in front of them is a Million years old spirit beast? Jusg what is happenimg to his life

"The truth is this kid and me are compatible, and I want to be his spirit ring, the first ever intelligence spirit rimg in the whole douluo dalu" The spirit beast said

"Hmm, but you have to place a seal om your body to do it" Tian meng said then he nodded, after that Yuhao and The worm talked and Yuhao agreed, as they are about to fuse a strong fluctuation of power was released in the forest, and Yuhao fell down on the ground

After a while Bei Bei and Tang Ya arrived

"Senior what Happened?" Bei Bei asked

"This kid excitedly overused his spirit skill, he exhausted himself" Tian Meng said as he placed Yuhao beside a three

After a few hours Yuhao woke up, and he found The others sitting while guarding him

"Oh your awake, why did you even use your ability, in the future dont over use it or this will happen again" Tang Ya said, Yuhao was quick to follow and he just nodded

'Looks like senior Tian Meng said something to them already' Yuhao said in his mind

After that Tang Ya invited Yuhao to join Tang sect so he can join shrek academy, in the end he joined and the 4 of them hunted for Tang Ya's 3rd spirit ring

After a while they finally found a spirit beast for Tang Ya its a 1000 years old romanti snake

"This snake is good for your girlfriend Bei Bei dont let it escape" Tian Meng said, and the two blushed

The fight between Bei Bei and the snake was intense, Yuhao used his new spirit ability to assist bei bei, and they was surprised when they saw rhe ability, a yellow spirit ring can be seen on Yuhao's side it was his spirit skill

With the help of Yuhao the Snake was quickly deafeated and Tang Ya started to absorb it

While Tang Ya is absorbing the ring Bei Bei teached Yuhao the special techniques of Tang Sect, when Tang Ya woke up she was very happy he hugged Bei Bei, she forgot that there are other people with them

When she saw Tian Meng and Yuhao she hurriedly pushed Bei Bei and she turned away

"Dont mind us, you two can continue" Tian Meng said while smilling, Bei Bei was embarassed too, he just smiled and scratched his head

The four decided to camp out for the night, as they were outside the forest every body slept well that night Yuhao and Daydream talked

"I never saw those spirit rings before, specially those blue colored ones, and he have 2 gold spirit rings too, that means he have 2, million years old spirit ring and his ice powers are very insane, he can even freeze a spirit beast like me, if I didnt talked that time I'll probably die" Daydream said to Yuhao

"That is senior brother Tian Meng the Ice Sword Douluo, Brother Bei Bei said that he was the strogest among all of titled douluo now" Yuhao said

"I never met a human that strong before, in the future we must not provoke him, not until we became stronger than him" Daydream said

"But brother daydream, Senior Brother Tian Meng is a good person why would I provoke him?" Yuhao said, and Daydream just nodded, the truth is he was just scared to Tian Meng, the two of them have the same name too

"Okay you can go to sleep now" he said and Yuhao nodded

The morning came and Tian Meng and the others arrived at Shrek, when they are the gate, Yuhao was shocked again, three kindom toppling beauties are waiting in the gate of shrek, one of them have long red hair and red eyes, she was wearing a long black dress thats really suit her, and she was covering her lower face with a black cloth mask, next to her is a lady like a goddess, she have a holy aura around her, she was wearing a simple white shirt that have the words SUPPORT on it, and black jeans she had light green hair and green eyes, the third one is a ice beauty, her face is as white as snow and her aura is ice cold too, she is wearing a simple green shirt and blue jeans,her eyes are jade in color and she was reading a book

When Bei Bei saw the ladies he smiled

"Senior looks like the senior sisters are waiting for you" he said to Tian Meng

"I already told them to wait for me inside the school this 3 are really doing this on purpose" Tian Meng said as he sighed

"Then I'll go, Yuhao goodluck, Bei bei and Tang Ya will helo you register as for me, my girls are here, they will kill me of I wont go to them,see you later" Tian meng said and he walked of, Inside Yuhao's Mind there is a problem, daydream worm became depressed when he saw the lady with a green hair and jade like eyes

"Brother are you okay?" Yuhao said

"Bing Bing my love already chose another guy" he said as he cried like a kid