
- Full of Surprises

Everyone paused. They looked straight into the titans eyes only to see an endless blue sea looking back at them.

After they finally calmed down another thing came to mind, this Titan had just called the old man 'gramps' and while not weird for adults to say this, it seemed weird hearing it from a 10meter tall giant.

No one said a thing, they just slowly moved into a defensive formation, not sure as to what this Titan would do if angered. Just before everyone was in position they heard Chloe say "Uncle why are you so big?"

Once again everyone froze, the old man grabbed Chloe and pulled her behind him. While the group did this the Titan sat up and while doing so it's eyes became round with shock both from Chloe's question and his view of the group.

"Uncle? But I'm only six? And I think this is what my aunt told me about, hold on a sec I'll sort it" replied the Titan with a saddened look upon mentioning his aunt. Before anyone could do anything, the giant closed his eyes and concentrated. Within the span of a second it began to shrink 10m to 8m, 8m to 5m, until finally stopping at 3m tall.

The group for the third time this day where shocked and had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time it would happen.

While everyone focused on the titans size the old man remembered what it said -Uncle? But I'm only six...- while he could some what except the giant size it made no sense that it was six.

Sitting on the ground now back to a 'normal' size the once Titan now opened its eyes and said "....so who are you guys?" The group all quickly picked their jaws up off the ground and the old man answered for them "I'm the Holy Domain Douluo, En Ci and this is my group, we've come to look for an icicle glass herb. What about you child?" When En Ci said this the group all put on proud expressions expecting this once Titan to be shocked this time instead of them.

"My names Coldin and if senior needs to find the herb I can lead you there. Also senior can you ask sister to stop it now, it's starting to bug me" said Coldin as he slowly got to his feet stretching only to hear all his joints pop, the sound reverberating through the air like war drums.

Chloe was quick to act and retrieved her spirit, absorbing it back into her hand. While she did this the old man looked at Coldin and smiled liking the fact that he didn't bow down upon hearing he was a douluo, while the group once again where shocked but this time both Ma and Ro just stayed the same seemingly having already built a tolerance to the weirdness of Coldin.

"Child if you could show us to the herb it would be deeply appreciated but I've got a question, what are you doing out here in the first place?" Asked En Ci, this time everyone was putting on a stony face not willing to be shocked by this child again.

"Well I've lived out here for as long as I can remember and today I unlocked my spirit so that explains why I was just laying there" Coldin looked around taking notice of the dome and the raging snow outside "did senior do this? And should we get moving?"

Nodding En Ci explained "yes it's part of my ability but I think we should rest first as I can't keep the barrier up while moving so we won't get anywhere in this storm" suddenly a question appeared in En Ci's mind "child if you don't mind me asking what is your spirit? And how come you didn't make yourself smaller?"

Coldin looked at the old man, staring him in the eyes trying to judge his intentions. One of the things his aunt told him about humans is that it was natural to keep secrets and not to trust anyone without a reason.

Seeing Coldin staring at him, En Ci didn't budge and just looked back. Coldin sighed and said "my spirits a bit weird. When I unlocked it I gained a full understanding in it but it isn't what causes my height. My spirit is called Beasts Covenant and well it's weird....as for why I'm still this big turns out I can only revert my height back to the moment before I awoke my spirt"

En Ci was confused, he'd never heard of a spirit by this name not even in rumour. While he was pondering this the rest of the group looked at each other. A 3m tall six year old? This was unheard of. Sure a persons spirit could effect their body but never to this extent and this wasn't even taking into consideration that the spirit apparently had nothing to do with his growth.

Coldin looked at his right arm and sighed again, closing his eyes and remembering the last five or so years he spent with his aunt.

Suddenly his arm began to shimmer a faint blue colour and his nails grew longer and sharper while a vambrace of stunning silver appeared with delicate carvings of clouds and a moon etched onto its surface. Coldin suddenly open his eyes slashing down with his claws at the ground. The snow ruptured leaving a deep gash only to display an ice cold herb of stunning beauty below.

No one expected Coldin to do this, not even En Ci, they all stood looking at his arm two words constantly running through their minds -spirit bone-

I was wondering if you guys and gals would like me to make a ‘status’ for Coldin. This won’t be used in anyway for the story but will have info on him like an explanation of his spirit and some other stuff. Also if I did this would you want it to be only what you know so far or contain what I have planned?

Finally, I’m going to aim for at least one guaranteed chapter a day with probably two from Monday - Friday all released at 12am/noon.

Let me know what you think so far :P

KuxLikesNovelscreators' thoughts